Hi all

Hope you are all well. I'm new to this forum but looks like a good place to gain and share advice.

I've been training on and off for about 20 years but became quite serous in the last four or five.

I have a few questions for anybody who would take the time to answer them: I'm considering a steroid cycle of testosterone -Enanthate . I am a complete novice to steroids and may come over extremely naive so please forgive me. I must add though that three weeks ago I began hgh but I have been getting hard welts at the injection site and believe it may be due to fake GH.

Okay so questions:
What are your thoughts for a first cycle?
Could I just so one cycle of around 12 to 16 weeks and see enough results not to do another, and would I lose the gains I made if I stopped?
I'm 40 years old in quite good health although I do suffer with slight hypertension (unmedicated) is this an issue?
also, is it a must to have bloods taken prior to a cycle, as I fear this could be very difficult.

Again sorry guys for the naïveté.

Thanks again

Take care
