10-13-2003, 03:56 PM #1
"The journey of a 13th street post whore"
Well, gentlemen and ladies, the time has come. I have entered into the darkside, today at around 2:00 pm. This will be my cycle diary and will include my workouts, results, and emotions throughout the next 22 weeks of my life. This will hopefully be a action packed emotionally charged adventure through my mind and the change of my body for the duration of the the cycle. I will try to report bi weekly or atleast once a week.
Weeks 1-10 Deca QV 300 @ 300mg per wk
Weeks 2-11 QV Test. Enan. @ 500mg per wk (edited, Im taking the enan. up to 500 mg per w/k)
Nolv. 10mg e.d.
Clen . post cycle 2 wks on 2 wks off, for weeks 12-14, 16-18, and 20-22
ECA stack on off weeks.
PCT-HCG , Clomid, Nolv.
My Measurements:
5 ft 11 inches
183 lbs (lost as much as I could before starting cycle)
11.6 % b.f. (as of last Tuesday by a certified P.T.)
Pic of me at bottom of thread...Front double last week, standing unflexed today.
1/2 pint of E.B.
2 slices of turkey
1 slice of cheese
2 packets of oatmeal or 2 pieces of whole wheat bread
Iso-Pure shake
Detour Bar
5:00pm- (before work)
6 slices of turkey
2 slices of whole wheat bread
8:00pm- (on break)
1 can tuna
2 slices whole wheat bread
Post work out-
Iso-Pure Protien shake w/ glutamine
Dextrose (Thanks BDTR and Big O Legs)
apple sauce (highly glycemic)
11:00pm- (After work)
2 chicken breast
1cup rice
Iso-Pure shake
peanut butter
402g protein, 297g carbs, 35g fat
Push v. Pull reversed philosophy:
Mon: Chest/Bicep
Tues: Back/Tricep
Wed: Shoulders
Thurs: Legs (no squats*)
Fri: Off
Sat: Compound Day (This will be a day involving strictly compound power movements, more of a "frame" building day. I feel this is an intrigual part of the program, for Im search for strength, size, and power. It will consist of movments like Squats*, Deads, Lunges, etc.)
Sun: Off
Every day I will include forarms, calves, and abs.
---I will rotate often a strictly arm day, which involves working just bis and tris.---
Day 1 - Last night, I had a very restless sleep. I even had dreams invisioning the injection. I woke up this morning and spent half of the day getting my self revved up enough to do it, no lie..LOL. Before I stuck that needle in I was NERVOUS. I had a flurry of thoughts running through my head. Will I get sides? How bad will this hurt? Am I going to regret this?...etc. So I just set there drew a deep breath and slowly stuck the pin in. I felt a pain resembling a pinch that was only at the surface, once it (the needle) broke the skin, no pain at all. You feel the pressure of the needle penetrating the muscle, but no pain. After penetrating, I aspirated, no blood just a few bubbles, and slowly injected. Now,after the injection, its ok, the inject was nearly painless and Ive calmed down, def. looked to far into it. I almost feel weird for thinking of all that stuff before the inject, but I guess it was just built up anxiety. I have already ate my morning meal and feeling good. Very happy and excited about doing this again, most have been the dreaded "Pre First Injection Anxiety."
Well, now its been a few hours and there is no pain at all where I injected or in my leg. I injected into the vastus lateralis and I do feel a sorta tightness there where the "puddle" of oil is, but thats it, no pain, sorta like a little sorness after a leg workout.Last edited by talon; 10-18-2003 at 09:22 PM.
10-13-2003, 04:48 PM #2
Look good.. execpt for the turkey slices.. right off the breast right? NO PACKAGE FOOD!!!
10-13-2003, 05:11 PM #3
Are you cutting? 300g carbs is nothing, enjoy your cycle bro.
10-13-2003, 05:39 PM #4
Awesome talon.......this cycle has been a long time in the making bro.......and I for one am excited to partake in this experience with you........as best I can from 400 miles away.......You know your shit bro and if anybody is gonna maximize their gains from a 1st cycle it certainly will be You.......You know the routine....post and post often.......keep us updated with pics as well as with the mental aspect..........Good Luck
10-13-2003, 06:08 PM #5Member
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Test/Deca is an awesome cycle...you will love it!!! Good Luck!!
10-13-2003, 08:11 PM #6
Mass Junkie, Big O Legs, Palme, and The Juicer, thanks fellas for you comments.
Palme you think I should up the carbs some?
I know I said I will post only twice a week, but I do have an update to day 1 after my first workout:
I know that its DEF. a placebo, but I did have added energy tonight during my workout. I did have a inner-euphoria about my individual lifts, they felt a little lighter.
