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Thread: My pic...

  1. #1
    Aguro's Avatar
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    My pic...

    Hi, some pic of me.. My posing suck and i am pretty far from where i want to be..
    Stats : around 200 lbs
    Been training for 3 years.. stopped this summer for almost 3 month and dropped to 172 pounds.. but now i am back at my 205 lbs.. I have done 1 creatine cycle.. I am in middle of a 1-ad cycle. Those pic where taken 1 week in the cycle 1-ad 300 mg 4-diol 750 mg and tribex.. after 3 week i stopped tribex and i am feeling much better without it.. ill just do it when i am done with the 1-ad and 4-diol.. Anyway.. ill have to figure how to do back pause.. Ill send updated pic after cycle.. comment plz
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails My pic...-hugorelaxed.jpg  
    Last edited by Aguro; 02-10-2003 at 12:57 AM.

  2. #2
    Aguro's Avatar
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    Supposed to be a bicep flex :P Is it me or one of my arm is bigger then the other.. i been training them equally since the beginning.. how could that be possible.... What should i do?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails My pic...-hugobicepflex.jpg  
    Last edited by Aguro; 02-10-2003 at 12:58 AM.

  3. #3
    tatty's Avatar
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    It's very possible that your right arm overpowers your left. You wouldn't happen to be righthanded too, would you?

    It could very well be just the way you are posing, but for me, I would prioritize the lagging arm for an extra session every week and wait for it to catch up (thanks pump ).

    Looking symmetrical otherwise, keep it up!

  4. #4
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I can see it. But it may simply be that you leaned toward the camera - do they have the same measurements? Lookin' solid...

  5. #5
    B-BOY is offline Junior Member
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    hard work!

    nice build bro, I can tell you have put in some hard work in the gym bro and at the dinner table, I would like to say that there are better pro-hormones, pro-steriods out there so look around or pm me..

  6. #6
    Aguro's Avatar
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    Hey someguy at my gym came to me and asked me if i wanted to make a cycle of sustanon 250 and anapollon... for around 1000$ canadian $..
    I said i would think about it...I read a bit about anapollon and this is not for beginner.. i asked to him if he had deca dball and winny and said those where steroid for women When he said sustanon i said well i wont keep most of my gain huh? and he said dont worry about it just eat 400 g of protein a day and almost no carbs and you will keep your gain.. What do you guy think?
    Btw i am still natural.. And is stuff isnt fake..

  7. #7
    skinnyhb's Avatar
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    i think you should #1, wait until your 1-AD cycle is done with before you start thinking about something else. and #2, do your cycle when you want to do it, not when some guy at the gym who just wants to make some money off of you suggests it to you. especially because he is approaching you with the stuff, that sounds kinda suspicious to me.

  8. #8
    pumpseeker's Avatar
    pumpseeker is offline Senior Member
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    Originally posted by tatty
    It's very possible that your right arm overpowers your left. You wouldn't happen to be righthanded too, would you?

    It could very well be just the way you are posing, but for me, I would prioritize the lagging arm for an extra session every week and wait for it to catch up (thanks pump ).

    Looking symmetrical otherwise, keep it up!
    Just saw this and yes, I would agree with tatty here. We've all got bigger right arms.. Focus some extra effort on your left for a while and try to bring it up.

    Your pics show, as B Boy said above, that you've put in some hard work in the gym. If I looked like you now, I'd be cutting the BF for spring break. You look around 10% now. Rip it down to 5 and you'll have much success with the ladies on the beach...not that you wouldn't now.
    Last edited by pumpseeker; 02-19-2003 at 10:16 AM.

  9. #9
    Aguro's Avatar
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    Thanx for the input, so i should do cardio buy myself some xenadrine rfa and lower my carbs ?
    I never did cardio before.. Should i do 65% max hr.. or more like 85% hr?
    Like 40 min a day?
    I dont want to make it quick.. the small mass i gained was very hard to get so i dont want to break it down.

  10. #10
    MIKE_XXL's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Aguro
    Hey someguy at my gym came to me and asked me if i wanted to make a cycle of sustanon 250 and anapollon... for around 1000$ canadian $..
    I said i would think about it...I read a bit about anapollon and this is not for beginner.. i asked to him if he had deca dball and winny and said those where steroid for women When he said sustanon i said well i wont keep most of my gain huh? and he said dont worry about it just eat 400 g of <a href="" target="_blank">protein</a> a day and almost no carbs and you will keep your gain.. What do you guy think?
    Btw i am still natural.. And is stuff isnt fake..
    Ok whoever told you that is full of shit, that's all i can say, do not take his advice EVER!!!!

