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  1. #41
    bornbad71's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by swellin
    BB71, good questions.
    As for the calories, my diet has been **** the last week. I have slipped. Before that, I was staying pretty constant in the 3800-4200 range...depending on the day. I lapsed on making up my chicken and rice, and that has been a big let down. I am thawing chicken as we speak.
    Yes, I recover much faster. It is different though. I am pushing myself harder than before, so the soreness is still there. I think sometimes I confuse tightness with soreness.....sounds strange, but I can't explain it.
    I can't sleep at night. I am one of those folks that normally gets 6 hours of sleep and is good to go! I toss and turn all night. Most of that is due to some outside influences right now. It is strange, but lately after a big leg workout...I need 10 hours of sleep.
    I started a different workout when I started my cycle. It was not a big change, just a variation. I have actually lowered my sets, but upped the weight and the intensity.

    I have found that I am still able to lift where before I was spent. I try and do that until my muscles quiver and I am useless.

    Just this week, I made a commitment to get my ass in bed earlier. I need more sleep.

    Unfortunately, my wrists, forearms, and elbows are screaming for me to take a break. I can't even spot someone on the bench because of my wrist pain.
    I worked legs tonight, to give the arms another day of rest, but it won't be enough. I know I have two breaks coming up....about 2-3 days each. I am trying to press on until I hit one of those breaks. If the wrists keep up this mess, I'll never make it. I severely overtrained lkast Friday, and that is what spurred the this problem onward.
    Thanks for the answers bro........I'm like u about the sleep........seems like 6-6 1/2 hrs and I'm good........I know I need more but I just lay there all awake and toss and turn......almost so much I get tired sometimes from the tossing and turning, but not sleepy.

    Sorry to hear about the wrist and elbows.......give them time to recover and heel........u don't want them to set u back during your cycle.

  2. #42
    Swellin Guest
    Well, I worked legs and started a regimen of ibuprofin for the pain in my arms. It seems to be helping. I have still been able to push it pretty darn hard. In fact, tonight was one hell of a workout.

    I figured out why I hit the vein, when I had been missing with no problem. I did two things differently...first, I had the needle going in at a slightly different angle, and second...I was about two inches higher than I had been before.
    How I missed that, I don't know. My wife was not happy when she saw blood on the bathroom wall...all the more reason to tell her what you are doing. would I have explained that?

    I have been eating like I should again, but not quite enough...I need to bump my calories up a bit more. I am stagnant at 222, but I can see that changes in my body. I believe this clen is really melting fat. I am getting bigger, but I am not gainingany fat...I'm actually losing some. I'm looking forward to the next run in with those calipers.

    I am considering picking up some prop to run for a couple of weeks, leading up to pct...any thoughts?
    Last edited by Swellin; 01-08-2004 at 10:45 PM.

  3. #43
    Bigboy123's Avatar
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    Well look whos here... U tell me i can chime in like ive never posted over here dawg... Come on bro.... Yo def diet to the T... I think that is one thing that separates me from a lot of other people, is my complete utter devotion to this whole lifestyle... My girlfreind thinks im nuts and so does her family... Calorie intake is huge.... My suggestion is spread out ur runs with the calipars as well as the scale more that way u will be able to see drastic changes as apposed to minute... But Any way good luck, and wht the **** is pro?

  4. #44
    Swellin Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigboy123
    But Any way good luck, and wht the **** is pro?
    "Pro," is a term used by idiots that neglect to add the last "p" on the word.

    You know...for test prop...but sometimes the mind outpaces the fingers and you

    I try to weigh about once or twice a week. I decided that for this cycle and the journal, I would use the calipers every three weeks. That way, I can keep an eye on what is happening. By doing so, I have realized that I need more calories.

    I posted over at IBB that when the scale finally shows 229, I am going to eat 4 cheesburgers and a 6 pack of chocolate glazed Krispy Kreme donuts. I will be washing it down with a non-diet Coke (2 liter).
    Then, I will weigh and see if I made it to 230....calipers need not apply.

  5. #45
    Bigboy123's Avatar
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    Well what r ur goals agian.. Ur doin this as a bulker?

  6. #46
    Swellin Guest
    Yep, I'm doing it as a bulker. I have almost decided to just start eating everything in site, and not give a **** about quality of food. (Not really, just a small vent there.)
    I have a couple of reasons for considering the prop at the end....
    1st, that's a couple of weeks before pct, that I could be doing something. Prop will not change my pct start date by running it after the test.
    2nd, I want to run a cycle with prop this summer, and before I get carried away with that, I would like to know how I handle prop. This just seems like a perfect time to give it a go.

