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  1. #1
    srebrenica is offline Junior Member
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    Current Natural Progress

    Trying to Bulk Up

    Current Stats
    18 years old
    176 pounds
    12 bf i think

    my goal is to be around 9 bf 220 pounds i want to look like the guy on the third picture that have posted by the time i turn 21

    My calfs wont grow but my quads are growing crazy
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Current Natural Progress-bb10.jpg   Current Natural Progress-l_78df10cb9634cae91194ffc6c2419766.jpg   Current Natural Progress-l_2e85c66d83e3b79019a96102c3e4c972.jpg  

  2. #2
    PC650's Avatar
    PC650 is offline Senior Member
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    nice goals bro. what does your diet look like?

  3. #3
    srebrenica is offline Junior Member
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    my diet is in check
    Meal #1
    12 egg whites 2 yolks
    1 cup of oats
    8 oz red cap milk

    Meal #2
    5oz boneless chicken breast
    1 cup of brown rice
    1 tbls natty peanut butter

    Meal #3

    5oz boneless chicken breast
    1 cup of brown rice
    1oz alomnds

    Meal #4 pre work out
    8 oz 85%lean ground beef
    6oz sweet potato

    post workout=8 oz grape juice 6oz boneless chicken breast.

    Meal #5
    6oz turkey breast or boneless chicken breast
    1/2 cup of brown rice

    8oz ground beef
    2 cups of broccoli.

  4. #4
    PC650's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by srebrenica View Post
    my diet is in check
    Meal #1
    12 egg whites 2 yolks
    1 cup of oats
    8 oz red cap milk

    Meal #2
    5oz boneless chicken breast
    1 cup of brown rice
    1 tbls natty peanut butter

    Meal #3

    5oz boneless chicken breast
    1 cup of brown rice
    1oz alomnds

    Meal #4 pre work out
    8 oz 85%lean ground beef
    6oz sweet potato

    post workout=8 oz grape juice 6oz boneless chicken breast.

    Meal #5
    6oz turkey breast or boneless chicken breast
    1/2 cup of brown rice

    8oz ground beef
    2 cups of broccoli.
    wow i give you props on the diet, looks like youve done alot of research, i would loose the milk imo especially if you wanna be 9%bf . good job

  5. #5
    srebrenica is offline Junior Member
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    I am bulking 16 weks than doing a 16 wek cut and i do 30 min cardio on Mon,Wed,Fri i think ill be fine if i am bulking i have a fast metabolism

  6. #6
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Why does the third picture look like an ENTIRELY different person? skin tone and all?

  7. #7
    srebrenica is offline Junior Member
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    my goal is to look like that possibly reach it by 21

  8. #8
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I apologize...did not see that at first glance. Good diet, youre in the right direction.

  9. #9
    srebrenica is offline Junior Member
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    based on my pictures do u think i can reach my goal when by the time i turn 21 i dont want to such roids at all

  10. #10
    PC650's Avatar
    PC650 is offline Senior Member
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    depends on your genetics man but its very possible,

  11. #11
    srebrenica is offline Junior Member
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    i think i have good base too start with i was 173 in 3 weks went up to 176

  12. #12
    PC650's Avatar
    PC650 is offline Senior Member
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    what does your workouts look like?

  13. #13
    srebrenica is offline Junior Member
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    i got helped with my diet/taining from dedic8ed1 he is one of most helpful people on this forum
    sets are 3 per small muscle group/biceps/triceps/calves

    4 for everything else


    Wide grip pull up 3 sets of 10 that's your warm up.

    Wide grip pull downs
    bent over barbell rows/this move requires technique.
    One arm dumbell rows
    Dead lifts/bend your knees


    Incline smith machine rack
    Flat bench dumbell press
    Decline fly's
    Cable cross overs




    Leg extensions
    Leg press feet close stance
    Hamstring dead lifts
    squats feet wide stance
    Lying leg curls
    Seated calf raises/feet wide stance
    Standing calf raises/feet close

    Thursday =OFF



    Standing lateral raises /side delts
    Smith machine barbell press/to the front
    One arm side lateral raises on cable.
    Front raises with dumbells
    Reverse pec deck/rear delts
    Dumbell shrugs/lean over just a tad
    Barbell shrugs


    barbell curls/check the ego and feel the weight/no rocking
    Seated alternates

    Push downs with cable.
    Skull crushers
    Close grip bench
    burn out with dips to failure.

  14. #14
    t-gunz's Avatar
    t-gunz is offline MONITOR~ ~ RIP ~ Gone never Forgotten
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    great to see mate.

    keep up your diet and training and rest and you'll do wonders!

