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  1. #41
    dannyh11's Avatar
    dannyh11 is offline Junior Member
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    cheers van...i guess ive always strived for that crease at the bottom....a bit more size and some fat loss and i'll get there.

  2. #42
    dannyh11's Avatar
    dannyh11 is offline Junior Member
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    to answer proportionovermass's havent used nolva or arimidex yet. i even had a little pubescant gyno so was stressing about it....but no symptoms at all. no hair loss. no aggression. sex drive up a little...but goes up and down. just oily skin and bacne...even with the bacne had one bad week with two giant pimples and then heaps of little spots and it was quite itchy. but has subsided i think thanks to smaller more frequent injections.

  3. #43
    dannyh11's Avatar
    dannyh11 is offline Junior Member
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    good pic for comparison with my avatar. taken today 6 weeks 5 days. weight dropped as little today? 82.5kg.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails low dose test 10 weeks-week6-day-5.jpg  

  4. #44
    Join Date
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    South America
    Quote Originally Posted by dannyh11 View Post
    to answer proportionovermass's havent used nolva or arimidex yet. i even had a little pubescant gyno so was stressing about it....but no symptoms at all. no hair loss. no aggression. sex drive up a little...but goes up and down. just oily skin and bacne...even with the bacne had one bad week with two giant pimples and then heaps of little spots and it was quite itchy. but has subsided i think thanks to smaller more frequent injections.
    Zanks, Danny.

  5. #45
    txpile is offline Junior Member
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    so danny. . . . . . are you happy with your results? if you had to do it again, what would you change? dosage? diet? training?

  6. #46
    dannyh11's Avatar
    dannyh11 is offline Junior Member
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    hey team, been a bit slack lately. im pretty happy with the results...especially the strength gains. im getting some more gear to run to 12 weeks. my 10 ml ran out at week 7. if over again i would definately shoot twice a week and prob go up to 375mg a week. its addictive hey...the muscle fullness, size and strength increases certainly live up to the hype. need to eat heaps though which is the hardest part and where i struggled.

  7. #47
    txpile is offline Junior Member
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    yeah thats what im bout to do i think. i have 10cc in my posession right now and cant get ahold of another 10. so i figured id run a cycle similiar to yours. but i was thinkin the same thing. 375mg a week. (.75 cc x2 a week) well cool, its good to read that your cycle worked out for ya.

  8. #48
    Ernst's Avatar
    Ernst is offline Borderline Personality
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    Glad to see you didn't forget about us... Even better to hear that all is going well. Have you weighed in lately?

  9. #49
    thepoetsuede's Avatar
    thepoetsuede is offline New Member
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    I read through your cycle history and was a bit disappointed that you were inconsistent here and there. I would NEVER a through a bulking cycle and slack on eating nor would I drink. Also I would work strictly on compound moves.

    I am not knocking you.

    I am new at the game as far as the gear but other than that I am a hard core gym rat for 20 years.

    On your next cycle I suggest you script your workouts and goals and let NO excuses keep you from the gym. Make use of the cycle 110%.

    Also, I understand your concerns and the low dose. Additionally I see posts that decent gains can be made on low doses. From your pictures and your comments on this cycle it appears hat you do need to up the game and the dose. Bottom line if your doing gear be hungry!

    Good luck!

    Check out my Beginner Cycle info. Its much different from yours but for obvious reasons. One being I am older..........

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