05-23-2014, 10:50 AM #1
Recomping on Test-E/Tren-A ----- Log/Results
Here's my first log: Test prop- First cycle Result!!
After that cycle, I lost alot of my gains. Got my testosterone check and I was under 300. I was hopping that cycle to keep my SHBG low but it didnt... I dropped back down to 170lbs 2 months after.
My endo didnt want to treat me cause she said I was simply in the low end and statisticly speaking, its normal.
If it's normal to not be able to get an erection at 20 then **** you.
I started self-medicating TRT on the 20 february 2014.
Here's my protocol: 200mg test-e/week splitted in 2 injection 500ui hcg/week splitted in two injection .25mg arimidex 24h after my test shot
Started at 170lbs-14%.
At the beginning of May, I was about 182lbs - 15%.
Started to slowly cut, 20th of May I was 177.8 - 14%.
I started Tren on the 20th May.
My cycle consisted of:
100mg E3.5D Test-E
100mg EOD Trenbolone Acetate
20mg EOD(ED if needed) accutane
.25 arimidex E3.5D
.125 - .25mg Pramipexol ED
60mcg T3 ED
HCG 250ui E3.5D
I don't have predefinite amount of time planned on tren-a. At first, I planned 8 weeks, but I won't have enough tren for 8 weeks if my vial are underfilled(like my first vial of test-e), and I may order more if I like it to increase the duration to 10 weeks
Accutane is importante cause for me the worst side I get from Testosterone is acne(even at 200mg a week I have mild acne...), so on tren it most be worst...
My goal, as the title say, is a recomp. However a recomp more axed toward fat loss. Also I'm aiming for strengh gain.
Prior cycle:
21YO/ 5'9 or 5'10(haven't measure myself for a while)
177.8 LBS
Around 14% BF
Galiper measurement:
Chest: 2mm
Abdo: 14mm
Thigh: 8mm
Triceps: 8mm
Subscapular: 8mm
Suprailliac: 11mm
Midaxilary: 6mm
On the jackson/pollock test it calculates me at 7%BF... As much as I would like to be 7%, I'm yet far from it.
Error Factor:My girlfriend took the measurement + galiper don't tell much.
Still if these go down, I can assume that I leaned out.
Tape mesurement:
Belly button 82cm
Right quad 56.5cm
Left quad 56cm
Flexed right arm 38.5cm
Flexed left arm 38cm
Once again it do not tell much, but it gives a good idea of my progress.
Full body type training, alot of volume, alot of heavy lifting. I focus on the big three. Would like to increase my total to 1100lbs while staying under 180lbs.
I'm doing 45-60min of LISS cardio daily.
I'm doing intermittent fasting, Eating 2 meal a day, aiming 2000-2500 calories, Low fat, arround 130-160g protein, rest in carbs.
What's make my diet a recomp is that every 4-3-4 days, Ill have a refeed. Trying 6000+ calories of carbs and lowest fat as possible, to replenish my glycogen store, without storing fat. Plus it gives a little bit of freedom.
21 May 2014 stats: 177.8lbs
I just started, the injection went strangely... No pain from injecting in itself but strange pain in the shoulder for 2 hours post injection(afterward minimal PIP), first time it happens to me...
No cough.
First day I shouldnt see anything, however I felt energized and happy(mental), however I noticed increase vascularity while doing the dishes, my GF noticed it too... Maybe it was the hot water but I liked it.
27 May 2014 stats: 176.4lbs -1.4lbs
My diet as been strict, but with recent even in my personal life I had a high loss in appetite, which is not a bad thing considering the cut.
However, I was suppose to do my refeed on sunday which I didn't. Instead I did it today(at least I tried...).
Probably the worst refeed ever... I dont even know If I reach maintenance...
Will see with my weight tomorrow I will have surely increase due to increased carbs intake but not as much as it should have been...
Anyway, First week recap:
Injection pain is only annoying the first few hours.