  15. #15
    srebrenica is offline Junior Member
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    thanks my only problem are my calfs they wont grow as fast as my quads and upper body

  16. #16
    elpropiotorvic's Avatar
    elpropiotorvic is offline Senior Member
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    Man congrats on the good diet.. If u keep that up ... And train like that and sleep properly u will be posssibly 210 with the desired bf... Good luck man and once again congrats

  17. #17
    srebrenica is offline Junior Member
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    props to dedic8ed1 he's the who helped me with my diet do u think i have decent base to start with now

  18. #18
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
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    I'm glad to see your following my diet and training strategy I won't except anything less and you know this.You look a lot leaner then your first pics you sent me.At this point I want you to drop all cardio,let's see what happens over the next 3 weeks.It will only help you build the size you need.Clearly your an advanced Ectomorph especially at the metabolism you have now after adding the meal frequency and training strategy your metabolism is spinning.

    Also we need to discuss my calorie surge strategy.Because your metabolism is freakish "lucky bastard"lol this will put your growth on a new level.3 weeks is a good start now your primed and ready for some real education on how powerful whole food nutrition with an educated approach really is.MARK MY WORDS YOU WILL WATCH YOUR SELF GROW!!!!!!

    Also in order to make the best of your calf work outs I now want you to finish your calf training on the standing raises machine after your routine of course.With as much weight as you can handle I want you to set the shoulder pad low in order for you to let the weight stretch your calves at the lowest possible point and hold it for as long as you can.Set small goals week 1 30 sec week 2 60 sec..I'm gonna start introducing a lot of new things now that you have a good start and are showing me that this is something your willing to work your butt off for.
    Last edited by dedic8ed1; 09-17-2009 at 05:31 PM.

  19. #19
    srebrenica is offline Junior Member
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    ill drop the cardio and see what results i get after 1 month I appreciate the input i and all you have done!

  20. #20
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by srebrenica View Post
    ill drop the cardio and see what results i get after 1 month I appreciate the input i and all you have done!
    PM me Sunday and I'll walk you through my calorie surge strategy.

  21. #21
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by srebrenica View Post
    based on my pictures do u think i can reach my goal when by the time i turn 21 i dont want to such roids at all
    Honestly, no chance. There are very few guys over 220 and in single digit bf% and even fewer who get that way naturally. I commend you for having lofty goals but I would set some shorter terms ones that are more attainable for the time being.

  22. #22
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    Honestly, no chance. There are very few guys over 220 and in single digit bf% and even fewer who get that way naturally. I commend you for having lofty goals but I would set some shorter terms ones that are more attainable for the time being.
    I agree, that is a pretty lofty goal in that time frame, not saying it cant be done. But you would look pretty wicked at even 200lbs and single digit bodyfat. Which if you do everything properly you should be able to do in three years.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  23. #23
    xnotoriousx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    Honestly, no chance. There are very few guys over 220 and in single digit bf% and even fewer who get that way naturally. I commend you for having lofty goals but I would set some shorter terms ones that are more attainable for the time being.
    Agreed. Right now, your best bet is to just keep lifting big, and eating even bigger. You look good now, just keep on adding more clean muscle and who knows bro, when you're 21 if you work hard enough you might be bigger then the guy holding the football. How bad do you want it?

    I've seen dudes make better changes in 4 months then others do 12+

    If you truly dedicate yourself to your body, the sky is the limit. Take a look at some of the popular threads around here to see what i'm talking about.

    Keep working hard bro.

  24. #24
    srebrenica is offline Junior Member
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    ill you pm sunday dedic8ed1 ur right fireguy i gotta start small and work way up to my big goal i think i have decent genetics which will help out. If i reach my goal by 24 i'd be happy camper as xnotoriousx said depends how truly dedicate yourself to your body i totally agree

  25. #25
    XD40's Avatar
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    dedic8ed1 : You taking this young man under your wing is truly awesome. I wish more guys did what you are doing on this forum...Maybe the more experienced members should pick guys and help them out like you are doing. Possibly make it a competition!

    OP: you have the right stuff going on bro, you have your sh1t together! FOLLOW dedic8ed's advice and know you are lucky to have such direction! Good Luck with your transformation and don't give up!

  26. #26
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dedic8ed1 View Post
    PM me Sunday and I'll walk you through my calorie surge strategy.
    why through a pm ? Why not in public like e everyone else does ?

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  27. #27
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    why through a pm ? Why not in public like e everyone else does ?
    Whenever I see someone wanting to give advice via PM instead of an open forum it makes me think either, the advice he is giving is plagiarized or he doesnt want what he is saying critiqued by others. I am not stating that is a fact in this case but I would be curious to know why a PM is necessary.

  28. #28
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    Whenever I see someone wanting to give advice via PM instead of an open forum it makes me think either, the advice he is giving is plagiarized or he doesnt want what he is saying critiqued by others. I am not stating that is a fact in this case but I would be curious to know why a PM is necessary.
    exactly. For everyones safety advice should be openly discussed and scrutnized in public.

