Thread: JIESEL - Test E and Deca Log
04-15-2008, 09:11 AM #41
So I'v never taken Test or Deca before....should I expect another explosion of strength from the Test come week 6? Right now I'd assume all my strength gains have been from the Drol since I'm only in the middle of week 3 currently.
04-18-2008, 12:58 PM #42
You will really start to feel the test around 6-7 weeks. I cheat and frontload so I feel it strong @ 2 weeks but hang in there.
I looked at your log and have some comments. Please don't feel offended but you are cheating yourself out of the best part of your cycle. Let's look at this for example:
1. Flat Barbbell Bench Press
2. Smith Machine - Decline Bench Press
315x2 (Needed Spot on Last Rep)
3. Incline Dumbbell Press
100x6 (Spot Assisted for Form) The strength was there to press them but getting them up and in place is a whole nother story, 100's are another ball game.
How do your shoulders feel? I must say that I NEVER use the Olympic bar to bench press with, it is way too hard on your shoulders and it allows you to cheat. Switch up to DB's , you will need to back up on the weight. Only use what you can press 10 times, then always increment upwards (5 or 10 pounds per side) get 10 more, then increment up and get 10 more. If you are working hard enough you won't be able to go up again and get 10 more reps. You will gain strength and size this way. If you can't get 10 + 10 + 10 start out lower in weight. If you only get 8 on the first set, stay with the same weight and get the 10 on the next set, then move up. Skip the ego set (In your case the 245x2) and move on th the next exercise. You should adopt this for every single set of every single body part and you will GROW and get a shitload stronger by doing it.
Man, forget that pyramid low rep crap, that is not your friend and is only for the posers. If once every 2 months or so you want an ego day like that to see how bad assed you are, go for it, if for nothing else than to shock your muscles, but believe me, at this stage of your game, use what will give you the most bang for your effort.
Use DB's instead of a flat (oly) bar as often as possible but I'm not saying not to use the flat bar at all. Here is what I recommend as an example of a decent bicep workout, done AFTER training chest. You can DB standing or inclined seated curls (don't swing the DB's) then go to the flat bar and nail a set of curls or 21's, then do a set of standing or seated hammers, then go to the cables or Preacher or concentrations. You can also superset the hammers in with the seated incline curls for a little more intensity or if you are running short on time. Tell me you don't get a good pump from a bi workout like that. You should be a sweating nasty mofo by the time you are 1/2 way done and by the end you should be ready to puke. No lie man, intensity and more reps (as outlined above) will do you way more good than ego lifting like you have been doing. I'm not here to dis you brother, only to help you out. Hit each body part with 5 or more exercises every time you train it. That is at least 15 sets x 10 reps per body part, and you only get 1/2 hour to get that done. Better get busy, you got alot of work to do in the next hour.....
04-18-2008, 08:25 PM #43
Thanks for all the advice man, I like what your sayin and previous to the cycle I trained similar to that, as where Week 1 - High Reps, Less Weight. Week 2 - Low Reps, High Weight. I would go back and forth doing this and It seemed to work great. Now I'm slightly confused though because after research and everything I'v read up until this point, Lift Heavy = Get Big. In theory what I'm doing, If I can do 80's for 10 Reps I'm gonna build less mass then doing 100's for 6 Reps? Am I on to something? Gonna do some more research on that, what I'm doing now seems to be working well but you'v def got some great points and I plan to make use of your comments. Thanks.
PS - Shoulders are great, their pry my strongest bodypart at this point. And I'm noticing crazy recovery time, I rarley feel sore anymore after a hard heavy workout.
04-18-2008, 08:32 PM #44
By the way I apologize for not updating Weds or Thurs, Weds was a weak leg day and I wasnt feeling 100%, I half assed a few workouts did some cardio and went home. That was my first official "off my game" day. Thurs was a normal BI and TRI day and I plan on going to the gym tom for Back. Took the day off today and rested. Glad to see others are watchin, with the lack of comments I didnt think anyone was out there.