    Other then that you got yourself a great build Bro and all natural...keep up the good work, looking great...XXL

  11. #11
    Aguro's Avatar
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    Alright this is not very clear or anything but i asked someone what i could do as a cycle at my gym..
    Here is what he told me, i know it not very accurate but anyway comment plz :

    4 shot of sustanon 250 25$ the shots.
    6 week 200mg deca at 270$
    and some proviron i dont know the qty but cost is 140 $ x 2
    and some apl ??? told me it better then clomid 100$
    all the $$ are in canadian dollars so that means around half in american $
    Would that sound better for a beginner cycle..

  12. #12
    Aguro's Avatar
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    Alright with some help from paulastone, i fixed my upcoming cycle..
    I want to gain some mass... This will be my first cycle..
    Comment plz :

    week 1-5 D-bol 35mg eod
    week 1-10 Test either cyp or prop or sus.. 500 mg.. heh need help on that one..
    week 13 and up clomid.
    Ill have novaldex in case... around 70 pills..
    Right now i am around 200 pounds at 10% bf..

  13. #13
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Dbol is even more than ED - it is multiple times per day. EOD won't cut it.

    500mg of Propinate, Cypionate , or Sustanon is not the same. Each has different ester weights and would give you different amounts of free testosterone (minus the ester). 500mg of Propinate (about 450mg of free test minus the ester weight) is much stronger than 500mg of Decanoate (about 250-300mg of free test minus this very heavy ester)...

    Sustanon is not worth a 500mg per week dose to keep form jumping on the hormonal rollercaster ride... you could use it later on if you become comfortable with much larger doses...

    Cypionate might be a nice starting point for you because shots can administer every 2-3 days, no problem.

    Propinate (my favorite test ester) is also a good test with the highest level of free testosterone of these choices. It requires ED or EOD administration but blood levels normalize after only about 3-4 days - so if a noticable side effect to the heavy androgen was found - you could easily stop the use... Sustanon for example, taking many weeks with it's heaviest ester...

  14. #14
    mmaximus25 is offline Senior Member
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    Good post Warrior... Aguro, getting a little impatient are you??? Nice build bro... The only thing I say is feeding your body becomes a different attitude after starting juice. Most learn with trial and error how to dial in growth and cutting techniques for you own body (pay attention to your body's needs dont compare too much)... Start slow with anything especially with AAS your diet will make you or break you, bloat you or keep you lean. But taking advice from huge BBer when starting could be a mistake, one in which I made... Learn from the bros here, you will be so much better off… I only wish I had AR when I started…
    Good fortune to you...

  15. #15
    labrat is offline New Member
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    Thumbs up re:

    my left arm is bigger and more defined. I am right hand dominated. My logic is since the left is weaker, it is working out harder, since they both go thru the same work out and therefore it grew more

  16. #16
    Aguro's Avatar
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    Since ill be doing that in my parent house ''undercover'' would prop be better for weekly shot then cypio.. Can i expect better result from injection every 3 day?

  17. #17
    Aguro's Avatar
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    I did it!! Been dreaming of that day for 2 year hehe.. I crossed the line today.. First injection at 2:00 oclock am my girlfriend loved to play the nurse and laughed her ass off at me turning white... !! Nervous and happy, everything went well, delt a bit sore but i always been a sissy when it came to needle, 25 gauge seringue did their work.. took me 5 min to draw the 2 ml of enanthate . Aspirated small bubble came in the jab didnt even hurt, it took around 2 min to empty the seringue.. So i am started for 10 week, ill keep you updated. Thanx for everyone help warrior maximus and especially paulastone.

    1-10 Week
    500 mg Enanthate
    D-Bol : 1-4 week or 1-5 week not sure yet..
    25mg - 30 mg - 35 mg - 40 mg - 35
    Clomid at week 13 and i have some novaldex on hand
    Prolly eca stack + clen pump at week 13-14...

  18. #18
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    DAMN looking HUGE!!!

    Got a great build, and everything looks proportioned nicely. Good look on the ABS too.

  19. #19
    BowFlex-er's Avatar
    BowFlex-er is offline Junior Member
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    Thumbs up

    Looking WICKED!!!!!! Keep up the kick ass work. L8er Aguro

  20. #20
    Aguro's Avatar
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    Thanx alot guy i cant wait for the juice to kick in... How much time before dianabol kick in? I am at day 2 and i felt pumped like crazy.. i guess it placebo..

