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Thread: 12 weeks 600mg Enanthate Cycle

  1. #1
    DanC11B is offline Junior Member
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    12 weeks 600mg Enanthate Cycle

    Ok, I've already posted this same thread several other places but I just realized this is where people are going to write down their logs and keep track of what they're doing and have other people comment on it.

    This is my Cycle:

    300mgs Test prop - 4 weeks
    600mgs Test Enanthate - 12 weeks
    250iu HCG 2x a week - 10 weeks
    .25 mg Adex EOD

    So a little History about myself.

    I'm not going to get into too many details about my previous cycle but this will be my third now, I had success with my first but I ruined the PCT, and my 2nd cycle wasn't well thought out at all, long story short I ended it before i wanted and got on a pct and was done with it. I've already been blasted on my other postings where I explained in detail where I went wrong with my previous cycle and I just gotta say, they were pretty much spot on and I was an Idiot. But I learned from my mistakes, I have better knowledge, time, money and recourses now and I'm documenting my progress and putting out there for you all to see and comment on. Please feel free to give me your 2 cents, I'd greatly appreciate it and encourage it wether it's good or bad I will take away from it and learn. I'm only using the test prop because i know it's a fast acting ester and considering it being practically the end of may already, I'd like to start feeling something at least by mid june. but after the 10ml bottle is gone I'm done with it and finishing up with just enanthate. Due to a misunderstanding I hadn't yet started HCG and AI and I'm on day 5 but I will be getting them in the next hour so I guess you can say I'm starting a week late with that but I think I'll be ok. I'll be running 300mgs of enanthate 2x a week, 250iu's of HCG 2x a week and .25 mom of Arimidex EOD. I don't have PCT on hand but my neighbor can get me pretty much anything under the sun at a moments notice since he has EVERYTHING on hand, so I will be getting my pct from him next week (clomid and nova of course) If I'm raising any red flags with this at any point in time please voice your concern.


    25 years old
    20% bf


    Neck: 16 1/4''
    Bicep(relaxed): 15 1/4''
    Bicep(flexed): 17''
    Shoulders: 52 1/2''
    Chest: 44''
    Waist: 37''
    Quads: Thigh 26 1/2''
    Calfs: 16 1/2''

    DAY 4

    7:00am - buttered bagel, scrambled eggs on a roll and a cup of coffee.

    12:30pm - 2 chicken quesadillas (1 and a half chicken breasts)

    4:00pm - half a chicken, 1 yuca, and a small bowl of broccoli

    Took a nap from 6:00pm - 8:30 pm

    8:50pm - 30 grams of whey protein

    9:15pm - grilled chicken wrap. (1 chicken breast, lettuce, tomato, mayonnaise, avocado)

    I'm working 2 jobs with 2 different schedules, day job is from 7:00am-3:30 pm. Mon/Wed/Fri, 2nd job is 9pm-4am Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. So it looks like I'll be doing a 4 day split on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturday and Sunday, at least until I have more energy to go in between jobs but for now I'm using that time to take naps.

    I'm noticing I'm sweating a little more than normal, not sure if its the test prop circulating in my system (test enth doesn't really make me sweat) or if its just because we're nearing the end of spring and I'm just ****ing hot! Lol.

    DAY 5

    Woke up at 11:20am and weighed in at 217lbs.

    Pinned my right glute with 100mgs test prop and 400mgs test e.
    I meant to do only 300 but this enabthate is 300mg per ml so I got a little confused.

    Just going to be going back to 600mgs starting next week

    Meal 1 - 11:30am

    2 cups of oatmeal (1 handful of raisins, 1 egg, 4oz of fat free milk and a teaspoon of cinnamon)

    4 egg whites

    30 grams of whey protein

    Pre-workout shake at 1:30pm


    Last winter I started snowboarding for the first time and got hooked but at some point I took a nasty fall and based on my own observation and research I think I may have a small labrar tear of the hip. When this happened I stopped going to the gym for about a month and the pain became non existent, but last week I finally did legs for the first time since and the next day my hip area was extremely painful, I booked an appt at the VA to get checked out but it's been only about a week and I have full range of motion and absolutely no pain so just to be safe, today I will only do leg extensions, hamstring curls and calf raises and completely avoid squats all together. Luckily for me I already have pretty decent looking legs considering the rest of my body, so hopefully I won't look disproportionate if I get massive everywhere else.