I started to feel the anger from tren , at home and at the gym. Broke a new bench PR with ease. Broke a ventilator with no valid reason... just kicked it out of my way... I'll have to be carefull with that...
Libido: It is almost 0, this week has been an emotionnal rollercoaster(totally tren unrelated). The need to have sex is just not there.
Endurance: dropped not much but it has dropped a bit.
Vascularity: I'm damn impress with my actual vascularity, I can't wait to see when it will be fully kicked in!!
Sleeps: I had 1 good night since I started... I can't blame the tren just yet, but damn I'm tired, Im not use to 4-5hours night...
Up to now I think I won't take any other refeed day. I just don't feel like it, maybe I'll change my mind later.
I can't believe that I'm going to say that... eating seems more like a pain in the ass than anything else.
6 June 2014 stats: 178.8lbs +2.4lbs
I've cheated on my diet a bit, but overall sticked to it.
I feel the tren fully kicked in, strengh is awesome, vascualrity is awesome, I'm leaner and bigger.
My CNS is unstoppable XD
Cardio seems unaffected.
Sleep is doing better.
21 June 2014 stats: 184.3lbs +5.5lbs
My diet went to shit for 2 fvucking weeks!!, I'm trying to get my hands back on it...
I don't look leaner anymore , but I'm stronger than ever, and bigger too.
I went over 190 lately... freaked me out XD
2 July 2014 stats: 187.7lbs +3.4lbs
Well, I'm not proud of it... lot of bad change in my life, my diet is very hard, my moral is affected. Of course, the lack of sleep is affecting me, but I'm not sure if tren is playing a role also...
But I feel it's going for the better, my diet is getting slowly on track, my training is intense as ****, I'm stronger than ever, bigger than ever.
I increased my dose to 150mg EOD of tren and 250mg of test-e/weeks. about 5 pins ago
Sleep is harder, vascularity is the same, strengh has increased a bit, sweating is awfull XD
Overall, I don't see much difference except for increased side...
Still curious to continue at that dose, but I think 100-125 EOD is my sweet spot... still need more tweaking to find for sure.
I will update the original post every week with an update on my weight and feeling for the week.
Pics has been taken, I will do a before/after but I will only sent them by private msg and only at the end, once everything is done.
*Disclaimer: I don't recommend anyone under 25 to use any 19nor, I personnally believe that those should be reserved to those already in TRT/cruise. I also don't recommend using Tren at that low of a BW, I have my reasons, I know the risk and I'm ready to accept them. No one without sufficient knowledge should use steroids anyway...Last edited by qscgugcsq; 07-02-2014 at 10:58 AM.
05-24-2014, 08:41 AM #2
Update #1:
Caloric deficit really starting to show in my energy level...
Yesterday I did 1hour and a half of cardio.
And I always train fasted.
This morning was hard as hell.
Still performed good... But wasnt a walk in the park...
However, it may be my lack of energy but at the half of my training I had to stop a 5 min cause my heart beat was elevated and I wanted to throw up...
Tren related, I have no idea....
Also it makes two night in a row where I sleep Real bad...
Two night ago I havent slept more than 3 hour, yesterday night about 5 hours...
I normally sleep well and without issue.
Must say that friday morning I had my last exam for this session.
But it would be the first time in my.life where I dont sleep cause of an exam...
And friday night was normal...
Maybe its placebo because sleep deprivation is the side that worry me the most...
Still diet is strict as ****, training i.tense as always and cardio is not that boring.
Heres a pic of my post workout meal:
Attachment 150805
500g of sweet potato
8 white eggs
2 whole eggs
2 cup of frozen vegetables
Some no salt seasoning
A bit less than 1000 calories.
Taste awesome.
Also interesting to note, since I started, everyday I lose exactly .2 pounds a day... Thursday I was 177.6 friday 177.4 this morning 177.2
Too soon for any conclusion but I seems to go in the right direction.Last edited by qscgugcsq; 05-24-2014 at 08:47 AM.
