Originally posted by Peter North

sorry to burst your bubble if you bought into the bf% hugepresser gave you, but i would say a more accurate guess is about 15-17%. 7% would show the 6 cut sections of your abs, and your vascularity would become more apparent. regardless of that fact concentrate on continuing to add muscle. your diet is key to adding quality weight. it is possible to add large amounts of muscle with little fat, however, your diet must be right on to pull it off. it's just a matter of wanting it bad enough to do it! PN
Yea lilbull my bad. I read this post, scrolled back up, checked the pics. Guess I thought cuz you had a well defined back you were lower.
Not 15%, there's no way... more then likely 10-12. But as we've seen, I'm not the best at guessing . But at 17% he would have a little gut I would think??? Have it tested and let us know.