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Thread: Is it worth it?

  1. #1
    GoldGloveLF is offline New Member
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    Is it worth it?

    Hello friends,

    New member here...I decided to sign up because I have been discussing HGH and prohormones with some of the guys that I work with, and they have almost convinced me to try it. I'm a busy guy, like we all are, so if I can't get any help here then I will have to take my chances walking into a nearby store and hope they guys don't rip me off too bad

    I'll tell ya what I can about myself and if anyone here can offer some help...let me 1000% assure you, it will be greatly appreciated.

    Age: 27

    Size: 5'9" 192lb prob 20-25% body fat (rough estimate...bare with me)

    Been lifting periodically for 3 years

    Over the summer I tried Pink Magic by USPlabs and currently am taking OxyElite Pro as a fat burner...results were modest, be respectable... I had reasonable expectations I believe

    Have had torn labrum repaired, broke my ankle in a roller hockey tourny in 2005, tore my hamstring in 2009 running to first base in softball

    I took Accutane in 2008...curious about effect on test/IGF?

    Diet isn't great, but I'm willing to alter it...I'll check with folks in the diet section if there is one

    Work 15-20 hrs a week in a produce dept, lifting 50-100 lb it's a small factor...but perhaps something to consider?

    I don't know my testosterone or IGF numbers, should I find out what they are before taking anything?

    My main question is...would it be worth it to try a steroid /ph/hgh? I realize at my age that I may not have a need for any supplementation...but...I'm motivated to do so by the fact that I gained a lot of weight from drinking/partying/poor diet and my athletic performance really bottomed out.

    For the past year I have been doing much better...I've finally matured and my dedication to regaining/refining my athletic skill and conditioning is definitely the highest it has ever been.

    So...I humbly anyone here willing to help me?

    Should I try a steroid/ph/hgh at my age, or just quit being a ***** and accept whatever results I get from a better diet and more intense workout regimen?

    If I should supplement, what would you recommend?

    Also, for what it's worth, I do realize these are elementary questions that I can probably find answers to on this site...however, I would just like to actually discuss this with someone who has tried it...rather than just read.

    Thank you very much in advance for anyone who offers even the slightest bit of help. I know these are elementary questions, but, work with me!

  2. #2
    Sicko's Avatar
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    I think you will find the same answer all around the board.It is good that you did come here for advice versus just jumping into someting that would most likely do you more harm than good.AAS(steroids ) are not the shortcut that so many people think they are.I would definely NOT implement any kind of steroid or pro hormone at this time.By what you said in your post you would benifet greatly by just getting you diet in check and sticking with a regular workout routine.Combine this with some cardio several times a week and you will be amazed at the transformation that your body will go thru in 6months time.Get yourself some good multi vitamins,some omega 3,even some creatine/protien and give that a go..
    Everyone here will gladly help you in every aspect of what I have said if you keep an open mind and show true desire..When and if you decide to try AAS (when you are ready) they will also help you with that journey..But stick around,ask some questions and use this forum as it is packed with info on diet, supplements,workout routines etc...just need to read...

  3. #3
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    For starters as far as steroids , most would say here to get your diet and training in check first because, if not, then it really is not worth putting yourself thru all of it if there is not the dedication to continue to eat right and train correctly...steroids or no steroids.
    As far as the HGH? the general consensus is to wait until you are 30 or later. Reason being is that you have Tons of growth hormone already at 27 so use your own while you can. Besides, HGH is a long term least 6 months is suggested.

    Even you suggested that it might be time to accept that diet and working out is better now anyway. So...hang here and learn. You came to a great place. If you want to start a thread in the Diet Question forum or workout forum, then please do. The guys there can start you off on great plan and get you dialed in so you can then determine what to do next.

  4. #4
    GoldGloveLF is offline New Member
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    Thank you very much for the replies.

    I have to go to work shortly so I don't have time to type a lot...

    In all honesty, my motivation to improve has me itching to give this stuff a try...yet I feel like I don't know as much as I should about it because I have read 100 articles suggesting I should and 100 articles suggesting I shouldn't.

    My question: If diet and workout are key ingredients in the success of using AAS...does it matter whether (for example) I take the AAS in the beginning or 6 months from now? Suppose I read up on diet and workout and ask questions for the next few weeks and get a good idea of what I need to do, would it be possible to give AAS a shot over my winter vacation (Dec 15-Jan 24).

    Again, forgive me, this is just motivation speaking...I do respect everyone's opinion and there's a good chance I'll end up following your advice...I just like to exhaust all avenues before making a decision on something like this.

    Tonight I will post in the diet and workout portions of this site...I hope to learn a lot from this site and the people who post here.

    Again, thank you for the welcoming and taking time to respond to my questions, honestly much appreciated.

  5. #5
    Cycnasty's Avatar
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  6. #6
    Sicko's Avatar
    Sicko is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoldGloveLF View Post
    Thank you very much for the replies.