Now I said earlier that my leg wasnt that sore. Call me a liar. I am feeling the deca now. It feels as if there is a sorta knot in my leg and a sorness when I walk or flex the quad. Def. noticible, but not annoying, its not a "severe" sort of pain, but a day after one of BIG O LEGS workouts sorta pain. I thought I would add this so anyone just starting (newbie) would understand and feel what Im saying, for this is the main focus of this journal, so everyone can understand the mental and physical aspects of one mans cycle.Last edited by talon; 10-22-2003 at 01:44 AM.
10-13-2003, 08:15 PM #7
Good luck bro....I especially like the liquer bottles behind you in your front double pic. Hopefully none of the alcohol while your on!....I just took my first shot about 4 weeks ago and Had the same feelings as you did. I was nervous as hell. You will be ok and your cycle looks great. Diet/Gear/lifestyle seems in order. Best of luck,
10-13-2003, 08:41 PM #8
Hey bro, speeking from experience on recent batches of QV enanthate ... I'd bump it to 500mg a week because that probably will equal about 350-400.... and most people consider even that a low dose. I know you know your stuff, just throwin you some first hand advice from someone who's used QV lately. Theres many others I know the complain about the underdosing too.
Keep us posted bro, congratulations
10-14-2003, 04:16 PM #9
I think your doing a cycle carb routine right Talon? 300=light day... 400= medium... 500= heavy
10-14-2003, 04:31 PM #10
Raise your carbs to 400 a day. Also:
Post work out-
Iso-Pure Protien shake w/ glutamine
Detour Bar
apple sauce (highly glycemic)
Use isopure and 75 grams of dextrose, lose the detour bar, the fat in it slows absorbtion and directly post workout we want fast absorbed protien.
10-14-2003, 04:39 PM #11Originally Posted by bdtr
And your protein will raise accordingly to keep your calorie count around the same number... I agree ditch the detour (I know they taste good).
10-14-2003, 11:42 PM #12
I only have a couple of comments really.
1. Man how the heck do you make it to 11am without eating?? hell at 7am I'm starving or I just woke up starving...no way I could make it that far..
2. Odd that no one is saying anything about your workout. I posted that same workout (more or less) in the workout forums and got blasted about how chest/bis, back/ tris was a horrible thing to do... At least I know I'm not the only one doing things that way..
3. GL bro i'll be following this thread closely as the workout and cycle is close to mine other than I'm using EQ instead of deca ...
10-15-2003, 01:37 AM #13
BDTR- Thanks for the suggestion. I will hex the bar and throw in some dextrose w/ that. I like you reasoning, as this will cause an insulin spike, refilling my glyco reserves and driving the protein into my muscle
Big O Legs- Thanks as always. I want to stick w/ a constant mid to high carb. diet. I def. am thinking about upping my carb. intake. I think Im going to wait, till I can tell if I need more energy. It will probably be 4 to 5 wks.
1) The reason Im doing the reverse push vs. pull is because I have already topped out on the reg. push vs. pull workout. I will be changing my work out every 4 to 5 wks to, hopefully, keep the results coming. So, if I dont find a better workout to suit my need by the end of the these upcoming wks I will return back to the push vs. pull. The push vs. pull is a very simplist beginners workout. The people whom posted on your thread probably had this in mind. It is easy to construct, but your results will fade overtime as w/ any workout. Im sure you know this.
2) I dont get home from work until usually 1 am to 2 am in the morning. So 11 am is my wake up time. I, like you, am hungry as soon as my feet hit the ground.
3) I will probably be upping the test to 500mg a week for the duration of the cycle. I want to derive the most benefits from this endeavor as possible.
10-15-2003, 01:57 AM #14
Been waiting for this one for a while, goodluck.
10-15-2003, 08:45 AM #15
Thanks for the answers Talon, again I'll be keeping up with this throughout the cycle.
10-15-2003, 11:27 AM #16
good luck buddy. Careful not to overtrain.
10-20-2003, 04:21 PM #17
Week one update:
Well, I took my second shot today (Mon.). Its been a long week just waiting for the gear to kick in. My workouts were intense as usual, but I did notice a little strength gain, especially my squats for some reason. I have a feeling its just the change to a proper diet and weight lifting lifestyle. As far at the mental aspect, I have just been experiencing a wave of impatience. I just cant wait for this stuff to kick in and get going. I upped the shots to 1.5mL now instead of 1mL, because I added the test in this week. Now Im taking two 1.5mL shots on Monday and Thursday (.5 mL of deca and 1mL of test. w/ each shot, twice a week). Now Im at 300mg of deca and 500mg of test a week and this is where Ill stay for the duration of the cycle.
One thing about this past weekend was not being able to go out and party. Honestly it was very hard for me to hold myself back from going, seeing how I usually do that every game weekend. I wanted to go out to drink and party w/ friends, but luckly I have strong self control. Well, atleast the Gators won. I know now the magnitude of the journey ahead of me and the different obsticles Im am probably going to encounter along the way.