  7. #47
    Bigboy123's Avatar
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    Yeah, well look at my cycle.... IM doin exactly that, im runnin the prop up until my last day of var and then right after hittin PCT...
    Go for it..

  8. #48
    bornbad71's Avatar
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    I don't see any harm in adding u said go ahead and see how your body reacts to when u reach 229lbs let us know.........I'm gonna go eat a doughnut in your honor.

  9. #49
    scottninpo's Avatar
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    i love prop, use it as the jump and the finisher, it makes sense to me to finish with it so those two or three weeks leading to pct don't go to waste

  10. #50
    Swellin Guest
    I decided to get the prop. I will be adding it to this cycle.

    I forgot to take my measurements today. I didn't measure or hit those calipers. I tried to take some pics, but I suck at posing! My gains are not showing up that well with the camera, but they certainly are in person. In the last two days, I have had a couple more people tell me about the weight I have put on...all telling me it looks great. I have a couple of tee shirts that look pretty **** goofy when I wear them now. They are really tight in the arms and the shoulders. It looks like one of those guys that needs a Large, but he is wearing a small so he can feel bigger. It looks like my XL's are becoming a thing of the past.

    No weight gain. I am still stuck in the low 220's. I can see some of my abs again though.

    This is my 6th week or my 7th...I'll have to look it up. I am starting to notice some strength gains. They are coming on pretty rapidly. I worked shoulders tonight, and on some exercises I was able to add 20 pounds and still do the same number of reps as last week. The weight I used on military press las tweek, I got once. I dropped back 5 pounds, and this week I got it 6 times. It seems that every exercise I have done this week has had 10 more pounds and a couple of extra reps.

    Unfortunately, I will miss Thursday and Friday. I will be out of town. That would be chest day and bicep day. After seeing my recent strength gains, I really want to see what happens on chest day. Oh well, it will give my wrists a much needed break.

  11. #51
    Bigboy123's Avatar
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    Well congrats on pickin up that prop, i dont think u will regret it... Good way to time out ur PCT just right...

  12. #52
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
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    Swell, let us know how the prop turns out. I actually was thinking about throwing in some for the hell of it

  13. #53
    Swellin Guest
    I placed my order for the prop today.

    That might be a better idea than I thought...I looked at my current bottle of test, and it appears that some has leaked out. I knew that Monday I kind of tore the rubber on top, and some was leaking out..but not much at all. I covered the top and put it up. I looked at it today, and it had been on its side...leaking just a little onto the label. I doubt I lost too much, but I certainly lost some.

    I have to go out of town very early in the morning, and tomorrow evening is my shot night. I can't rick taking it with me, so I went ahead and took it tonight. I realize that will screw with my levels just a bit, but I sure didn't want to skip it.

    Looks like I will be back this weekend, so yall don't have too much fun without me.

  14. #54
    Da Bull's Avatar
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    Your gonna love the prop bro,just stay away from quad shots or you might be limping for awhile.I hit the delts and pecs with prop...did a bi injection the other day,and never again,just starting to be able to use my arms

  15. #55
    Swellin Guest
    I guess I need to go ahead and do a few shots in new places, before I start running the prop. I need to see what my delts, et al think of test e first.

  16. #56
    bornbad71's Avatar
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    Swellin sounds like your cycle is kickin in high gear........good pick with the prop.......I flirted with adding some to the end of my cycle, but have since changed my mind.......maybe next time....get those wrist back in shape so you can give it hell in the gym.

  17. #57
    scottninpo's Avatar
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    don't be nervous about finding new places to inject, the first time i did a delt inject, i was scared about how it would go, and it turned out to be the easiest shot i've done, only problem was, i shot 50 mgs of winstrol and for the next 3 days felt like someone had smacked me with a ball bat in my arm

  18. #58
    Swellin Guest
    Gee thanks Scott. That is not the way to make me feel more at ease about jabbing this sword in my friggin' shoulder. Just giving ya a little grief.

    I am talking about running of the things with the worst reputations for debilitating pain. What the biggee. Monday, I think I will try my current cocktail, in the delt. If that goes well, I might try somewhere else the following Monday. Only five more Mondays with my current cocktail.

    On a seperate note, I did not see my wife for about three days. Today, she said she thought I had grown since she saw me last....I stepped on the scales after that, and BAM...4 new pounds. Sweet!

