Hey guys:

Started a cycle of 500mg test/500mg deca / 30 mg dbol / 3 iu hgh (did 2iu to start for two weeks). Yesterday makes 5 weeks. At week 4 I switched from Deca to Equipose and dropped the dbol. In roughly a week i have dropped 5-7lbs (I fluctuate a lot).

My question is this mostly water from the dbol? I took measurements and my waist has gone down around an inch in a week so I know I was bloating pretty bad from the Dbol. My other measurements are the same/bigger than last week (arms/chest/quads/etc) My strength is the same/starting to go up.

Diet consists of 4000 cals a day at 50/30/20.

Stats are

27 (28 in January)
180-185 starting (like i said flutuate a lot)
13ish % body fat
1st cycle (yes i know this is a strong cycle to start with)

Just not sure if others run into this? All i can think to do is add more food until the scale goes up. I know the HGH hasn't really kicked in yet since it's a peptide and takes 2 months before you start seeing results.

Thanks for all the advice in advance.