    So for legs today...........

    Ok so I got to the gym and said
    To myself "stop being a little bitch Danny and do some squats". So I went pretty light on the squat rack and it went pretty well but let's see how I feel tomorrow.


    Bar (45lbs) x20 reps
    95lbs x 15
    145lbs x 12
    195lbs x 10
    225lbs x 8

    (Slow) Leg extensions (2 second hold)

    80lbs x 15
    90lbs x 12
    112lbs x 10
    137lbs x 8 Drop sets
    112lbs x 6
    80lbs x 6
    50 lbs x 6

    Hamstring curls

    4 sets of 15 reps between 100-120lbs

    Calf raises

    2 sets of 75 reps with 10lb plate in each hand

    40 minute cardio - 15% incline at 3mph

    Didn't do abs today because I feel like i was in the gym for a long enough time so I'll save it for next time.

    Meal 2 - 4:30pm (after the gym)

    Chicken souvlaki (1 chicken breast)
    16 oz of muscle milk (forgot to bring my own)

    Meal 3 5:30pm

    I don't know if anyone would consider this a full meal but anyhow...

    Half a cup of oatmeal
    a bowl of fruit and celery

    Meal 4 8:10pm

    Chicken, Broccoli, Mushroom, Onion Stirfry (1 Chicken Breast)
    Bowl of watermelon

    It's 8:13 right now and I'm going to try and eat more but I'm going to try to keep most of my carb intake during the day so whatever it is I'll try and eat something carb free, I'll keep everyone posted with any updates

    Meal 5 9:00pm

    2 Cans of tuna
    2 scoops of mayo lol
    Last edited by DanC11B; 05-23-2013 at 07:15 PM.

  2. #2
    DanC11B is offline Junior Member
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    I'll try to look back on my notes and calculate fats, cals, and protein intake so I have a good idea of what I'm looking at

  3. #3
    DanC11B is offline Junior Member
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    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 12 weeks 600mg Enanthate Cycle-image-1.jpg   12 weeks 600mg Enanthate Cycle-image-2.jpg   12 weeks 600mg Enanthate Cycle-image.jpg  
    Last edited by DanC11B; 05-26-2013 at 08:59 PM.

  4. #4
    jimmy726's Avatar
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    You appear to be less then 20% bf

  5. #5
    DanC11B is offline Junior Member
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    I got my bf% tested with calipers, I understand they're not always 100% accurate

  6. #6
    DanC11B is offline Junior Member
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    I shouldn't be up this late but I just got my hands on some hcg and nolvadex because he didnt have adex so I just took 250 iu's of hcg and 25mg of nolvadex

  7. #7
    DanC11B is offline Junior Member
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    Day 6

    1st thing id like to add is that i'm so happy I finally got my hcg last night because when i showered right before bed, i noticed for the first time this cycle that my boys have shrunken.

    Woke up at 6:00am exhausted! Totally forgot to weigh in, I just got ready for work and left home.

    Had a very painful stiff neck when I woke up this morning, probably slept wrong or it's probably from having the bar rest on the back of my neck during my squat excercise yesterday or both. I usually roll it back so it rests on my upper back but I totally forgot about that because I was more concerned with my hip......which by the way....this may sound crazy but it feels even better today than it did all week, I feel like I have more range of motion without pain.

    I took a Vicodin for the neck pain and Motrin for the swelling before I left the house and that definitely did the trick for the rest of the day.

    Had a couple waves of tiredness, but not to be mistaken for fatigue. I still got my job done and I was motivated while doing it. 6 hrs of sleep wasn't enough but I'm Definitely taking a 2-3 hour nap session after work today before I head into my 2nd job.
    Obviously this would be my day off from the gym since I'm working both jobs today, but I'll be back in tomorrow for sure.

    Ok so for my diet today.

