
Well lets start from the start ><

i stumbled across this forums after being introduced to a new work mate of mine. so i thought id dig abit deeper and see what they were all about.

after some quick reading i soon found out it was not recommended i start using the juice for a fair few years>>>im 19.

now my questions are this. i am hopeless with diets and training. not sticking to them. but knowing ANYTHING about them. whats good for losing weight...putting on muscle...etc.

i am around 195 pounds>>> 90 kilos...
175cm tall...not sure what that is in Feet.

now my questions are this.
I am looking for an ideal Diet/routine that will suit me. Bare in mind that i dont look at getting a Gym Membership until christmas and will be doing everything from home.
Would prefer the diet to be everything that can be found in a household kitchen or thereabouts.
Also the only Weights i have at home are Dumbells...also have a punching bag and a reasonable size backyard to run around in O_O
i Work night shifts as Security so pretty much the whole day is free for me to cut sick at it.
I am not looking to aim for the Full out Body builder look in the long run.
The aim is to have Big arms and a toned chest. Anything else is a bonus ><

If you guys could point me in the right direction that would be great.

thanks in advance