  19. #59
    scottninpo's Avatar
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    what prop are you using? proline's barely hurts at all

  20. #60
    Swellin Guest
    I plan on using British Dragon.

  21. #61
    scottninpo's Avatar
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    duh, i'm a retard, you already told me that, i heard that hurts about as much as qv does, it's bearable, and if you're mixing it, it'll be ok, just make sure you're massaging the injection site and work it around a little bit

  22. #62
    Swellin Guest
    It's kind of funny, DB said he never had trouble until he tried the Bi shots. Others have pain with BD prop. I guess it is all dependant on the individual.

  23. #63
    Swellin Guest
    Well, time for the update.

    My weight is up around 225-226. I am finally over 225 consistantly.
    This is the measurement week, and the caliper week. I stopped using the clen , because I was dropping wieght like a mad man. I got down to 218 while using it. I stopped the clen and here I am at 225.

    The very good news is my chest is up a little over an inch, from the last time I measured it. My arms are up a little, and my legs have gained another half inch. Unfortunately, my waist has picked up a half inch.

    At the same time, my body fat has plumetted. I am just under 13%. I looked at the measurements, and the last time I measured...I made a mistake on one measurement, that blew it out of proportion...this means that I have not dropped 3% in three weeks, I had actually dropped some of it last time. I made a 14mm mistake on a measurement. Now I let my wife take them and she does an average of three measurements.

    I did my first delt injection Monday, and it went just fine. I pressed a little too fast on the plunger, and some of it came back out of my arm...not much.

    I am trying to test new spots for my injections, before the prop gets here. That way, I will know whether it is the location that is causing the pain or the prop causing the pain.

    I had a couple of accusations in the gym tonight. Some of the guys in the gym keep up with what I am doing. One of my friends had not seen me without my shirt in a little over a month...he freaked. He said it is obvious that I am getting some chemical help. The other guys asked what I am taking...Cell-Tech, Nitro-Tech & NO2.

  24. #64
    Da Bull's Avatar
    Da Bull is offline Banned
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    Glad to hear all is going awesome,you'll love the prop,but stay away from the legs.Delts,pecs are good choices.

    keep up the great job


  25. #65
    Bigboy123's Avatar
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    OK, we need some updated pics fellas... And da bull u have to change the avatar....

  26. #66
    scottninpo's Avatar
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    for your first cycle, you usually blow up pretty fast, so it's gonna be almost impossible to hide it, that's why i never made any bones about it, hey, it's my body, i'll do what i want with it, you can hide it a little better on subsequent cycles, since it won't be such a dramatic growth spurt

  27. #67
    hoss827's Avatar
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    Dang! Can't wait to see the pics bro, results will b e exciting to see. I can't wait for my first cycle...Rudy the AR guinea pig..4 years from now.

  28. #68
    bornbad71's Avatar
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    Sounds like the delt injection went well........I have done quad and glute injections and will try the delts this time.....I think I will stay away from pec injects for now.

    Good choice to drop the clen .......keep your weight up and worry about cutting later......sounds like u are getting the results u were wanting from your cycle.....can't wait to see the after always continue to grow and strive to inprove.

  29. #69
    Swellin Guest
    OUCH! F*cking ouch! I spent the weekend away, welcoming my brother back from Iraq. I had to preload and take my business with me. I had been planning to give the bi's a try, and today was shot day. What a mess!
    I had 2cc's in the syringe. I figured one in each bi would work out fine. I stuck the left bi, and everything went according to plan...except for me wigling the needle around like an idiot...and ponly getting about 3/4 of a cc in the left bi.
    On to the right one.
    I got a vein going in, and pulled back out...changed pins, and hit another spot on the bi....right where I have a nerve. Upon hitting the nerve, my bicep twitched so hard that it spit the needle out of my arm (well, that and me jumping/snatching it out with the left hand).

    I only brought two extra needles into the bathroom, and my brother's roommate's family was right outside the we go with the same needle. I decided to go back to the left bicep, just about an inch above the first injection. No problem. Now I have four bloody spots on my arms, after just getting out of the shower.

    I drove home tonight, and my bicep is killing me! I have some heat on it right now...maybe 2cc's was a little too much for the first time in the bicep.

    Now I have to figure out how I am going to hit the right one Thursday.

  30. #70
    Swellin Guest
    Oh yeah, I almost IGF came in today....and so did my BD prop!
    I am too excited to sleep.
    The only thing is...I think they forgot to put anything in the IGF bottle. It looks pretty darn small to me. I guess I will figure it out when the IGF starts.