My diet was very strict this week. I didnt cheat except on Sunday w/ my normal cheat meal (which was a large cheese pizza to myself btw). I kept my intake steady using the diet I posted earlier. I hope as the weeks go by and I start to see noticible changes, that things become easier, as far as my mentallity towards what I will acheive with this. I feel that once I see and feel change I wont think about it as much and the impatience will subside. I hope this is the outcome, because as I stated earlier Im constantly thinking about how I will look after this cycle and impatient towards waiting for it to happen.....Last edited by talon; 10-27-2003 at 01:27 AM.
10-20-2003, 09:00 PM #18
So all in all would you say that you gave 100% effort to week 1....if not what would you of changed?
10-21-2003, 09:21 PM #19Originally Posted by mass junkie
One update though. Yesterday I took my first shot of test. Late lastnight I got extremely sick and had flu like symptoms (runny eyes and nose, bad headache, sore throat etc) Im guessing it was test flu, caused fromt he anabolic properties of the test knocking out my immune system. What do you guys think?
I am NOT saying that Im feeling the effects from the gear, but I am weighing 186 right now and my body fat is down to 9.8%. I got is read by the same P.T. that I did before starting this. Im thinking about upping my intake. I dont know though, because Im losing fat and increasing muscle. What do you guys think about this also?
10-22-2003, 08:26 AM #20
cycle looks good but it seems ot me your cutting right?? since your taking a eca stack. you would have been better off with some prop, eq or var or fina or even some masteron . you;re going to suffer from some bloat with the deca and enanth.
you only have nolva?
your running deca and even at a low dose you could have problems with progesteron, like you said this is your frst cycle so you dont know how your body will react. It would be better to have all ancillaries on hand before the first shot occurs. You only have a estrogen blocker, I would be running a anti-aromatase with the nolva and 10-20mg/day. you just stoping the binding of estrogen and not stoppping its conversion rate. I would be very carefull when comming off the cycle in PCT, so you dont suffer a rebound effect from the nlova. remember to taper things all the way through PCT and a days after you last dose of clomid. good cycle if your looking to bulk up some but poor choice if looking to cut up and rip. I guess I am assuming your trying to cut since you running a eca stack throught the cycleabstrack@protonmail.com
10-22-2003, 01:36 PM #21Originally Posted by abstrack
Last edited by talon; 10-22-2003 at 01:39 PM.
10-22-2003, 06:53 PM #22
Not bad Talon. From the pics, your cycle will make you big. If I was gay Talon, I would probably still like girls.
10-22-2003, 07:35 PM #23Originally Posted by bermich
10-22-2003, 07:45 PM #24Originally Posted by talonabstrack@protonmail.com
10-23-2003, 01:25 AM #25Originally Posted by abstrack
10-23-2003, 01:28 AM #26Originally Posted by bermich
10-23-2003, 02:32 AM #27Originally Posted by talon
Too much "Queer eye for the straight guy, Will and Grace, and boy meets boy" watching has expanded my horizon. Gotta watch SouthPark episode.
Anything I would change??? Nope. I was just curious to see a face to the name is all. I expected to see a pic of a 19 year old who weighs 150 lbs flexing thinking he is huge cause those are the pics I keep coming across.
You appear to be solid all around. With the research you have done, you seem committed to 110 percent with this so Im sure you will come out with the masimum benifits of your cycle. 40 lbs heavier and ripped. Good luck.
That PM was meant to be private. Hence the letter P. Now everyone knows you and I have a thing going on you silly boy.
10-23-2003, 10:22 AM #28
Thanks for the comments bermich, you help is always appreciated bro. I have another "side bi" pic take yesterday to add to the journal, to give more comparison for after.....
10-23-2003, 10:32 AM #29Originally Posted by talon
10-23-2003, 11:28 AM #30
Thanks Mass. I dont ever think Im anything except small bro, thats why Im addicted to weight lifting...LOL. I deleted the other post and took one with a little better lighting. I think I can already tell a small amount of growth.....
Last edited by talon; 10-23-2003 at 11:31 AM.
10-23-2003, 11:34 AM #31
only thing I would say is work hard on bringing up the traps
10-23-2003, 12:31 PM #32
Thanks Mass. My body is a work in progress. My traps, forarms, shoulders, and calves are some of my main points of focus through out the cycle.
I took my third injection today (1.5cc) in my quad. The injections are feeling much easier now. I dont have as much built up anticipation before the inject. I did have some hard-core pain today for some reason though when I injected. It also hurt alot worse when the needle would move while I was slowly injecting the oil. Im guessing I jabbed a nerve or I was severly close to one. Im not getting sore though, like I was after my first inject in the right and left quad. Im sure my muscle is getting used to the BA in the oil.