05-26-2014, 06:31 AM #3
Update #2:
I was struggling with my sleep(
Maybe tren related but it is certainly not the tren in itself, at least not yet.) so I started a cocktail of otc product and Ive been able to get a full night of sleep.
Pretty happy about it.
Due to event that happenned yesterday I skipped a meal(a 1100 calories meals...) and skipped the cardio(but walked for 2 hours...)
So before bed ive eaten about 500cals in carbs(oatmeal + a bit of cake) and also 250g of turkey slice.(pretty salty)
Also I wanted the sleep benefit of the fast carbs.
Even if ive eaten more salty as usual, and some fast carbs, I was still in a bigger deficit than usual.
So this morning I was at 176.4lbs
A lost of 1.4 pounds in less than one weeks.
I still looks full, 6packs starting to show(for the first time in my life).
Veins are getting more visible.
I feel a small drop in cardiovascular endurance, vascularity increased a bit, I look good overall but this is just the cut not the tren yet.
My libido dropped but I am in a deficit and do tons of cardio + the lack of sleep + the stress.
Thats it for now Im aiming to the gym right now!Last edited by qscgugcsq; 05-27-2014 at 07:53 PM.
05-27-2014, 10:42 PM #4
One thing you also might consider is the t3 causing the lack of sleep. When I moved t3 from 50 mcg to 75 mcg it really screwed my sleep as well as just made it harder to stick to my diet with the increased appetite. Lost better weight at 50 mcg actually.
05-28-2014, 09:10 AM #5
Would be something to consider you are right
Ive been at 50 for over a month before upping to 60mcg with tren .
Today I upped it to 75mcg.
But honestly my appetite is so low these day that for fat loss it dont worry me for now
Plus I slept well last night.
But Ill take a close look to it thanks for your input .
I know clen and T3 are two different compound but even at 100mcg (clen) taken at mid day I was sleeping extremely well... Just saying that my sleep never been an issue.
05-28-2014, 09:24 AM #6
05-28-2014, 10:04 AM #7
05-28-2014, 10:18 AM #8
Update #3:
Strenght really kicking in...
Broke PR for the last 2 workout.
200 pounds for 5 set of 5 bench. With relative ease.
Today I did 345 x 12 deadlift.(real pause deadlift no douchebag bouncing...)
I was supose to do 5 reps but it was so light that I continued.
I hurt my back few weeks ago so I started pretty much all my big lift to low weight, slowly increasing each workout.
I did 260 pounds Squat 5x5 but in he middle of my squat I decided to beat one of my friend(he shown himself squating 285 for 2 reps)
Between my third and fourth set I putted 315 did two rep.
My lower back felt akward at that weight but I manage to do it without much struggle.
Im finally reaching back my old weight(before my adductor/lower back/upper back/neck/quad minor injury...)
It limited me for a good 2 months.
All these injury were back to back.
One get away, one appear again and again.
I found the root cause of most of these and fixed it. I should not have issue with it again...
05-28-2014, 05:48 PM #9
Im in love wih tren !!
Strengh gain are ****ing insane!!
Just 1 week in and I increased my 1RM st deadlift of 30 pounds!!
I did 435 pounds this evening!!!
And this morning I did my whole body training like usual which I already break a rep PR.
Second training of the day and another PR...
Its just insane!!
05-28-2014, 08:37 PM #10
wait, did you deadlift twice in one day? or dl back to back days? 345x12 is impressive, and 30 lbs on your 1rm max in a week, lol I'm starting tren tomorrow, low dose, real cycle starts in a week and a half once I know i can handle it.
05-28-2014, 09:22 PM #11
Double post -_-
Last edited by qscgugcsq; 05-28-2014 at 09:26 PM.
