Quote Originally Posted by tjax03 View Post
What we are trying to get across to you is that your stats thus far are not great most likely because your diet has been bad. Everyone wants to blame lack of muscle on a high metabolism but even with steroids if you don't eat properly you wont get the results you are looking for. By making the changes you have just done and really getting the rest of the diet down you could make great gains naturally. Steroids are a bit of a waste at this point. You are only 22 and have plenty of time to grow. Why do you want to endanger your HPTA just for a little shortcut?
The same reason everyone else on this forum wants to endanger their HPTA. I HAVE muscle and a very lean, tone, athletic body - I've just found gaining weight (muscle, fat, etc) to be an impossible task whether I am eatting right or not. I've been on my "diet" (the first one listed in this post) for a couple months now and I've gained almost 25lbs. with my current workout schedule. The nurse that took my vitals just the other day almost had a heart attack because of how much weight I have gained since my last visit (I'd say about three months - medications that I am on require frequent doctor visits). This was all without steroids . I knew my diet lacked because of the real food factor, but if it was enough then to gain that much, I figured it would be enough to grow on AAS also?

I've been working out with the current diet/exercise routine for a couple months before I decided to use AAS. I didn't jump into all of this "cold turkey". Weight gain is all about the numbers...eat more calories than you burn and you gain weight. After calculating my BMR, BMI, etc., I figured the 3700 calories would be more than enough to supplement my growth - whether it came from real food or not.

If I could make great improvements with the above changes naturally, wouldn't I make even greater improvements with AAS?

Everyone always likes to comment when they see someone's age and how they shouldn't be using...when is the proper time then? Is it based on age? Years of training? If a 22 year old has the same years of training under their belt as a 34 year old, what difference does it make? What's the cut off point between it being okay for someone to use, and not okay?