I have been reading the articles and browsing the forums for a while, but I just discovered today there is a female only section, so I registered! I am really excited to learn from other females, instead of hearing the male perspective all the time.

So about me… I’m a female (hence the really excited about the female only section), 30 years old, 5’6” 135 lbs and probably mid 20s for the body fat. I pretty much just started weight training religiously a few months ago, prior to that I was dedicated here and there for the last two years (work and life got in the way), and prior to that, I only set foot in the gym a few times. Now that I’m dedicated, I can’t see not lifting any time soon. My current goals are to increase my strength and size and improve my fitness level and flexibility.

I dabbled previously with HGH, IGF, and Anavar about a year ago when I was dedicated to the gym and my diet… my body absolutely loved that combination. More recently I have tried Clen to help me out of a 3 month horrible binge I went on right before summer (wonderful timing on my part), but I thought (might have been all in my head) that it made me lift lighter, so I quit, and am trying to lose the fat I put on au naturel through diet. I’m getting ready to dabble again and so I’m really excited to learn from the other women on this site.