    For the original poster I would be wary of someone trying to only speak with you via a pm

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  29. #29
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    BG...Fireguy........i can understand fully in what you are saying.....but dedicated1 has documented with great detail and photos of his experience/transformation......

    im sure dedicate1 is only tryin to help and will have no problems with posting his advice up for all to see..........

    To the OP...BG is correct in saying you should be wary because most people only want something.....i.e a advice is to check through the threads/posts of people who are trying to help you.....that way you can get an idea of what they are like...

  30. #30
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    I also agree that advice should be given out in the open forum for all to benefit from.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

    Depressed? Healthy Way Out!

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    MuscleScience Training Log

  31. #31
    srebrenica is offline Junior Member
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    i trust dedic8ed1 i have see him help plenty of other people All the advice he has give me has worked out pretty well

  32. #32
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by srebrenica View Post
    i trust dedic8ed1 i have see him help plenty of other people All the advice he has give me has worked out pretty well
    This has nothing to do with whether you trust him or anyone else for that matter. I have answered many questions via PM but have never solicited anyone to PM me for advice. The Forums are designed to share knowledge and give and receive information. This makes information available to all and subjects statements made to peer review.

    I was one of the first members to congratulate Dedicated on his transformation and actually gave him a fair amount of advice upon him PMing me without me asking. I do take issue with quite a few of his statements lately where he is saying "you must listen to me and only me".
    4 Weeks Natural Diet/Workout Posts 11 and 14 are the kind of things I am speaking of.

    If someone has hired you as their personal trainer then those ground rules are expected to be followed.

    Here we give advice and opinions, the undertone of many of Dedicateds posts lately of "taking members under his wing" and having them PM them so they can follow specific guidelines set forth by him are a bit disturbing. I give him kudos for getting himself into fantastic shape but I am not so sure this gives him the Guru like status he seems to be projecting lately.

    Let me state again, I do not mean this as a personal attack on Dedicated. As I said earlier I worked with him and have much respect for what he accomplished. This is about keeping the forums open. Unless you are going to be giving out personal information about yourself I cant think of any reason you would solicit a PM from another member.

  33. #33
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    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  34. #34
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    why through a pm ? Why not in public like e everyone else does ?
    I believe it gives the individual a sense of close personal attention.I'm trying to make a difference in people,some say they want to reach there goal I say I'm gonna make sure of it.

    #2 It provokes thought as this high jacked thread fully demonstrates.

    Quote Originally Posted by XD40 View Post
    dedic8ed1 : You taking this young man under your wing is truly awesome. I wish more guys did what you are doing on this forum...Maybe the more experienced members should pick guys and help them out like you are doing. Possibly make it a competition!

    Not everyone seems to think so.I WONDER WHY??????????????

    Thanks,I'm simply trying to make a difference in helping others who stop making excuses and prove to me that there ready to put the work in.It's truly a great feeling to know that I was the instrument in raising there quality of life through natural diet and training.

    OP: you have the right stuff going on bro, you have your sh1t together! FOLLOW dedic8ed's advice and know you are lucky to have such direction! Good Luck with your transformation and don't give up!

    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    Whenever I see someone wanting to give advice via PM instead of an open forum it makes me think either, the advice he is giving is plagiarized or he doesnt want what he is saying critiqued by others. I am not stating that is a fact in this case but I would be curious to know why a PM is necessary.

    Refer to BG quote.

    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    exactly. For everyones safety advice should be openly discussed and scrutnized in public.

    Which all too often causes the individual analysis paralysis taking in too much information on too many topics to effectively rule out what's working for the individual and what's not.

    For the original poster I would be wary of someone trying to only speak with you via a pm
    Agreed,there has been dealer solicitation beware.
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    I also agree that advice should be given out in the open forum for all to benefit from.

    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    This has nothing to do with whether you trust him or anyone else for that matter. I have answered many questions via PM but have never solicited anyone to PM me for advice. The Forums are designed to share knowledge and give and receive information. This makes information available to all and subjects statements made to peer review.Noted

    I was one of the first members to congratulate Dedicated on his transformation and actually gave him a fair amount of advice upon him PMing me without me asking. I do take issue with quite a few of his statements lately where he is saying "you must listen to me and only me".
    4 Weeks Natural Diet/Workout Posts 11 and 14 are the kind of things I am speaking of.

    This protocol ensures that my advice is working for you or not.If you follow what I lay out and it's not for you then you just killed 2 birds with one stone.My way of traveling towards your goal didn't work and there's no reason to think other wise. Juturna's before and after pics speak for itself.I reinforced J with all my support.I demonstrated concern with his venture I didn't agree with and in the end I was rite,and now he's smarter for the experience.

    If someone has hired you as their personal trainer then those ground rules are expected to be followed.

    I'm no personal trainer. I'm just someone who enjoys bringing the best out of those who are willing to put in the work.

