new guy sayin hello. im no way dead set on taking steroids but i know there is a lot to be learned from everyone here that will surely help me out greatly. im new to the gym scene, but ive been doin my fair share of boxing, MMA, running and biking within the last year. i live right by mexico so if i ever choose to, ive got cheap and easy access to all the Pharmaceuticals i would ever need.

I'm 6'2" and 135. i know what youre thinking and i know its f'n crazy. ive been working out as stated above and have had almost no change in weight except fluctuations from morning to evening anywhere from 130-140. ive gotten a LOT stronger since i started. i went from being able to do only about 15-20 push ups in a row and now im up to 60+. ive had a 6 pack for like three years but my arms looked nowhere near as developed until recently and theyre still not where i want them to be. thats why im here. i am gym bound and want to explore my options.

the only thing ive considered would be ANAVAR but i would like to know if anyone here has any experience with it. the reason im looking at it is because i want a safer option and im not looking for extraordinary results, merely a small boost in progress to help me along the way.