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    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Israel might use nukes against Iran,00.html

    I hope its just big talk to scare Iran because I dont se how any country could be that stupid.

  2. #2
    Prada's Avatar
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    I think sabre-rattling sums it up best.

    Yet why would using a nuke to penetrate beyond the bunker be wrong? Of course using it in conventional warfare would be inane but do you think a conventional warhead would suffice to inflict the blow?

  3. #3
    givemethejuice is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan,00.html

    I hope its just big talk to scare Iran because I dont se how any country could be that stupid.

    I see your point about how stupid using nukes would be but a couple of good bunker busting bombs on their nuke reactors would suit me just find!

  4. #4
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    I dont see anything wrong with training and preparing for the worst. Every nation on earth trains its military and tactical operations for possible scenarios.

    Having said that I must say that a nuke strike on Iran would take out the trash but would effectively radiate Israel as well. So in my humble opinion this should only be considered upon immanent nuclear attack from Iran.

  7. #7
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
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    What is Isreal's nuke capabilities? I know they have nukes, but do they have what it would take to wipe out the middle east?

  8. #8
    Ufa's Avatar
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    Maybe that would solve global warming.

  9. #9
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    A nuclear attack would certainly draw a ton of criticism from the world community. The likelihood that Iran would not be the only country to suffer consequences from such an attack is too high. You have to take into consideration the "fall out" and other inevitable after effects of a nuclear attack.

    I don't think such an attack would at all be in Israels' best interest and if there has been any talk of such an attack, I think that is all it is...just talk.

    Now a conventional airstrike would be more likely and I certainly believe such an attack is very much on the tables. If you remember, Israel took the same action against Iraq in the early 80's shortly after Iraq harnessed nuclear capabilities and displayed its hatred towards Israel as well.

    I believe the country has every right to protect itself and it's people and with all the rhetoric that has come from Iran's leader about how Israel doesn't have the right to exist and the country will be wiped off the face of the planet, they need to take these threats seriously, especially now that Iran has now harnessed nuclear capabilities.

    WWIII, here we come.


  10. #10
    Logan13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ufa
    Maybe that would solve global warming.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    I dont see anything wrong with training and preparing for the worst. Every nation on earth trains its military and tactical operations for possible scenarios.

    Having said that I must say that a nuke strike on Iran would take out the trash but would effectively radiate Israel as well. So in my humble opinion this should only be considered upon immanent nuclear attack from Iran.
    "To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace."
    - George Washington

  12. #12
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prada
    I think sabre-rattling sums it up best.

    Yet why would using a nuke to penetrate beyond the bunker be wrong? Of course using it in conventional warfare would be inane but do you think a conventional warhead would suffice to inflict the blow?
    Because you can not burry the bunker buster deep enough to contain all contamination. What will happen is that a insanely radioactive cloud of vaporised and blown away dirt will form. If a city happens to be in the path of that cloud it will be a utter disaster. Far to risky.

    Not to mention the centrifue facility that is the target is not producing anything dangerous. If they want to highly enrichen uranium they need to get alot more centrifuges and they need to connect them in different ways. Those modifications would be blatantly obvious to the IAEA inspectors. They cant sneak produce weapons grade uranium there.

  13. #13
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shrpskn
    A nuclear attack would certainly draw a ton of criticism from the world community. The likelihood that Iran would not be the only country to suffer consequences from such an attack is too high. You have to take into consideration the "fall out" and other inevitable after effects of a nuclear attack.

    I don't think such an attack would at all be in Israels' best interest and if there has been any talk of such an attack, I think that is all it is...just talk.

    Now a conventional airstrike would be more likely and I certainly believe such an attack is very much on the tables. If you remember, Israel took the same action against Iraq in the early 80's shortly after Iraq harnessed nuclear capabilities and displayed its hatred towards Israel as well.

    I believe the country has every right to protect itself and it's people and with all the rhetoric that has come from Iran's leader about how Israel doesn't have the right to exist and the country will be wiped off the face of the planet, they need to take these threats seriously, especially now that Iran has now harnessed nuclear capabilities.

    WWIII, here we come.


    Remember there is a world of difference betwen having a reactor and having a weapon. The Iraqi reactor back in the 80's would never be able to produce weapons grade plutonium like Israel claimed. Simply because of its design. Bombing it was stupid.

    Any country should be able to protect themself I agree with that. But that country should better be 100% sure that the target they are bombing can be used to make weapons.