    Meal 1 - 7:15am

    Egg white wrap, with mushroom tomatoes and Swiss cheese
    1 buttered bagel
    1 large cup of coffee

    Meal 2 - 12:30PM

    Grilled chicken hero (1 breast grilled chicken, lettuce, tomato, mayo, Swiss & an avocado)

    30 grams of whey protein

    Meal 3 - 3:30PM

    1/4 of a Rotisserie Chicken
    1 Cup of vegetable rice
    1 Cup of Corn

    4:00pm I took a nap until 7:30pm

    Meal 4 - 8:00PM

    Half a cup of tuna salad
    30 Grams of Whey Protein

    Worked from 9PM-4AM and all i had was 3 red bulls, i wish i could eat but it's impossible in this job.

    Meal 5 - 4:30AM

    Chicken fingers

    passed out at around 5:30
    Last edited by DanC11B; 05-25-2013 at 03:58 PM.

  8. #8
    S123 is offline New Member
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    Isn't nolva for PCT? try and get hold of an AI.

  9. #9
    DanC11B is offline Junior Member
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    I understand Nolva's a SERM and blocks the estrogen, as my source was advising me he uses them as soon as his nipples start to feel sore as opposed to EOD. If possible I would prefer the Adex to just stop the conversion from test-estro but I gotta tap my sources and see if I can come up with some.
    Last edited by DanC11B; 05-24-2013 at 01:57 PM.

  10. #10
    DanC11B is offline Junior Member
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    Day 7

    Woke up at 9:30AM today, would really like to go back to sleep but my girlfriends jealous and hates my job so we got into an argument about it, so now I can't sleep, so I'm making breakfast and hoping that makes me tired enough for a nap and if not then I guess I'll just hit the gym.

    Weighed in at 219.8lbs this morning.
    pinned 250iu hcg (my nuts today already feel almost 100%)
    took 25mg nolva

    here's a list of everything I'm supplementing with:

    Fish Oil 1-2x a day
    Pro Biotic Fiber 1x a day
    50MG Zinc 1-2x a day
    500 MCG Chromium 30 Minutes before meal (preferably on an empty stomach)
    L-Arginine 1 hour after last meal and 30 minutes pre-workout
    L-Carnitine 30 minutes before a meal and/or a workout
    1000mg Cinnamon Post workout
    Organ Shield One with each meal

    Just found a bottle of each, pregnenolone and DHEA, not sure if even worth taking.

    as for powders I take super advanced whey protein from body fortress. tastes like shit but really inexpensive, and the label says it contains "over 8 grams of BCAA's".

    and my pro is ASSAULT by musclepharm.

    ran out of creatine before the cycle started but i don't think I'll be needing it for this cycle so I'm not even gna bother.

    Now I know that looks like a lot but I didn't just go out and buy a bunch of random supplements for this cycle, this is just stuff I've had lying around for a while and since I'm on cycle i figured what the hell, why not?
    If anyone has any suggestion as to what order you recommend taking these supplements, please, by all means. I'd like to hear it.

    Meal 1 - 11:00AM

    Mashed Potatoes (3 potatoes)
    4 Egg whites
    2 fried eggs
    30g Whey


    Must've fallen asleep around noon.

    I just woke up, that meal put me on my ass, I'll take note to give myself a little more time to digest next time before passing out like that, I have a little heartburn and feel like some of my food is still in my esophagus.

    But aside from that I feel refreshed and full of energy, hopping in the shower, taking a PWO and headed to the gym.

    Around 2:00pm

    Pre workout Meal 2

    1 light & fit vanilla yogurt
    2 honey and oats granola bar
    Pre-workout shake

    So I did about an hour of chest focusing mostly on incline and decline.
    20 minute abs workout
    40 min cardio keeping my HR between 145-155 the whole time.

    I didn't really notice any major strength gains but I did notice I look fuller and have slightly developed a little bit of separation around my upper pec and trap area.

    I feel like starting next week for about a month on chest days I want to focus solely on decline movements, dips and push-ups as I feel like my lower outer pec area isn't really developed the way I'd like it to be. I want that deep line!

    Overall it was a great work out, my energy was levels were pretty high and consistent the whole way through, up until this point I would lose steam after about 50 minutes.

    Meal 3 - 6:00pm

    Half a rotisserie chicken
    1 cup of white rice
    1 cup of red beans
    30g whey protein

    Meal 4 - 8:45pm

    1 lb grilled chicken stir fry

    Meal 5

    60g whey protein
    Last edited by DanC11B; 05-26-2013 at 02:39 AM.