  21. #21
    paulastone's Avatar
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    try and take 1 ml on monday and 1 ml on thursday(jeudi)
    instead of the two ml shot!
    injoy bro you'll grow in no time

  22. #22
    roch's Avatar
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    looking good bro. pretty solid base imo.

  23. #23
    Aguro's Avatar
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    okey, i been injecting for 2 week now, tonight my delt injection, there was juice dripping off the hole, did i wasted my shot?? Monday i did a quad injection and 2 day later i couldnt walk on my leg.. And i am getting red area on my arm that itch, it not even on my injection site it just under (like if the juice would have dripped down from under my skin to the side of my arm. like 3 inch below my injection.. Does that mean i am allergic to something? I am using 25 gauge 6/8 seringe.. Could it be that they are not long enough? I did left delt 2 cc right delt 1 cc left delt 1 cc quad 1 cc right delt 1 cc. spaced by 3-4 day each shot...

  24. #24
    FedSki's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Aguro
    okey, i been injecting for 2 week now, tonight my delt injection, there was juice dripping off the hole, did i wasted my shot?? Monday i did a quad injection and 2 day later i couldnt walk on my leg.. And i am getting red area on my arm that itch, it not even on my injection site it just under (like if the juice would have dripped down from under my skin to the side of my arm. like 3 inch below my injection.. Does that mean i am allergic to something? I am using 25 gauge 6/8 seringe.. Could it be that they are not long enough? I did left delt 2 cc right delt 1 cc left delt 1 cc quad 1 cc right delt 1 cc. spaced by 3-4 day each shot...
    Really this question and the last few posts should be in the Steriod Questions thread. But no matter.

    You didn't waste your shot, only a little bit of gear. Don't worry about it - it happens every once in a while. Here's a tip - once you've finished the injection leave the needle in place for a minute or two to let the gear dissapate a little. Then pull the needle out quickly and apply pressure. Another way to stop the gear leaking is to stretch the skin during the injection. This is quite difficult if you are injecting yourself. For delt and quad injections I would suggest you use a 1" needle.

    Maybe you are allergic to the alcohol in the injection. I always rub the injection site before and after with alcohol-free antiseptic wipes. They seem to work fine for me.

    And your earlier dbol question. Dbol begins working about 2 to 3 hours after you take your first tablet. You get a boost the first few days as your body is using up your natural test and the additional test compounds from your steriods .

  25. #25
    Aguro's Avatar
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    Thanx alot fedski

  26. #26
    longhornDr's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Aguro
    okey, i been injecting for 2 week now, tonight my delt injection, there was juice dripping off the hole, did i wasted my shot?? Monday i did a quad injection and 2 day later i couldnt walk on my leg.. And i am getting red area on my arm that itch, it not even on my injection site it just under (like if the juice would have dripped down from under my skin to the side of my arm. like 3 inch below my injection.. Does that mean i am allergic to something? I am using 25 gauge 6/8 seringe.. Could it be that they are not long enough? I did left delt 2 cc right delt 1 cc left delt 1 cc quad 1 cc right delt 1 cc. spaced by 3-4 day each shot...
    Watch that redness closely. It's probably not, but it could be an infection spreading, which is fairly common when using unsterile injection technique.

    Are you pre-cleaning the injection site with alcohol and using sterile technique with the needles, etc?

    You could end up with a nasty staph infection.

  27. #27
    Aguro's Avatar
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    I am using 70% alchool with conton swab.. i wash hand before injecting i clean needle with swab the tob of the bottle with swab i dont blow on anything i avoid talking i switch needle clean the new and sterile one in case i clean the skin like 3 time with alcool and all,but my friend who do my injection keep talking, scratching is head and removing food out of it tooth with is nail while i draw the fucking juice.. It the last time i ask him for injection.. Anyway.. i store my juice in a cardboard box under my bed i dont put anything on the top of the vial (on top of the rubber stopper) should i put a swab or something?
    There alot of dust in my room could it be that?

  28. #28
    Henryhill470's Avatar
    Henryhill470 is offline Associate Member
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    Your looking solid bro.... Keep it up

  29. #29
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Umm, this thread is almost 10 years old.

  30. #30
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Umm, this thread is almost 10 years old.
    people like finding 10 year old threads I guess

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