Hey what's up everyone. I'm Chris. I'm from Daytona Beach, Florida. I'll be 25 in a week. I've been lifting since i was 16. I've got a lot of experience and knowledge even though at this point in time if you were to look at me you wouldn't be able to tell because i've lost a lot of size. Although the thing with me is that with just a few months of dedication it all comes back together.

I started with prohormones when i was about 18 (1-ad, 4-ad, etc). At 19, my first real cycle began with just Sus 250 for 12 weeks. That was sorta my learning cycle. At 21, I started back up with some nice British Dragon Test C and Dbol . I'll be 25 in another week and my goal is too get my mind back in the game and get my size back up to around 190-200 naturally in the next couple months, all while learning more about AAS and to start another cycle in the upcoming months. I look forward to learning from you all. It is truely a pleasure.