  11. #11
    DanC11B is offline Junior Member
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    Just a quick note on how I'm feeling since the start of this cycle.

    Earlier this year I rolled my ankle running down a flight of stairs and although I didn't seriously injure myself, I've had this stubborn pain that would only flare up if I pointed my toes (foot) up.

    During the winter I got into a little bit of snowboarding and banged up my knees, my wrist and my hip.

    Seemingly all this pain is gone, wtf? Lol. But I'm definitely not complaining about it. To add to this, if anyone is looking at how much I'm eating per day, you know as we'll as I do that's pretty light compared to other bodybuilders on this forum, but one thing I've noticed is that eating this much while off gear would cause some serious gas, so bad that my gf would often just vacate the room I was in. But now it seems like, I have no gas and if I do, there is no smell. Almost as if my body is absorbing every last bit of protein, calorie, fat, carb, etc.

    I have a crazy boss and I've learned to just comply and just do things their way for the sake of avoiding an argument. But today for example I had to go to Citibank and deposit several checks into our business account, as I do every Friday. Now my boss is constantly calling wanting to know when I got there, if there's a line, am I on the way back. But today I had to run a personal errand at Bank of America. And yes I could've waited until after work to do this but my brain said **** this we're doing this. So I tell her I just got to the bank after I was already on my way to the 2nd bank. I tell her I'm just finishing up while I step into the 2nd bank and when I finished up there and got back on the road I told her there was construction on one if the major roads I take to get back.

    Now I know this isn't a life threatening situation and it didnt take a genius to figure that out but this is just an example of such a minor detail that would normally have happened completely differently off cycle. I guess I'm feeling a little bolder.

  12. #12
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Hey guy, I gotta hand it to you, you are taking a good conscious contact as where you are and where you've been. That continued process will lighten up your life experience in all you do. Cool beans my friend, keep it up. Some times we don't need to hear all, but sometimes it is very good for you to tell all. The use of aas can with many alter your state of mind and with some more than others. Huh, yep crazy mike has to real careful. Luck to you with all you do , you sound conscientious. Remember consistency, perseverance and patience.
    Looking good ...crazy mike
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  13. #13
    DanC11B is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks Crazy Mike. I ****ed up my last cycle pretty bad because I just took tren /test, forgot about them and just expected a miracle. No way I'm doing that again, I will make sure that this time I listen to my body and take note of every little thing that is happening. I apologize for the long posts, I realize not everyone wants to read all the bs of someones everyday life, but I promise there'll be enough content to just skip through the BS and look at my stats, pics, measurements. I am really happy to know that some people do read it, I really appreciate your feedback and I hope to see you on here again. I promise I won't disappoint.

  14. #14
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanC11B View Post
    Thanks Crazy Mike. I ****ed up my last cycle pretty bad because I just took tren/test, forgot about them and just expected a miracle. No way I'm doing that again, I will make sure that this time I listen to my body and take note of every little thing that is happening. I apologize for the long posts, I realize not everyone wants to read all the bs of someones everyday life, but I promise there'll be enough content to just skip through the BS and look at my stats, pics, measurements. I am really happy to know that some people do read it, I really appreciate your feedback and I hope to see you on here again. I promise I won't disappoint.
    Long posts, ha, not that I ever do that...crazy mike

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    DanC11B is offline Junior Member
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    Hey, I'd like to see some of your postings but for whatever reason I can't view people's profiles, heck, I can't even view my own profile.

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    Day 8

    woke up at 11:30pm, weighed in at 219lbs
    But then I took a massive dump so idk maybe I might around 189lbs right now.
    Pinned 200mgs of test E & 100mgs of test prop
    Since I still have to pin prop 2x, might as well do test e 200x3 a week

    Meal 1 - 12:30

    1 cup of oatmeal
    30g whey protein

    My gf and I have been arguing a lot about my 2nd job lately. She hates it because she knows women hit on me and Fridays and Saturday nights she sits home and watches tv.
    Really kinda killed my vibe at the gym, was pretty much pissed off the whole time.

    ** update

    Just got done with gym and although that argument earlier today out a huge damper on my mood at the gym I had incredible energy during my back workout, but after 20 minutes of cardio and a 70 min work out I'm toast.