  14. #14
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    If that happens every single nuclear force on the planet would go on full alert. The UN will utterly condemn Israel and I could easily see an army of the combined arab and muslim states wiping Israel off the map.

    Yeah, World War 3 here we come!

  15. #15
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg
    If that happens every single nuclear force on the planet would go on full alert. The UN will utterly condemn Israel and I could easily see an army of the combined arab and muslim states wiping Israel off the map.

    Yeah, World War 3 here we come!

    Just imagine how hard it would be for the current us friendly pakistani president to remain in power. If israel go first and drop a nuke then who knows what pakistan will do.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    Just imagine how hard it would be for the current us friendly pakistani president to remain in power. If israel go first and drop a nuke then who knows what pakistan will do.

    Of course! It would give Pakistan the excuse they need to fire a nuke. To be honest I think every nuclear power on the planet sometimes just WANTS an excuse.

  17. #17
    3Vandoo's Avatar
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    The day I will see the Arab wiping out Israel will be the day, pigs will be Hallal

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3Vandoo
    The day I will see the Arab wiping out Israel will be the day, pigs will be Hallal

    Israel isn't all powerful you know.

  19. #19
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg
    Israel isn't all powerful you know.
    They are backed by the west, so I think that makes them plenty powerful.

    A majority of their military arsenal is supplied by the west...

    They certainly have troubles within their own boarders and neighbors, but that location of the world has been in termoil since biblical times.

    If Israel is attacked on a large scale spectrum, I'm certain the west will intervene...with that in mind, I think they are plenty powerful. JMHO.


  20. #20
    zodiac666's Avatar
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    i believe that if iran gets nukes the nukes will be used on israel by some terrorist organization and hopefully israel will be able to strike back with a nuclear sub or something. so if iran gets close to getting nuclear weapons then yea, israel should strike first. i mean their president has already stated that they will destroy israel in the near future, and given missles to hezbollah to use against israel.

    WW III, i just hope its televised

  21. #21
    singern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zodiac666
    i believe that if iran gets nukes the nukes will be used on israel by some terrorist organization and hopefully israel will be able to strike back with a nuclear sub or something. so if iran gets close to getting nuclear weapons then yea, israel should strike first. i mean their president has already stated that they will destroy israel in the near future, and given missles to hezbollah to use against israel.

    WW III, i just hope its televised
    The fact that when Iran gets there Nukes they will pass them out like Falafel to any terror group that hates Jews is common knowledge, and I take that threat very seriously.
    As much as I am against war of any kind, I will be the first to approve a strike against them when the time comes.

  22. #22
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    For arguments sake, if this was to start WW 3, who would you blame for that? Israel or Iran?

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg
    For arguments sake, if this was to start WW 3, who would you blame for that? Israel or Iran?
    Well at the moment it seems to be a war of words, with the Iranian leader publicly and proudly promising the destruction of Israel, and wiping jews off the face of the earth. While Israel has only responded in a defensive posture.

    It is well known across the Muslim/Arab world that Ahmenajad sees himself as the savior of Islam, whos goal is to unite the middle east in one big Islamic nation. The true horror will come when he has his hands on a nuke, because he will use it without hesitation.

    So the aggressor as it stands is clear to me.

  24. #24
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    See it's a double edged sword.

    Israel feels like they will HAVE to make the first hit...if they dont then Iran certainly will.

    But the tragedy is either action will surely going to start one humungous bloody war.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg
    See it's a double edged sword.

    Israel feels like they will HAVE to make the first hit...if they dont then Iran certainly will.

    But the tragedy is either action will surely going to start one humungous bloody war.
    I agree with you on that, but this isnt the chicken or the egg scenario.

    If Hitler had continuously proclaimed to the world his intension to concur Western and eastern europe, and execute millions of innocent people prior to world war two, I would expect the world to come together and act.
    Last edited by singern; 01-07-2007 at 07:40 PM.

  26. #26
    KAEW44's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    It is well known across the Muslim/Arab world that Ahmenajad sees himself as the savior of Islam, whos goal is to unite the middle east in one big Islamic nation. .
    It is well known but that doesnt mean muslim/arab nations want him to have any excess power because if you remember the Iraq/Iran war the whole conflict "title" was stopping Iran from taking over the muslim world because they were Shiite extremist, and all the arabian gulf countries and north african countries are sunni muslims, only Iran/Lebanon/Syria have Shiite influence and Iraq ofcourse had a majority of Shiite people but they were contained by Saddams oppressive regime, however now with the removal of saddam shitte's in iraq are more powerful than ever and backed by iran, i dont even call it Iraq anymore...its just the rough ghetto part of Iran now!!