05-28-2014, 09:26 PM #12
Yes I did, I train every 2 days but today I was getting bored so I went to the gym again and I met two friends so we talked and deadlifted/squated/benched together that was a relaxing evening.
Then I got to my 1RM for fun and I was very satisfy, I could have done more but I did like 6 set before reahing 435.
This morning was my real training.
I must say that 405 was not my real 1RM before starting.
If I approx it would be closer to 415.
But still I felt like I could do more tonight.
And deadlifting twice today dont stress me cause recovery rate is through the roof.Last edited by qscgugcsq; 05-28-2014 at 09:28 PM.
05-30-2014, 04:20 PM #13
Update #4:
To be honest right now except for acne I have no negatif side to report.
Sleeping is harder but well managed. The first week was mostly due to my personal issue than my tren .
Right now, every training is a new PR, so I won't elaborate on it.
My agressivity in the gym was scaring me... I went to the gym a second time today, doing some more mobility and accesory work. And while doing biceps I was looking at my face and I thought I wanted to kill everyone.
Of course all my anger was focus on the iron, but still it was intense.
Recovery is insane... I train 2hours EOD and Wednesday I did 2h more(with a 1RM deadlift...), today did another 1h and a half.
Still my CNS is great. I dealift minimum of 3-4 times a weeks and pretty heavy.
Vascularity were great! while doing biceps I started seeing all kindz of veinz, first time ever I see transversal veins on my biceps, Shoulders veins were starting to show.
Acne... I up my accutane to 20mg ED, will let it one more week but if it do not do the trick I will updrage it to 40 ED until it goes down, and drop back to 20mg ED. I don't want to abuse Accutane but don't want to get a back full of zit either...
Diet wise today was a mess... Didnt followed my diet at all, but im still in a calorie deficit.
If I do not miss any of my overload and training. I should be able to do my Squat 5x5 at 275 the 3 june Deadlift 1x5 at 405 the 17 june and Bench 5x5 at 225 the 7 june
I just feel like I could always go heavier... I dont wanna push myself too hard and get hurt, but every set I feel like more wouldnt be enough. In the gym I feel like a god.
So I'm really optimistic about it.
Physic wise: I stopped losing weight and seeing dramatic change in my fat loss(mostly water IMO), But my physic is improving, and fast.
Too soon to make any conclusion but right now, I think tren loves me. And as long as he do not screw me I love him too XD
P.S.: just wanted to add a little something more, I tried to close a captain of crush level 2(190lbs) for months now, with little improvement, since 3 days ago I'm able to close it both hand. Improved grip strenghLast edited by qscgugcsq; 05-30-2014 at 04:26 PM.
05-30-2014, 04:34 PM #14
With all the comments Ive heard about tren being so different of anything else I arrive to a personal conclusion that I must try it to know. Therefor I gives you the same advice, try it and see if it suits you, Excellent idea you have to start real slow and upping accordingly.
I don't see the point with messing with other steroids to know if you can handle tren. there is other Very legit reason to wait until tren. but knowing if you can handle it IMO isnt one of them.
Seriously, I've heard tons of time that strengh gain were insane but even in my Biggest wet dream I wouldnt have imagine that in one weeks I could have so much.
I don't train purely for bodybuilding, I train more toward Powerbuilding. Try to get as strong as possible will keeping/building aesthetic look. IMO someone toward purely bodybuilding should not expect that dramatic of an increase. but who knows?...
Go ahead and Try it.
06-02-2014, 06:38 PM #15
Wanted to show some:
Attachment 150997
Hardness appear good
Attachment 150998
Vascularity that Ive never seen before
06-03-2014, 06:52 AM #16
Update #5:
Today I was 177.6lbs,
Im clearly leaner, bigger too.
Vascularity is great.
Strenght is awesome.
Havent deadlift since my last 1 rep max, seems like my form wasnt as good as I though, I took few days of break.
My CNS was burned over 15 hour in the gym in 4 days...