    Today's going to be a cheat day for me for the rest of the day. My gf and I are going out and relieving some stress. I have a day off tomorrow and I'll probably treat it as a rest day but definitely do an hour cardio because I'm planning on eating burgers today.
    Last edited by DanC11B; 05-27-2013 at 06:25 PM.

  17. #17
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    Day 10

    I'm exhausted from the week so I'll keep it short.

    Woke up at 225lbs today! That is unbelievable for just one week. I'm thinking maybe cut down on my calorie intake, I don't think I want to be any more than 230lbs, we'll see where I'm at next week and the rate at which I'm growing.

    Sex drive is amazing.

    I'm feeling better and better each day.

    I'll post pix up soon, I'm starting to see slight physical changes in body composition.

    Energy and power at the gym is better than its been in a long tine

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    Glad to hear its going good but I don't think you should be feeling effects after 10 days.

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    Could be the test prop, or it could just be a placebo effect. But I am up 5lbs from when I started. I started at 219 and at that point I was fluctuating from 215-219 and today again I weighed 225 lbs. this isn't my first time so I know it's not a placebo effect, last night at the gym I did a light shoulders and arms work out and my traps were popping out like crazy, my arms filled with so much blood felt like they were going to pop, meanwhile in the mirror I can see more definition around my mid section, and my waist looks slightly smaller

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    Also, excuse my French but pretty much anything is giving me an erection and when I do get them my member is hard as a rock and they're also coming back quicker and more frequently after ejaculating. I can't be making this up. Last night while I was doing hammer curls I got to a point in my set where just a couple weeks ago, with the am mount if weight I would've stopped at 8 reps. But I was grunting like an animal and kept going and going til I hit 15 and even then I still felt like I could've done 20
    Last edited by DanC11B; 05-29-2013 at 08:11 AM.

  21. #21
    Gaspaco's Avatar
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  22. #22
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    Oh sorry bud missed the test prop in your cycle

  23. #23
    Fcarey32's Avatar
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    Hammer curls are killer arent they? haha^

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    DanC11B is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah they were killing me at the time but for whatever reason, my shoulders n arms aren't sore today. Maybe I didn't train hard enough, in really disappointed in myself for that because my lower back and hamstrings are still sore from deadlifts on Sunday. Next time I'm going to make sure I can't lift a 5 lb dumbell before I'm done.

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    Day 12

    Woke up feeling sick as a dog this morning, feeling like throwing up. Last night I had 4 chicken breasts and 50g of protein, I think I may have over done it. Anyhow I have diahrrea, I must've pooped out everything I ate for the week, I weighed myself right after and was at 223lbs.

    To top that off, someone stole my cc information and charged $200 on my card so I had to put a stop on my card and now I have to pick up a temporary one at a local bank.

    I am not letting this day go to waste, I'm going to powerwalk to the bank and keep my heart rate 155bpm and depending on how far I walk I might finish it out on the treadmill in my building. In getting a pepto bismol along the way and I will make it to the gym for legs today

  26. #26
    DanC11B is offline Junior Member
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    Holy shit, I take it back. No way in hell I can go into the gym I almost shat myself threw up and passed out in the street. now my issue is it's 1pm already and I absolutely 0 desire to eat anything. shit, any suggestions?
    Last edited by DanC11B; 05-30-2013 at 11:10 AM.

  27. #27
    alfa23 is offline New Member
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    terrible diet, lots of processed carbs, sugars.. starch... low energy will be due to the quick burning carbs you take in, you are going to end up with a soft bloated look, not sure if you are trying to dirty bulk then cut? or just need a little ed on diet? regards to passing out, keep an eye on your bp, I ran a tren and test and developed tarchycardia had the same effects as you, nowdays I am strict on diet, gallon of water and no alcohol at all until i come off, lean bulked never looked better

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanC11B
    Holy shit, I take it back. No way in hell I can go into the gym I almost shat myself threw up and passed out in the street. now my issue is it's 1pm already and I absolutely 0 desire to eat anything. shit, any suggestions?
    Man just take it easy. legs can wait a day or two. let your body recover

  29. #29
    DanC11B is offline Junior Member
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    Day 13

    221lbs this morning

    I literally didnt eat a thing all day, I laid in bed the entire day curled up with abdominal pains, diarrhea, dehydrated.