04-18-2008, 09:55 PM #45
I'm a watchin'
Hi Dude,
I'll be doing a Test E, Decca & dbol cycle later this year so I'm following with interest.
Currently on my 2nd dbol only cycle.
Good Luck!
04-19-2008, 12:17 PM #46Senior Member
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Lol Jiesel im out there. I been keepin track. I always look at a few when i go to update mine. Keep it up.
Stregnth Gains?
04-19-2008, 12:42 PM #47
Strength is great....I still dont think I'v pushed my self 100% yet though. I have two gym partners, one knows, the other doesnt, he thinks I'v all of a sudden broken past my previous plateau of 215-225 bench range. I feel like I could get away with 265-285 for 1 rep now but havent tried that yet.
Weight is eh, on the 16th day I reported being 220 even and up 15.5lbs, well today is day 21 and I am only at 224 as of this morning, and I'v been slightly flucuating between the 221-224 range in the past 3-4 days. I feel like I'v hit a wall with weight gain, I can either up my cals or wait and gain another few lbs of solid muscle. Either way I'm up 19.5lbs in 3 full weeks so I'm happy. I'd be happy with 25lbs gained, and after PCT I'd hope to have gained around 18lbs. My main concern is keeping the strength.
04-19-2008, 04:19 PM #48
Saturday 4/19 @ 4:30PM - BACK
1. Double Lat Pull Downs - ISO Hammer Machine
140x10 = 1 45's and 1 25 per side
230x10 = 2 45's and 1 25 per side
270x8 = 3 45's per side
2. ISO Lateral Row Machine
180x10 ISO R and L
180x10 ISO R and L
180x10 ISO R and L
3. Cable Close Grip Seated Row
4. Widegrip Lat Bar Pulldowns
85x10 Behind Head
100x10 Behind Head
85x10 Infront Head
100x10 Infront Head
The my partner today wanted me to try some weird back/chest shyt, I wasnt to in to that. It was like a push-up on dumbbells then pull the dumbbell up like a rowing motion. Did a few sets, not my thing.
04-21-2008, 11:09 AM #49
Monday 4/21 @ 10:00AM - SHOULDERS
1. Smith Machine - Military Press (Front Overhead)
2. Dumbbell Shoulder Press
85lbsx6 (Spot Assisted, Almost passed out after this set)
3. Front Cable Vertical Rows
4. Barbbell Shrugs
04-22-2008, 08:57 AM #50
Tuesday 4/22 @ 9:30AM - CHEST
1. Flat Barbbell Bench Press
2. Incline Dumbbell Press
3. Cable Fly's
-3 Set of 10 Reps
04-22-2008, 06:36 PM #51
04-22-2008, 06:38 PM #52
04-22-2008, 07:46 PM #53
04-22-2008, 07:50 PM #54
Next week bro next week. I'll train chest somewhat dif with more reps next week. Yea this is all I did today , believe It or not I was quite exhausted, I get worn out in the gym pretty quick, 3-4 Exercises and I'm good but I'd say I'm ending my last set with 90-95% of my max. What would you like to see out of a chest day? I usually only train in the 6-8 Rep range. I could obviously train higher with less weight but I'm aiming to add strength and mass from this cycle.
Ya I might be able to help. You wana group up your mucsles. Say chest & tricept, back& bicept Shoulders& Traps Leggs & calfs. abs when ever
Now for the good stuff
Let's take back and bicept I would go 4 to 6 excersizes for each, and four sets starrting with low weight working to heavy. But allways keepin in 8 to 10 rep range. I use this for on cycle only. So you should be working out 5 days on 2 days off. Try to put your days off in the the middle and try NOT to take them off together. Oh al so I do burnouts . At the end of my group say chest. i will pick a light weight and do 4 sets of 20 to get max pump. This IS an arnold principal. Some may say this work out is over training and some will say spot on. Your body will decide. One thing is for sure you WILL see result fast with this work out. Good Luck.
04-23-2008, 09:12 AM #56
Alright thanx, I'm leaving tonight for a business conference but when I return I will have changed up my routine, starting Monday.