My diet hasnt been as strict as I would have liked too...
Dropped back my T3 from 75 to 60mcg. I also had lot of personnal trouble. Left my GF, moved out, need to change work...
Mentally I wasnt 100% on diet but I was too much in the gym. Making my joint hurt a bit due to overtraining and my performance started to suffer bad...
Took a days off. Went real smooth yesterday did 2 set on my big three and thats all.
Today the real training start back.
With all that happen I have no libido... But I feel great. Im the kind of guys who procrastine alot, which I dont do anymore, Im excited to have things to do and I do them, I have lots of motivation and project I would like to realize.
In the gym Im a monster im focused as hell.
Acne is well under control some natural tanninf and accutane is doing the trick nicely.
Sleep is almost under control I at least always get 6 hours, last night I had a good 9hours.
Cardio has been done in many different ways but has been done.
My blood.pressure is great.
122/83 right now. I take another mesure to be sure...
And it is 115/62.
This is a cheap device bought on amazon. But it gives a good idea.
Right Now I like it, I feel that mentally it affects me a bit, in term of anger and lack of patience, but also emotionnally, im really confused in my life right now. I feel like if everything that happenned isnt real... Like If I were out of my body and watching a movie(bad movie BTW)... Strange feelling...
I dont know if its tren related but thats how I feel.
Also, Cardio: clearly has dropped but not that bad
06-04-2014, 01:45 PM #17
Possible e2 or prolactin creeping up?
Just don't let the tren take over, if you start feeling like this just isn't right, or your life is falling apart, you more than likely would be better off coming off and getting thins in order. Tough life changes plus if it effects your decision making, can be a problem.
I started tren almost a week ago now, 50mg eod, haven't really noticed much anything, waiting for this neck ache to go away before I bump up it's dose, but bumping up everything else saturday to start my recomp.
06-04-2014, 06:11 PM #18
I dont believe its tren /E2/progesterone, thats the way I react it just felt more intense XD
Right now im feeling great, full of energie and motivation.Last edited by qscgugcsq; 06-04-2014 at 06:17 PM.
06-04-2014, 06:35 PM #19
I trained yesterday morning, this morning and this evening.
This morning I went to the gym just for fun. Doing the Big three...
Did a triple of
315 Squat
245 Bench
365 Deadlift(went light to protect my back...)
Felt good first time I squat and Deadlift with a belt, Liked it, gonna buy one soon enough.
This evening was a pumping session, vascularity insane, start to see striation on my delt a bit on my chest.
Ive eaten about 1 000 calories(just carbs) to be able to perform tomorrow.
Id like to shred fat but seeing my strenght going up so fast makes me want to perform everytime I train
Ill still cut fat slowly but surely, so im struggling between strengh and aesthetic XD, trying to get both with minimal sacrifice
06-05-2014, 09:07 AM #20
You could certainly begin doing some cardio on non training days and keeping the calories low on those days. You could also utilize a proper toggle to recomp throughout your cycle. Keep fat down or even lose some while building muscle, just load up on carbs adequately before lifting, as bottom line you want to keep your sessions as effective as possible.
06-05-2014, 11:39 AM #21
06-11-2014, 07:20 PM #22
Update #6:
Three weeks in, My diet went to shit... my training is heavier than ever, I look bigger than ever, I've never been that vascular even If I see no change in BF...
I'm unfortunatly not cutting... But the way I see it: I'm still not as big as I would like to be, so no matter if I'm more turning that cycle into a bulk, I'm still getting closer to my goal, anyway.
Its not a race its a marathon, therefore as long as I'm going foward I consider it a success, However not being focused on which goal I want to achieve make it far less efficient...
Still tren allow me to limit fat gain at a certain degree, while gaining muscle and strengh in a accelerated rate.
Its not optimal, but I'm enjoying the time passed with my friends more than before and I develop a greater social life.
