07-04-2010, 10:52 PM #81
07-05-2010, 06:47 AM #82
i know ppl that run test & dbol 30 40 mg every day all day.. some times they will take a week off but then back on the d and test
i think there the test is probably 300mg every monday.. then 400mg 4 weeks then 500mg 3 weeks then back down to 200mg for 5 weeks
then its repeated..
kinda crazy but these dudes are so fucxin big
07-06-2010, 06:01 AM #83New Member
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I'll add my two cents here.
Im currently in school studying dietetics, and i cant tell you how much a solid diet vastly improves your gains. And im not talkin about "ok i eat this i eat that.. good carbs blah blah" im talkin a GOOD set, solid diet. You shouldnt be guessing, you should know how many cals/pro/carbs and even sometimes vitamins, if you know their added effects, you're taking in. If you're not on a cycle and youre kinda iffy you can make it up, but during a cycle and after it comes in to play big time. The difference is night and day. Of course you probably realize that but havnt put it into action. Im a little concerned for you only because if you do not have a set/solid diet going in to PCT you're really gonna screw yourself. Thats when you're the weakest and you need to feed your body right or you'll lose damn near all your gains and there goes all that work for nothing. Keep in mind as well, you've got 20+ more pounds now, and you have to keep up the cals to support that new found weight, if you dont, as you know, you'll be burning cals and eventually lose it. Sooner rather than later when it comes to steroids if you dont PCT correctly.
I cant type out exactly what i think you should have nutrition wise, but i'll give you a few formulas that will atleast point you to the general area you need to be in when it comes to caloric needs. Im going to give you the EER(estimated energy requirements) forumla, and the BMR(basal metabolic rate). The EER is used to estimate your caloric needs given age, weight, height, and activity. But its ESTIMATED, so you could vary anywhere from needing 400 more cals plus or minus the calculation, take me for instance.. i seem to vary up to 600 cals positive. So by my EER i should have, in the past year, gained 62lbs.. but i havnt. It all depends on diet, im 600 cals positive but its all good cals, and my body uses that shit up and doesnt store fat.
The BMR will tell you pretty damn closely how many calories it takes just to run your body, i.e breathing, closing your eyelids, rasing your arms, metabolic needs, keeping your body warm, homeostasis etc etc. I like the BMR because if you know exactly how many cals it takes to run your body then you know about how many more you need to eat to remain constant or to gain/lose weight. Also keep in mind it takes 3500cals (over and above your BMR) to = 1lb of body weight.. or body fat so watch it.
EER = 662 - ( 9.53 * age ) + PA * (15.91 * WT+539.6*HT)
PA=physical activity
For PA plug in wh at you think you are.
1.00 - sedentary | 1.11 - Low Active | 1.25 - Active
BMR = 66 + (6.23 * weight) + ( 12.7 * height in inches) - (6.8 x age)
I hope this helps, even if you think your "diet" right now is ok, you just wait till you start PCT then you'll understand how screwed you are man.. You need to get on top of this diet thing ASAP before you PCT. Be a sponge, search this site for diets people have used, scoure the internet man. Like i said, if you dont go into PCT with a solid diet its all for nothing. Also, just fyi alot of guys wanna pound loads of protein and dont realize your body can turn that into fat as well if its got an excess, and if you do it long enough your body will recognize protein/muscle as an energy source and attack your muscle.. that normally doesnt happen until youve been starving for a week, but if you pound heavy amounts its possible, however that might be upwards of 500-600g daily in a person that only weighs 180lbs. My general rule of thumb is no more than 1.4g per 1lb of body weight. However some people would disagree and say upwards of 2.2g is ok, so its all in who you talk to and what you personally feel works best for you. My books say all thats needed is 0.48 - 0.68g per pound no matter how heavy you workout, but i dont buy it. Personally i go 1.1g per pound, you might want a little more during PCT though. Also remember the EER and BMR are only to guide you so you can get your cals the closest to right as you can, but if you dont eat good you'll just pack on fat. Good luck man. And dont worry about people hatin on you saying you're not getting your max gains, its your first cycle, you learn ya know. You cant be expected to come outta the gate a golden god. I think sometimes the veterans and people who read alot that think they are veterans forget when they first started out and what it was like.
07-06-2010, 06:09 AM #84New Member
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PS. Another thing, some of these guys act like you should know EVERYTHING before you go into a cycle, and i do strongly agree with that, to an extent. You do need to know what you're injecting into your body, your routine, diet, and all the correct PCT protocol. I dont argue that. But i've been on this site reading for 5 months and im still learning things daily, not to mention my previous experience. So to expect someone to know 100% to the T without having to ask one questions is a little obsurd in my opinion.
07-06-2010, 06:19 AM #85out of here
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I agree with this post, All i see is water and nitrogen retention, as soon as you come off cycle it will all go away again. In my opinion this entire thread is a joke, even the early pic with the date cropped had me thinking that you were a troll but turns out to be just another boy without the proper knowledge to gain mass, If you had taken the time to learn how to eat and train first you wouldnt even need steds at your size you wold gain anyway. Frustraiting how people take this siht without even learning the basics
Well thats me in my avy and I aint suporting him so you can scratch that comment. the numbers dont lie... dont make me laugh its obvious the first pic is out dated, i would go as far to say i think the 2 other pics are the before and after with a gain of about 10lb of water.
07-06-2010, 07:44 AM #86New Member
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Wharton is stacked :P I've been training off and on for 7 years now, currently 5'10, 180, i've been to 205 naturally before, took a cycle of test-p a long time ago, got to 225, maintained at 208ish for the longest time, then decided to cut a bunch of weight. Just maintaining at 180.
However i plan on starting another cycle in about 7-9 months depending on how solid i feel my foundation is. i'd like to go to 190 before starting, but even then it'll be a test dose only. But ya a better foundation woulda been good for sure, if hes 6'2, 180 is tiny.. and all this eco morpho gama tango cash might be true but with deit you'll knock that crap outta the park.
06-09-2014, 05:46 AM #87New Member
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Yea its a old story and yea I'm a new member and i try to read as much as I can to gain info..this was really going good until certain jerkoffs had to discourage the kid from continuing with his story..it's guys like you that I just wanna smack in the head and hope you have something to say afterwards.
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