I'm thinking now,
Mon - Legs and Calfs
Tues - Chest and Triceps
Weds - Off
Thurs - Shoulders and Traps
Friday - Back and Bicep
Saturday - Light Chest and Abs
Sunday - Off
I'll pry do 4-5 Exercises @ Max per Bodypart. I get muscle fatigue pretty easily.
04-23-2008, 01:05 PM #57
Great log! Im inspired to start my own pretty soon.
Bump for update
04-27-2008, 03:19 PM #60
Not much change to report, two days ago I weighed in @ 228.5. This morning we went and bought a new scale, the new scale said I was 222.8, while my old scale was saying 226.5 @ the same time, so now I'm confused, 4lbs difference, each scale is different, oh well.
Sunday 4/27 @ 3:30PM - BACK
1. Double Lat Pull Downs - ISO Hammer Machine
Front Grip Pull Down 90x10 = 1 45 per side
Reverse Grip Pull Down 90x10 = 1 45 per side
Front Grip Pull Down 140x10 = 1 45 and 1 25 per side
Reverse Grip Pull Down 140x10 = 1 45 and 1 25 per side
Front Grip Pull Down 180x10 = 2 45's per side
Reverse Grip Pull Down 180x10 = 2 45's per side
2. Barbbell Bent-Over Rows
3. Lying T-Bar Rows
70x10 = 1 45 and 1 25
115x10 = 2 45 and 1 25
4. Close Grip Seated Rows
5. ISO Lateral Row Machine
90x10 ISO R and L
180x10 ISO R and L
6. Widegrip Lat Straight Bar Pulldowns
115x10 Infront Head
130x10 Infront Head
7. Closegrip Lat Straight Bar Pulldowns
115x10 Infront Head
130x10 Infront Head
I would have added 2 more sets to each of your excersizes and man will you start to grow.
04-28-2008, 08:27 AM #62
sounds good
04-28-2008, 09:16 AM #63
I wasnt feeling myself this morning. I was a bit tired, and had a headache I couldnt kick. I decided I wasnt going to get to the gym this morning but I still felt obligated to put in some work. I'v got some dumbbells at home with removable plates that go from 5lbs to 40lbs, and I also have a bench. I decided I would get in a nice workout with them focusing more on form, slow burn, and higher reps since I cant use as much weight.
Monday 4/28 @ 10:30AM - SHOULDERS
1. Dumbbell Shoulder Press
2. Dumbbell Front and Side Raises
15lbx10 F, 15lbx10 S PER ARM
15lbx10 F, 15lbx10 S PER ARM
3. Front Dumbbell Vertical Rows
4. Dumbbell Rear Delt Fly's
5. Dumbbell Shrugs
dude man up and get to the gym!!!!!!
04-28-2008, 10:00 PM #65
04-28-2008, 10:08 PM #66
Not really update pics, but I was looking at some old pics tonight and decided to snap a new back pic because of how drastic (In my opinion) the difference is from when I started weight training weighing around 180 soaking wet, and now sitting around 225 range.
These are back only. I will get some good update pics sometime in May around week 6-8 range.
1st Pic - 180lbs, somewhere around Jan 07 when I decided to make weight training apart of my life forever....
2nd Pic - 200-205lbs, a week before the start of my cycle March 08.
3rd Pic - Today April 08, 225lbs
4th Pic - Today April 08, 225lbs
Hopefully you guys can see a difference, been bustin my ass for the last year and a half, Thanks for reading and the support everyone
04-28-2008, 11:53 PM #67
Big difference dude - well done. Like to see the 4th pic as a proper lat spread pose.
04-29-2008, 07:06 AM #68
04-29-2008, 09:11 AM #69
Any sides to report?
04-29-2008, 09:27 AM #70
Funny you said that, I was gonna list a new side today that I was slightly concerned with until I did some research.
My arms, hands, and fingers seem to be falling asleep alot. At night, during the day, typing on the computer, even during my workouts after a heavy set. I feel like I have to shake my arms around to get the blood flowing. After research It seems like this is pretty common during cycles and sometimes outside of them when your putting on alot of mass in a short period of time. I think the nerves or blood flow cant keep up? I guess I need to drink more water and get enough B12 and other vitamins.