10-23-2003, 12:40 PM #33
If you can Talon, find someone you can trust to give you your injections if you keep getting sore. Moving the needle around inside your muscle is the main cause. When I pushed down on the plunger, I kept pushing the entire needle ALL THE WAY down into my muscle. Takes practice I guess. Anyway, you do look a little bigger in the LATS and UPPER ARM area.
10-24-2003, 07:10 PM #34Swellin Guest
Damn T, I stumbled into this one a bit late, but in time to wish you well!
I am a bit envious of the vee you show in the double bi pic...I havemore of an ][ thing going on.
Wait a minute I guess it needs to be a bit wider... ] [.
Dec. 1, I will be starting a cycle that is extremely close to yours. I am very interested in how this goes for you...even though you are a Gator! Good Luck.
10-26-2003, 10:52 PM #35
Week 2 Update:
Well, this has been a long week of working out and strict dieting. I didnt wonder away from the mass amount off food I have been eating and I kept everything clean, again, following the diet I outlined almost to a tee. I did have my second cheat meal on Sat. night. I devoured a half-a-rack of Chili's baby back ribs, a montery jack chicken breast, rice, corn, and cinnamon apples. It was very good and is allowing me to focus more on getting back into my diet Sun. and the rest of the week. I was sick, as I mentioned earlier, mon. night and tues from the test. Im assuming. I still was able to eat everything I want and I didnt stray from my max intake.
I took my third injection (1.5 cc) of test. enan. and deca mixed. Tuesdays shot, which was my second, wasnt to bad. I had a little bit of soreness the night and day after the shot, kinda like the first shot, just a leg workout type of soreness. Thursdays shot, though, was a different story. I didnt have ANY soreness after the shot, so I decided to go ahead w/ legs for thursday. Well, that night and the following day things changed. I had an extreme soreness, sorta like a very deep, intense bruise. Lastnight (sat.), I applied heat to the outer quad and it alieveated alot of the pain. I think it was a cramp caused from the "puddle" of oil in my leg and like bermich said, I was moving the needle around ever so slighty as I injected and I probably caused some bruising. These ideas, combined w/ the fact that I did a leg workout same day, probably accounted for most of the soreness I was enduring.
My workouts, like my diets, for this week were very good. Thurs., sat., and today I noticed my pumps were a little harder and lasted a little longer after leaving the gym. The weights seem to be getting lighter, well its hard to explain. I dont think Im getting stronger yet, but when I do things to form, especially bench, I feel like I have alot more control over the heavier weights that I didnt used to have and they seem a little easier to lift. There is a few zits popping up on my face also. I pretty sure this isnt from the gear, but from the increased amount of food I am consuming. I bought a s-load of anti bacterial soap to use throughout the cycle.
I do feel as if Im getting hornier alot easier. Dont laugh, but Im getting boners from kissing girls when it used to take alot more stimulation. Im pretty sure these are just placebo effects, because I am on now and loving it, but it could be a pheasable idea, because this is the second week of deca and the first week of test.Last edited by talon; 10-28-2003 at 11:46 PM.
10-26-2003, 11:04 PM #36
Awesome bro..........Couple more weeks and the test will be kicking in for ya..........Oh yeah and dont even think about coming down to Miami untill you get that Bonner situation under control.....
10-27-2003, 01:23 AM #37
Thumbs up Talon.. your sticking to the game plan and the mission is going to be a success.. also Like the new avatar
10-27-2003, 02:02 AM #38
Good job Talon. Reading your dedication inspires me to keep to my goals.
No that wasnt sarcasm either. Honest....
10-28-2003, 11:56 PM #39
Mid week 3 update:
Things are starting to change a little today. As stated before, my diet and workouts have been going 100 percent as planned, w/ no flaws yet. Well, today was back/tricep day, but I had this underlying urge to do legs. So, up to the squat rack I go. I pulled out 4 of the most amazing sets I have endured, challenging my personal limits. I got 225 x 15, 275 x 15, 315 x 15 and finished off with 365 x 6. All of these sets were "true" box squats, as I set up a chair and touched my ass to it everytime. This alone has to be one of the gradifiying reasons leading to a persons addiction w/ a.s.s. To see your weight go up drastically and pushing an insane amount of weight, when dealing with your personal standards of whats heavy, very easily.
I weighed myself yesterday on the same exact scale I have been using, so far, throughout the entire cycle. I was very pleased with the results. I was 192.5 lbs. That is nearly 10 lbs in 2 weeks. Granted nearly all of this is water weight, its still a nice feeling to be inching ever-so-closely to 200 lbs, which is which what I want to excede by post cycle.
10-28-2003, 11:58 PM #40VET
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you're still ugly. post some pics weakling. i wanna see these legs.
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