    Here we give advice and opinions, the undertone of many of Dedicateds posts lately of "taking members under his wing" and having them PM them so they can follow specific guidelines set forth by him are a bit disturbing. I give him kudos for getting himself into fantastic shape but I am not so sure this gives him the Guru like status he seems to be projecting lately.

    Wow,I'm projecting a GURU like status cause people start threads and members give praise on my diet and training suggestions and results. I'm truly a bit disturbed myself at this statement.In my "Pre contest load double edge sword thread"http://forums.steroid .com/showthread.php?t=397487I stated that everything I learned in the past 24 weeks is more then any so called GURU could tell me about how MY body works.It's not in me to call myself a GURU it's just too self serving.

    Let me state again, I do not mean this as a personal attack on Dedicated. As I said earlier I worked with him and have much respect for what he accomplished. This is about keeping the forums open. Unless you are going to be giving out personal information about yourself I cant think of any reason you would solicit a PM from another member.
    I'm solicited several times a month from members who want my guidance not personal information.

    Let me set the record straight.I like "Taking people under my wing"because it gives me a sense of accomplishment that I raised your quality of life through something so demanding of the individual it turns you into a better person.Raising moral,self respect and discipline.Your gonna really know what your made of when achieving something great that you never thought was possible. Especially when it's done naturally,DRUG FREE.If the way I do things is considered wrong your certainly entitled to your opinion.
    Last edited by dedic8ed1; 09-18-2009 at 05:40 PM.

  35. #35
    Epic1's Avatar
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    so anyways the guy that is holding the football has huge hands

  36. #36
    srebrenica is offline Junior Member
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    I think achieving it naturally makes you better person and what decisions you make in your life i have friends who think drugs are the only route to be as cut as that guy.

  37. #37
    Epic1's Avatar
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    ok to be as cut as that guy naturally you would have to have amazing genetics. Drugs have their place and with time you will learn what place that has. It all depends on your goals and what you really want to achieve. I do believe diet is 80% percent of it. but you will only get so far and then come to a wall of frustration and drugs are what will take you past it. imo.....of course.

  38. #38
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dedic8ed1 View Post
    I believe it gives the individual a sense of close personal attention.I'm trying to make a difference in people,some say they want to reach there goal I say I'm gonna make sure of it.

    #2 It provokes thought as this high jacked thread fully demonstrates.

    Refer to BG quote.

    Agreed,there has been dealer solicitation beware.


    I'm solicited several times a month from members who want my guidance not personal information.

    Let me set the record straight.I like "Taking people under my wing"because it gives me a sense of accomplishment that I raised your quality of life through something so demanding of the individual it turns you into a better person.Raising moral,self respect and discipline.Your gonna really know what your made of when achieving something great that you never thought was possible. Especially when it's done naturally,DRUG FREE.If the way I do things is considered wrong your certainly entitled to your opinion.
    Please remember you are talking to a guy who competed for nearly 2 decades 100% DRUG FREE. I actually dont have any problems with the advice you have given and agree with most of what you say.My concern is that it has gone from advice to more of "self promotion". I have prepped many individuals for many contests but you will not see me using the forums as a platform to promote myself. Nark has probably whipped more people into shape and made more physique transformations than he can remember but we dont see him doing this either.

    I think you bring a lot to the table and I hope you continue to post. I think you will find you will be much better received if you quit with the "listen only to me" type of statements.

  39. #39
    CHAP's Avatar
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    You can achive this at your age if you do it right and dont stop.

  40. #40
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    Please remember you are talking to a guy who competed for nearly 2 decades 100% DRUG FREE. I actually dont have any problems with the advice you have given and agree with most of what you say.My concern is that it has gone from advice to more of "self promotion". I have prepped many individuals for many contests but you will not see me using the forums as a platform to promote myself. Nark has probably whipped more people into shape and made more physique transformations than he can remember but we dont see him doing this either.

    I think you bring a lot to the table and I hope you continue to post. I think you will find you will be much better received if you quit with the "listen only to me" type of statements.
    I agree with fireguy, it is concerning when it seems someone has other motives other than simply helping. I am not specifically talking about you dedi8acted1. People with knowledge and respect have a higher responsibility to the lay person as they are very impressionable and can easily be led astray. That is probable the only issue that is concerning with respect to private advice and the only listen to me approach. Not to say that in pm's one can't give advice, it is more transparent to the rest of the community if the larger part of the advice is given in open. So that if any issue ever arises everyone can get the full picture as to what was said and advice given which only protects everyone concerned if a misunderstanding ever occurs. I am speaking in generalities here and am in no way trying to single anyone out. I am more concerned with everyone having a safe environment with sound advise on health and fitness.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

    Depressed? Healthy Way Out!

    Tips For Young Lifters

    MuscleScience Training Log

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