    I have to go to work shortly so I don't have time to type a lot...

    In all honesty, my motivation to improve has me itching to give this stuff a try...yet I feel like I don't know as much as I should about it because I have read 100 articles suggesting I should and 100 articles suggesting I shouldn't.

    My question: If diet and workout are key ingredients in the success of using AAS...does it matter whether (for example) I take the AAS in the beginning or 6 months from now? Yes it does matter because in reality 6 months is not the magic #,I just threw that out there as a starting point for you.If you can make it thru 6 months with propre diet and training you will see how much you can grow naturally. Suppose I read up on diet and workout and ask questions for the next few weeks and get a good idea of what I need to do, would it be possible to give AAS a shot over my winter vacation (Dec 15-Jan 24). My suggestion to you is to NOT incorperate AAS now and just see how dedicated you still are after 6 months.The problem is that if you already do not have a solid base to work from you will most likely lose everything that you would gain ruunning a cycle prematurely.Not to mention you run a risk of injuring yourself due to your tendons and ligaments not being strong enough to support the new and sudden muscle..(it happens more than you think it does)I know the lure of easy muscles is almost overwhelming,but I promise you the rewards of doing it right will far out way the rapid result that will just as rapidly dissapear..Look at it like building a brick wall..It is much faster and easier to not dig down 2 feet under the ground and build up a proper foundation for the brick wall to stand on than it is just to start on the level ground.Both walls will appear to be the same, but in a very short time the wall built on the top of the ground will crumble and fall..While the wall with the solid foundation will stand for a long time...Fast does not always mean good..Again, forgive me, this is just motivation speaking...I do respect everyone's opinion and there's a good chance I'll end up following your advice...I just like to exhaust all avenues before making a decision on something like this. You have plenty of time to use AAS laater if you decide that is what you want,just do yourself a favor and do it right...Tonight I will post in the diet and workout portions of this site...I hope to learn a lot from this site and the people who post here. Do this and get started on a goal orientated plan..Again, thank you for the welcoming and taking time to respond to my questions, honestly much appreciated.
    Good luck..

  7. #7
    bdzemske's Avatar
    bdzemske is offline Associate Member
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    tons of info here bro

  8. #8
    GoldGloveLF is offline New Member
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    Thank you for the welcoming everyone...

    Sicko, SlimmerMe...thank you both for taking time to discuss things with both probably saved me from getting myself into a fair amount of trouble!

    Time for me to buckle down and see what I'm capable of naturally. Off to the diet/workout sections...

  9. #9
    Tigershark's Avatar
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  10. #10
    tbody66's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoldGloveLF View Post
    Thank you for the welcoming everyone...

    Sicko, SlimmerMe...thank you both for taking time to discuss things with both probably saved me from getting myself into a fair amount of trouble!

    Time for me to buckle down and see what I'm capable of naturally. Off to the diet/workout sections...
    Welcome aboard, I'll look for your thread there.

  11. #11
    coonhunter's Avatar
    coonhunter is offline Member
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    Welcome Goldglove.
    I think taking AAS is a very personal decision as there are risks involved. You know you better than anyone on the planet. I think you will get better results from the board if you decide what is the best for you. The guys on here will help and support you no matter what you decide. The truth for me is AAS is like racing fuel when my diet and workout is on point and I am running like a Ferrari it is awesome. (Ok maybe not a Ferrari but defiantly a really sweet Mustang) When my body is running poorly and take it I feel like s**t!

  12. #12
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    Hey Goldglove....perhaps your timing is perfect. When you are ready the teacher arrives. Just today in the diet forum there is a thread explaining an upcoming competition. This competition is for 12 weeks starting in Jan...and all you have to do is to announce you are interested and be willing to post photos for the before and after shots. Once you have announced you want to join the challenge and are willing to give 100%, then when the time comes, a moderator will match you up with a personal trainer who will guide you privately thru PM's your diet and workout. WHAT do you think? Here is the link. You might be lucky as to this timing. Here is the link....

  13. #13
    GoldGloveLF is offline New Member
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    Wow this sounds like an excellent idea. I have some finals coming up within the next few weeks so my mind will be focused on that for the time being...but at first glace it sounds like something I would be willing to try. My only issue at the moment is that my gym membership just expired and I'm waiting for a new deal to come up...I go to planet fitness. Assuming I renew my membership by then and I'm healthy, I think I will give it a shot. It would be nice to have some support and I am looking forward to this opportunity...Thank you for letting me know about it!

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!

  14. #14
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    Great! Hope to see your name on the list!

  15. #15
    bodybuilder's Avatar
    bodybuilder is offline Senior Member
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    welcome bro

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    Welcome to the site

  17. #17
    Tony Stacks's Avatar
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    welcome bro. Lot of great info & people here that are willing to help you.

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