I'm less patient, but more willing to go out and meet people.
steroids IMO are a tool to reach a goal, I may use stronger compound to compensate a loosser lifestyle, but I'm happier now, than when I was 100% into the gym. And still going toward my goal.
at this rate I probably wont reach 10%, I am well above 180 right now probably(182-184) havent weighted myself recently.
I don't seem to have gained fat... but I'm clearly bigger. Which I'm happy with.
Still aiming for a recomp, so I'm still trying to find the balance between life and dieting.
For now I'm just not eating like a pork, but have no restriction. Still trying not to go over 3000 a day.(about maintenance)
I refeed from time to time especially the day before a big workout.
To day I did 285 for 5 set of 5 Squatting, For the first time I wasnt able to stand due the my destroyed quad.(caused by squats)
I just skipped Deadlift, but did 200 for 5x5 incline easely. I am surprised to see how bench is increasing. I don't seem to fail any of my overload. I did 210 for 5x5 last bench workout Trying 215 in two days. 220 the next and 225 after. It just seems easier every workout...
If I can rep 2 plate bench/3 plate squat/4 plate deadlift, I would be damn happy! It would gives be a approx total of a little bit over 1100 pounds!
I'm getting closer every workout, so performance wise I'm happy as ****.
06-17-2014, 01:03 PM #23
Soon 4 weeks in...
My diet went to shit for 2 weeks...
I went up to 190lbs.
Now I dropped back to 184 aiming for 180 and stay there.
Mostly water retention that dropped.
But still.
Im clearly bigger, gained over 1 inch of arm.
Im bigger, more vascular, not leaner but not fatter either. So im happy anyway.
Im taking back the control of my diet.
06-24-2014, 05:58 AM #24
06-24-2014, 07:58 AM #25
06-25-2014, 10:51 AM #26
Ok I increased my dose two pin ago...
My temp is higher, my rest heart beat has increased a bit, night sweat are becoming serious...
My sleep is ok but seems to not be enough cause Im so burned out...
Only two pin so thats what I joticed for now.
06-29-2014, 12:19 PM #27
My first roid rage ...
At least it was in the gym and under control. But I would have broke his skull with a barbell if I could... for a stupid reason... He was using the metal step I wanted...
After 5 minute of raging I stopped and thought... WhyTF am I angry...
I knew it was the tren so I didnt bother with it but I stayed angry as hell for the rest of the training XD
06-29-2014, 06:48 PM #28
06-29-2014, 07:18 PM #29
I dont see why 350tren + 200 deca would be in anyway harsher than 525 tren .
Or 700mg deca compared to 200deca and 525 tren.
When we consider than the "harshneesss"(is that even a word??), is caused by progesterone which btw is undercontrol.
And if you read well I said that I eould.consider using it if the joint pain becomes too present.
06-29-2014, 07:56 PM #30
07-02-2014, 09:05 AM #31
Last night I went from .3mg to .5mg of pramipexol...
I thought I would throw up for about 2 hours...
Went to the bathroom next to the sink for half a hour... Hoping to throw and be done with that feeling... XD
Lesson learned, Prami is strong stuff XD
P.s., dropped the winstrol ... My knee started to hurt a bit and I realized that it is an unnecesary addition to my already advanced blast...
Plus, winstrol comes with many side that I dont want...Last edited by qscgugcsq; 07-02-2014 at 09:08 AM.
07-04-2014, 06:36 AM #32
This morning I was 184lbs.
Like I said I slowly going down again...
At first I never wanted to go over 180.
I want to do my comp in that class weight(under 180).
I still have lots of fat to lose so Im able to drop down to that with "ease".
Thats what Im aiming for the rest of my blast while still gaining strengh.
Started a linear periodization.
At the end of it Im planning to end up at:
455 DL(435x1 right now) for single or double
365 SQ(355x1 right now) for triple
275 BCH (265x1right now) for triple
And I would like these weight to be my opener. For my first comp. It makes my total at minimum 1095...
