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    donberry427's Avatar
    donberry427 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    advice on first cycle + current natural pics

    hey whats up everyone. I havent posted a pic and looked for advice on a nice first cycle in sometime. here it goes:

    Current stats: (i dont have time to post a current pic)
    250LBS (recently gained 4lbs in 3 days since i was preloading my creatine)
    Bf% 12-15

    Picture stats (12/2/09):
    After 4 week cycle of: 25mg vaspro Ephedrine, 2.5mg yohimbine, 187mg asprin, 200mg caffine

    bf% under 10

    I was doing alot of compound lifts (clean and press, deadlifts, BB bench etc...) With 15 mins on the bike at high resis i lost 24lbs in 4 months

    My diet consist of The usual:
    Old fashion oats in the morning with blueberries and raisins (1/4 cup each)
    Maybe hard boiled eggs and lean bacon

    lunch is chicken/turkey sandwhiches on whole wheat

    snack (something with meat)

    Dinner (PWO) 1lb lean meat, 1+cups brown rice, 1+cups green veggies

    AM vitamins: (3 grams fish oil, 1g vit c, 600 mg calcium, 75mcg folic acid, 1g MSM, 750 glucosamine, 400 i.u. vit e, 500mg niacin, ginko boloba, gensieng)

    Pre WO shake: ( 1 scoop protien, 1 teaspoon micronized creatine, 1 scoop glutamine, 1 scoop waxy maize/trehalose mix)

    Pre WO vits: Yohimbine + caffine (cycle 4 weeks on 2-4 weeks off)

    Post WO shake: (2 scoops protien, 2 scoops waxy maize mix, 1 scoop glutamine, 1 tea of creatine)

    heres my WO... Should look familiar if you like arnolds encyclopedia

    WO #1 : Chest + Back
    Flat bench: 15 rep warm, 10 reps, 8 reps, 8 reps, 6 reps 4 reps
    (While supersetting) Lat pulldown behind the neck (wide grip): 5 sets of 10
    Incline dumbell press: 10, 8, 8, 6
    While supersetting close grip lat pulldown: 4 sets of 10
    4 sets dumbell flys 10,8,8,6
    4 sets Parrell bar dips 15,10,8,8
    4 sets t-bar rows (with strait bar in courner, not freewieght machine) 15,10,8,8
    4 sets of 10 reps bent over barbell rows
    4 sets of 10 seated close grip rows (possibly supersetting last two sets of BB and seated rows)
    4 sets of 12 Str8 arm pullovers (hold for stretch)
    3 sets of 20-30 reps on machine crunch
    3 sets of 20-30 seated leg tucks
    3 sets of 20 on oblique machine

    WO #2: shoulders + upper arms (on alt days do lower forearms)
    Behind the neck military press: 15 rep warm , 10,8,8,6
    (Superset) dumbell laterals 4 sets 0f 8
    Front military press: 10,8,8,6
    (superset) bentover DB laterals 4 sets of 8
    Upright BB rows: 4 sets of 10
    (superset) Seated str8 arm cable crossover 4 sets of 10
    standing BB curl: 15,10,6,4
    Superset: Laying tricep BB extentions 15,10,6,4
    Alt DB curl: 4 sets of 8
    Superset: Tricep pushdows 4 sets of 8
    Concentration curls off of leg while seated: 4 sets of 8
    Superset: single DB tricep EXt overhead while seated 4 sets of 12
    Hanging rev crunches: 20,15,12,12
    Seated leg tucks: 3 sets of 25
    oblique machine superseted with the crunch machine 2 sets each x 20 reps

    Here are some of my personal records:
    Deadlift: 530 box, 495 BB
    Squat: 405 X 3 (usually only go to 385x4)
    LegPress(freewieght): 1170x4 (26 45lb plates)
    Powerclean: 255x1
    Powerclean+Press: 205x3
    BB curl: 135x3 (cheated alil)

    So i guess im kinda just bullshiting around on here but whats a decent cycle for someone of my stats? i have quite a few friends who juice and im not going to take what they take (one budd is on a 550sust/300tren cycle).

    To be honest I wont be taking it til june/july so im going to want to cut up a bit. Im shooting for something like this...

    (still deciding what test to use)

    Sust/or test E 500mg-10 weeks
    masteron 400mg-last 6 weeks
    Test prop 500mg-last 2 weeks
    [Edit: Im thinking of running prop the last 2 weeks so that way i can run PCT 3-4 days after my last shot, also to learn what i feels like to shoot prop ed or eod for my future cycles]

    Ill prob run an ECA stack with yohimbine the last 4 weeks aswell just to cut up even more.

    PCT nolvadex etc...

    ...another question: I have a-dex onhand from last time i bought research chems. Should i use it anytime during my cycle to cut down on bloat and estrogen?
    Last edited by donberry427; 03-15-2010 at 07:12 PM.

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