Hi.. my name is Tyler, and I am 18 yrs old. I worked out naturally from the ages 15-17.. due to my skinny body, high metabolism, and not able to eat 8 meals a day, it was, and still is extremely hard for me to put on weight and get that bigger physique. for the past year due to emotional stress, i fell out of working out; i began drinking--alot. lately ive noticed myself loosing that skinny ass body and a mid-section only a 16 yr old ninja or surfer would possess, start to diminish.. ive been getting sort of a beer belly and been gaining weight(only in my stomach). i should also state that no matter hard i worked out my arms, they always stayed skinny and i gained 0 mass. steroids has always been a question in the back of my head. Ive had alot of friends that juiced, one that even flown in ingredients from china and produced his own steroids. ive spoken with alot of people and did alot of homework. Ive heard, "steroids are addicting, and theyre the worse thing for your body".. ive also heared things like, "of course anything you abuse can be harmful to your body, including over-the-counter meds"... so i figured looking up steroids background wasnt enough, i decided to hit the boards and get some real ptp advice. ive spent time on sites like, www.steroid.com, and www.*********.com ... both claim to be extremely accurate. I understand that if i truley want to be safe with steroids i should get bloodwork done and speak to a doctor. But im worried if i go to a doctor and tell him im just self conscience about my body hes going to tell me to go home. So i dont know how successful i would be if i tried to went the legal way. has anyone ever had any experience with *********.com? ... is it safe?... are they legit?... is it a scam?... someone please point me in the right direction. please understand that ive been reading up on steroids for a long long time now, i am extremely open minded and im aware of the circumstances that surround training with steroids; i know how to workout, the correct way.. ive been around the scene and back, im not some schmuck kid in his room doing curls staring at himself in the mirror with a tank top on. If i were to seriously start taking steroids i would meditate myself and demonstrate some sort of self control and never abuse it. my body is the most important thing to me--why would i want to hurt it... before i go any further let me just tell you some things about myself.. if i had to seriously train i am extremely self motivated as well as dedicated. i am turning 19, im about 5"8, and 155lbs on a good day. i love to lift.. but i cant get any bigger/more cut. over the past year ive fell out of shape and i miss my old "in-shape" physique. Now i plan to return to the gym but be get bigger and better than ever. i understand to achieve top results with steroids, you stack cycles. but to my understanding thats for hardcore bulkers/steroid users.. im looking to use something to jump start my body and get me noticably bigger, but not HUGE. i dont want to be one of those guys that get pointed at in a club and hear ppl go, "OMFG". ive been looking up a drug called Var-10(Oxantrione)... has anyone ever had expieriance with this drug?.. safe?..reliable?..result worthy?.. or better yet, is it for me?.. should i take it alone or what should i take it with?... WHERE CAN I GET IT/PRODUCTS LIKE IT?... someone please help.. if you can reply with detail or tell me everything you know or atleast answer all my questions i will be extremely greatfull.. if you wish to speak to me over email or instant messenger let me know. Thank You.