    Wednesday night I ordered 4 chicken breasts from a local pizzeria to take with me to work that night and I'm almost 100% certain I was poisoned. Idk if the guy didnt wash his hands handling chicken or if they cooked a chicken that has already gone bad but I definitely experienced every symptom associated with food poisoning.

    I'm extremely pissed off, I definitely feel like this was a major set back in my development but I'm not going to give up, I will get back on my feet and make up for lost time.

    Also @ Alfa, the new guy.... I have no respect for what your telling me as nothing you're saying concerning my diet is constructive. Yes, I acknowledge that my diet isn't the best but it is a work in progress. My apologies for not having posted what I've been eating for the past few days but everyday I am changing something to make it overall cleaner. I do not eat fast food, candy or junk and I am not competing either so give me a break. Naturally I am an ectomorph and it doesn't take me much effort to achieve vascularity.

    As far as low energy is concerned, I do have 2 jobs one of which is from 7am-330pm and the other from 9pm-4am. So that in itself is a difficult process to achieve a balance in, in regards to proper rest and dieting. I'm eating carbs for breakfast and post workouts on training days and just for breakfast on off days. But on those off days if I hadn't had any carbs for 16 hour because now I'm at my 2nd job how do I justify that? Dude, idk who you are and what your lifestyle is like but if you still live with your mother and all your time is dedicated to the gym and diet, don't lecture me on this because I'm doing the best anyone could in my position given the circumstances I'm facing in my everyday life.
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    As much as its killing me to do this, I feel I can't go to the gym tonight. I feel depleted and weak and my abdomen is still in a bit of pain. I think it would be counter productive to force it today. I can still barely eat but that I'll try my best to put down some food as I would like to return to the gym tomorrow

  31. #31
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    Day 14

    Woke up today at 225 and feeling much better.

    Idk how that's even possible considering I only had 2 bowls of soup and a snickers bar all day yesterday.

    So I just ate 5 egg whites and 1 boiled potatoe with nothing on it. I hope that's not considered too unhealthy but I need some substance.

    Going in to do legs today, going to start out light and see where it goes, not sure if I'll even do cardio as I don't think I should be burning too many calories right now considering earlier this week.


    Holy shit, just came back from the gym and I can not believe the energy and intensity of my work out! I figured I'd feel wiped out but I felt the comple opposite. My legs looked like twice their original size when I got done,.

    Anyhow I had a protein shake afterwards and don't judge me but I had 1 cup of rice, 1 cup of beans and a half chicken post workout. But that's it for carbs for me the rest of the day, going to eat clean for rest of day. If anyone disagrees with this please correct me and offer up some duggestions. But I think carbs for breakfast and post workout, then clean eating the rest of the day works for me.
    Last edited by DanC11B; 06-01-2013 at 06:27 PM.

  32. #32
    alfa23 is offline New Member
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    Lot´s of prejudging and whole thread screams excuses, FYi I own and run 2 business one in europe one in latin america, Along with having two children, So no need to ask me about hardwork, diet is very very simple, if you dont have time pre prepare, or if buying out make smarter choices, although I dont have many posts on this board have been training over ten years, and am pretty good manipulating my weight, you posted on this board dont expect all praises and glory, qusadillas, mayo, tortilla wraps are hardly going to give you clean results, just giving you a tip,

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    I am not doing my job in contiuing up to date posts of my diet but since I've started this cycle I have only had one quesadilla! Just one on like day 3! Over the past week I've completely cut out bread entirely and if I do eat a wrap sandwich, It's whole wheat and I'm not having them frequently enough for it to be unhealthy. I'm sorry but some things I am going to put mayonnaise on and when I say this I usually mean 1-2 teaspoons max! Since my last meal posts I've pretty much just been consistently eating oatmeal, egg whites, white rice, ref beans, chicken, salads, vegetables and fruit. Is that so horrible? I'm not competing for anything, I just want to look good for myself and feel strong and so far it looks like I'm getting closer and closer to reaching that goal. Yeah I'm posting in a public forum and I'm not expecting just praise and glory, if you want to give me a tip go ahead, but clearly your bashing as you have no constructive input yet, even on your 2nd post.
    Last edited by DanC11B; 06-03-2013 at 09:28 AM.