  31. #71
    Da Bull's Avatar
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    Alright bro,now you have some ammo to finish off the cycle nicely....congrats..DB

  32. #72
    scottninpo's Avatar
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    it's like a f*ckin scene out of traffic, you're nervously jamming a needle in your arm while Michael Douglas is pounding on the door outside, hahahaha, i love it!

  33. #73
    BLACKZILLA's Avatar
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    good stuff so far bro....i'm doing nearly the same thing and I'm looking forward to similar results....good luck. Just a little you use wrist support when lifting? I use gloves with a little bit of support and they hel pme out a ton.

  34. #74
    bornbad71's Avatar
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    After u told your story about bicep injections.........I think I will skip those also......but I liked scottninpo's reply...LMAO

  35. #75
    Swellin Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by bornbad71
    After u told your story about bicep injections.........I think I will skip those also......but I liked scottninpo's reply...LMAO
    Scott has been drawing analogies to movies today, and doing a fine job!

    Zillano, I did use gloves, but I decided to quit. After throwing away all of my wraps and supports, my grip strength increased....until my wrist started acting bad. Funny thing hasn't bothered me since my bicep shot.

    I skipped the gym arm did not want to go. I'll hit it tomorrow.

  36. #76
    scottninpo's Avatar
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    nothing in 4 days, swellin must have quit, took his ball, and gone home......

  37. #77
    bornbad71's Avatar
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    Hey bro where u at...........don't let scottninpo be right this time.

  38. #78
    Swellin Guest
    Things have been pretty insane here for a while. My occupational future has been in a severe state of flux! Potential relocation along with a serious direction decision have spiraled my mild depression. My wife thinks I need medication. I don't feel it is hormonal, more situational. I will wait things out before going that route.

    Add to all of this, my brother just came home from Iraq. Quite a lot going on right now.

    Back to the cycle......

    I am getting very close to 230 lbs. I went nuts and started eating everything I could get my hands on, and some of the lard is back. I'm not that concerned with it, though. I will be making some changes this week to lose a little of the lard.

    I will be starting back with some mild cardio. I will also start doing a very mild ab workout. I have gotten so tight that I picked up a Yoga DVD for help with my flexibility.

    I will also start being a little more careful about all of the junk I am eating.

    I did a bicep shot last Monday, and Thursday....I decided to hit the other room for favortism. I only ran 1cc in my right bi, where I put 2 in my left. This time, I put the second cc in my right delt.
    It still hurt like hell! I was sore yesterday, but no prob today.

    Tomorrow is another shot day, and I am undecided about where to run the next shot. I might just post a poll in the steroid section. I will inject around 9-10 in the morning. That does not leave a whole lot of time for the poll, but who cares...I have never posted a poll before.

    My strength is gaining finally. Before starting this cycle, I could bench around 340. When I did 315, I could only get it once, but I could still do 340.
    I did 350 on New Year's Eve, and just misswed 365. I certainly should be around 360-370 now. Just the other day, I supesetted chest and back (I can never do as much weight this way). On my third exercise, board last set was 315...I got it 5 reps.
    Also, I have bad shoulders and have not done bb military in 10 years. I started back trying them 3 weeks ago. In the past, I have done db military, but the biggest we have are 65s. Last week, military was my third exercise, and on my fourth set...I got 215 6 reps.
    After tearing my pec on the incline bench, I have not done that exercise. I recently started back doing it, and the other night I got 255 for 5 reps on my last set.

    Last night I went out with my brother, and had some girls ripping off my shirt, wanting to see what was underneath...that is a first. I told them that there was plenty o' lard under there because I am bulking....when they got through the shirt...they wanted to know where the fat was. Things like that sure make a guy feel better about what he is doing to himself!

  39. #79
    scottninpo's Avatar
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    for me the hardest thing during cycle is controlling my diet, especially when the eq hunger hits, i'm considering using dexatrim for my upcoming cycle

  40. #80
    Swellin Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by scottninpo
    for me the hardest thing during cycle is controlling my diet, especially when the eq hunger hits, i'm considering using dexatrim for my upcoming cycle
    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Dexatrim!!!!!

    I just got off the scales, and they read 229! I am really in limbo now...I want to eat a cake just to bump it up to 230.

    I am about to go shower and try injecting the pecs this morning/lunch...some of us stayed up a ll night, and slept all morning.

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