Other then that, early on had pain/tenderness in my nips but It didnt turn out to be gyno, headaches the first week of Drol, my only other side is feeling like an animal in the gym!
04-29-2008, 09:32 AM #71
Tuesday 4/29 @ 9:30AM - CHEST
1. Flat Barbbell Bench Press
2. Incline Dumbbell Press
3. Standard Push-Up
3 Sets x 20 Reps
4. Seated Cable Fly's - Range from 12.5-27.5
3 Sets x10 Ups
3 Sets x10 Mids
3 Sets x10 Downs
04-29-2008, 12:12 PM #72
In less than a month you went from 225x2 to 225x10 on bench? Nice.
bump for update!
05-03-2008, 01:14 PM #74
Weds was an off day, slept from 11:30PM @ night until 11:40AM the next morning, felt amazing.....
Thursday 5/1 @ 9:30 AM - BICEPS and TRICEPS
1. Tricep Cable V-Bar Pull Downs
2. Bicep Seated Straight Barbbell Curls
3. Tricep Cable Reverse Grip Pull Downs
4. Bicep Seated Alternating Bicep Curls
5. Tricep Overhead Cable Pull Downs
6. Bicep Standing Alternating Hammer Curls
7. ISO Cable Bicep Curls
8. Cable Tricep V-Bar Pulldown Burnouts
Had my arms pumped up to 16.5" after workout, I'd love to reach 17" by end of cycle. My peak is beginning to become more prominent, my arm width is still lagging. I'm going to start adding alot more Hammer exercises for width.
Friday was another off day, going to the gym today to do Legs and some Chest.
I havent decided yet, but I may pick my Drol back up the last 3-4 weeks of my cycle to squeeze out any more weight and strength before starting PCT. I stopped the Drol last week @ the end of week 4.
05-03-2008, 06:58 PM #75
Saturday 5/3 @ 6:30PM - CHEST and LEGS
1. Chest - Flat Barbbell Bench Press
2. Leg - Smith Machine Squats
3. Chest - Incline Cable Bench Press
4. Leg - Seated Calf Press
2 Plates x 20
3 Plates x 20
4 Plates x 20
5. Chest - Flat Dumbbell Bench Press
6. Leg - Seated Quad Extensions
I think I can already feel the loss of strength from the A-bombs since my last dose was on Sunday morning. Or I maybe I'm a lil bitch and need to push harder. I'll take the second option. Legs feel good though, I was geting mad at my self for the lack of training thus far I've given them.
05-04-2008, 12:54 PM #76
why do you do legs and chest on the same day ?
05-04-2008, 01:25 PM #77
05-04-2008, 05:25 PM #78Senior Member
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Good work Jiesel. Keep it up(lol) and keep us posted.
05-04-2008, 06:14 PM #79
05-04-2008, 06:19 PM #80
Sunday 5/04 @ 6:30PM - BACK
1. Double Lat Pull Downs - ISO Hammer Machine
Front Grip Pull Down 140x10 = 1 45 and 1 25 per side
Reverse Grip Pull Down 140x10 = 1 45 and 1 25 per side
Front Grip Pull Down 180x10 = 2 45's per side
Reverse Grip Pull Down 180x10 = 2 45's per side
Front Grip Pull Down 230x10 = 2 45's and 1 25 per side
Reverse Grip Pull Down 230x10 = 2 45's and 1 25 per side
2. Dead Lifts
135lbsx 10
185lbsx 10
235lbsx 10
265lbsx 10
3. Close Grip Seated Rows
130x 10
145x 10
160x 10
175x 10
4. ISO Lateral Row Machine
90x10 ISO R and L
180x10 ISO R and L
5. Widegrip Lat Straight Bar Pulldowns
115x10 Infront Head
130x10 Infront Head
6. Closegrip Lat Straight Bar Pulldowns
115x10 Infront Head
130x10 Infront Head
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