With that I will feel comfortable enough.
My fear is that once I drop the tren my strengh will go down alot...
I expect it to drop... But hope to keep most of it.
Also, Ill get BW done arround the end of july.
Ill meet my GP, ( which will make me a speech on how bad steroids are and all those bullshit...) at least ill have my BW XDLast edited by qscgugcsq; 07-04-2014 at 06:40 AM.
07-05-2014, 04:35 AM #33
During that blast I made a friend who homebrew his stuff.
So Ill be trying his tren from now on.
His tren look pretty good and Im a bit scared of running it at 150mg EOD. Cause I truly feel like the one im using is underdosed.
Im handling 525/week too well...
Ill drop back to 100mg EOD.
And see back from there.
P.s. Still 184 this morning.Last edited by qscgugcsq; 07-05-2014 at 04:40 AM.
07-06-2014, 06:42 AM #34
181.4 this morning...
Did 1 hours cardio before going out, drank a bit( 3 shooter)
And woke up this morning at that weight.
Mostly highly dehydrated.
Still happy to get closer of 180.
I expect to.go up at 183 tomorrow...
But I like to see my weight drop.
07-14-2014, 09:03 PM #35
I admit that I have neglected my log...
Neglected my diet a bit.
Havent weight myself for a while...my life is cahotic lately...
Omly thing that has been constant is my aas use and my training...
Time go by and my size go up.
Leaning or not 100% depends on my diet.
If I eat a big too much fat and getting fatter. If im eating carb Im burning, sweating, and look amazing.
Im alot bigger than prior.
With way better vascularity and hardness.
Still not as lean as I would like to.
Small side like, anger from time to time, cramps..., sweating... ALOT!.
No more sleep issue.
I will continue for about 2-3 more weeks..
Rhinking of increasing to 100mg/day
08-17-2014, 05:23 PM #36
Lets conclude that log:
Im way bigger, way stronger.
Not leaner
Gained 1.5inch of arms
Now standing at 16inch.
Aiming 18inch for next summer.(maybe im aiming high but who cares XD)
Overall I loved tren , not much negatif side even with 525mg/week.
Will do another run of it soon enough.
Even on my BW bad side effect were minimal...
Ive easely reach 195 pounds, but got Fatter in the process... Got from 14-15% to 17-18%...
Overall im disapointed in myself...
The cahotic event in my life at that time made me give up my dieting...
I neglected my diet hard... Making me fatter but also alot stronger.
So its not all bad XD
Not much to say honestly... I screwed my cutting, tren is not the magic harsh drug that everyone talks about XD, at least not for me...
The real magic for me would be to find something that supress my appetite... Im a bottomless pit, I can eat ****ing huge amount of anything...
Bulking is easy as ****... getting lean on the other hand is hell for me...
I could get to 250 pounds within a years If I wanted to...
The problem is I dont want to be huge I want to be ripped XD.
Half failed blast...
Right now, Im trying to slowly cut, I want to get under 180 for november.
Now, if you are against steroids abuse, stop reading now XD.
Ive been influence by GH15 recently, so... Sry
From now one im cruising at 500mg test-e a weeks.
I added 700mg of npp a week 5 days ago.
And I miss tren so I start 350mg a week, in my next injection tomorrow.
Im surely gonna try anadrol 50-100mg ED(if my blood pressure allow it) to see if it supress my appetite.
Im running 60mcg T3 daily.
During october I plan on using some winstrol 50mg/day.
And im gonna run that until december...
With some change if needed.
Ill get liver enzyme/lipids/hematocrite checked every 2 months, im gonna try to add Estradiol too in my BW.
I check my blood pressure 1-2x/day.
Cialis if needed to reduce it.
Of course, arimidex + hcg include
Pramipexol on hand.
Wish me good luck :PLast edited by qscgugcsq; 08-17-2014 at 05:36 PM.
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