  34. #34
    DanC11B is offline Junior Member
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    Oh, and egg whites

  35. #35
    alfa23 is offline New Member
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    One of the things that helped me, although boring... if you dont have enough time, buy some precooked chicken in fajita cuts, its cheap simple and fast, throw on some chilli powder for taste, but as far as i can see you seem to skip a lot of meals due to time, eggwhites are nice and quick, white rice swap for the intergral.. quickest cooking is the uncle bens cooks as quick as white where as short grain can take me upto 45 mins, see if you can spend 40 minutes one night trying to prepare 4-5 easy cook meals, plus 2 protein shakes should give you all the nutrition you need, black beans will last a week in the refridgerator, so cook a giant pot, what is your water intake like?

  36. #36
    DanC11B is offline Junior Member
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    I probably come clode to a gallon of water a day. having food readily available isn't much of a problem as I cook mostly everything myself and can just order something if i cant. it's my 2nd job that really creates a problem for me to continue eating. On days that I work both jobs, eating pretty much stops at the start of my 2nd job because I'm on the clock for 7 hours w.o breaks. Best I can do is drink a protein shake and sneak in the back and have something small and quick. I've been taking just chicken breasts and nothing else in tupperwares for this. Then the next day is even more of a difficult task to cram in food because I'm waking up at noon since I went to bed at 5am and I have to pretty much go to bed at around 9 or 10pm to wake up at 5:30am the next morning for work. As you can see I don't really have much time.
    Last edited by DanC11B; 06-03-2013 at 11:15 AM.

  37. #37
    DanC11B is offline Junior Member
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    With my schedule, Mondays and Tuesdays I have a real opportunity to eat alot. I work from 7am-330pm then I'm off until Wednesday morning 7am

  38. #38
    DanC11B is offline Junior Member
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    Day 16

    Didn't weigh in today, totally forgot.
    Chest last night was great, had unbelievable power.
    Wanted to see what my max was and was able to put up 315lbsx2 unassisted.
    Prior to cycle I was struggling with 225x10 but It seems so much lighter now.

    So for today:

    Meal 1 7:00am

    4 egg white veggie omelette

    Meal 2 9:00pm

    30g whey

    Meal 3 12:45

    1 cup of yellow rice

    Huge salad! Consisted of romain lettuce, grilled chicken, feta cheese, corn, cucumber, jalapeño, sliced tomatoes, avocado and egg whites.

    This salad was so big I couldn't even finish it so ill save it for later, pre workout.

    Meal 4 3:00pm

    The rest of that salad
    15g whey

    Got to the gym around 4:30 pm
    Worked entire back about 70 minutes
    40 minutes of cardio
    3 sets of leg raises

    Got done around 6:15pm

    Meal 5 6:45

    Half a cup of yuca
    Quarter chicken
    30g whey
    2 strawberries
    Handful of grapes

    Freaking STARVING after the gym, still hungry too! Idc how much more I eat today I'm done with the carbs for the day.

    Meal 6 9:15pm

    8 oz salmon
    Small salad
    Snap peas
    Last edited by DanC11B; 06-03-2013 at 07:31 PM.

  39. #39
    DanC11B is offline Junior Member
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    Day 17


    Meal 1 9:30am

    1 cup of oatmeal
    5 egg whites
    30g whey

    Got to the gym around 11:00am. Worked shoulders and arms for about 2 hours. Didnt intend to, was just so into my workout I had no idea I was at it for 2 hours.
    I still did 40mins of cardio anyway but skipped abs this time.

    Meal 2 2:15pm

    Half a rotisserie chicken
    1 cup of white rice
    1 cup of red beans
    1 avocado
    30g whey

    Took a nap from 3-7 but woke up at 5pm and had a cup of oatmeal and 30g of whey.

    Meal 3 8:00pm

    8 oz salmon
    Small salad
    Snap peas

    Small salad
    Small miso soup
    Last edited by DanC11B; 06-05-2013 at 08:22 AM.

  40. #40
    DanC11B is offline Junior Member
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    So I haven't really been feeling horny lately, idk what I'm doing wrong but I upped nolvadex to ED a couple days ago to see what happens.
    In the meantime I tried to go see my doc today to get some bloodwork done but she's out of the office until Monday so I'll have to wait til then.

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