    All the Gulf oil rich countries backed saddam with all their money in the 80's to stop the spread of iran into becoming "one big islamic nation" and beleive me although its easy to pay some peasants 5-bucks each to dance up and down infront of a camera and support iran everytime they make a threat claim and act like saviours, nobody in arabia wants top be united under iran as one nation in anyway!!

  27. #27
    3Vandoo's Avatar
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    Arabs had all the time to attack them they did and lost!

    Israel is now an economic partner with the Arab world, they have to deal with them, wiping them out, will only hurt them, they know it very well

  28. #28
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Why even worry untill we have proof iran is trying to get a nuke or atleast have the capacity to make one.

    As of today there is no proof they want one and they are far away from having the capacity to build one.

    Ahmanuttyjad will soon be gone anyway and lets hope he will be replaced by someone a bit more moderate.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by KAEW44
    It is well known but that doesnt mean muslim/arab nations want him to have any excess power because if you remember the Iraq/Iran war the whole conflict "title" was stopping Iran from taking over the muslim world because they were Shiite extremist, and all the arabian gulf countries and north african countries are sunni muslims, only Iran/Lebanon/Syria have Shiite influence and Iraq ofcourse had a majority of Shiite people but they were contained by Saddams oppressive regime, however now with the removal of saddam shitte's in iraq are more powerful than ever and backed by iran, i dont even call it Iraq anymore...its just the rough ghetto part of Iran now!!
    That is correct, but when Iran achieves its goal of building Nukes no Arab/Muslim nation will be able to stand in there path, and no one will be exempt.
    Ahmenajad is a megelomaniac, plain and simple.
    Last edited by singern; 01-08-2007 at 09:54 PM.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    Why even worry untill we have proof iran is trying to get a nuke or atleast have the capacity to make one.

    As of today there is no proof they want one and they are far away from having the capacity to build one.

    Ahmanuttyjad will soon be gone anyway and lets hope he will be replaced by someone a bit more moderate.
    Since the UAEA is now unable to conduct inspections and in fact has never had complete and full access to all sites, we have no idea of the current capabilities. We do know that the entire operation is divided in several sites, and I suspect there are a couple we dont even know exist.

    Combined with the fiery rederic of the Iranian leadership toward Israel, 1+1 will always =2

  31. #31
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    Since the UAEA is now unable to conduct inspections and in fact has never had complete and full access to all sites, we have no idea of the current capabilities. We do know that the entire operation is divided in several sites, and I suspect there are a couple we dont even know exist.

    Combined with the fiery rederic of the Iranian leadership toward Israel, 1+1 will always =2

    Got any news article so I can read up on the IAEA beeing kicked out? I havent been following news since around mid december or so.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    Got any news article so I can read up on the IAEA beeing kicked out? I havent been following news since around mid december or so.
    Inspectors have not been "kicked out" but access to sites has been severely restricted after the sanctions were approved. I will find a link for you later.

  33. #33
    biglouie250's Avatar
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    if they nuked each other wouldnt that solve like all the problems?

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prada
    I think sabre-rattling sums it up best.

    Yet why would using a nuke to penetrate beyond the bunker be wrong? Of course using it in conventional warfare would be inane but do you think a conventional warhead would suffice to inflict the blow?
    Agreed. Irans been talking a lot of smack and Israel is just doing a little themselves. It would take a hell of a lot more than anything thats happened for them to use nukes.

  35. #35
    eliteforce is offline Member
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    Don't count on Arab states or Turkey to 'help' the US or Israel in any attack against Iran, including flyover privilidges..if they're worried about it, they'll just buy their own nukes from Pakistan or NKorea rather than risking nuclear fallout..Pakistan has nukes and their intelligence agents help the taliban; doesn't mean the taliban is getting nukes or that they even want them.
    We have discussed the 'wipe out Israel' comments before in this forum-Iran has clarified these comments as indicating a need for regime change in Palestine or abolishing the zionist regime; wipe out that type of system, rejection of the 2 state solution or a 1 state solution in which a Jewish state exists-or whatever political context.. there is nothing to suggest he was talking about a nuclear attack on Israel so this pretext for an attack on Iran is just that-an excuse in order to maintain a nuclear monopoly.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by eliteforce
    Don't count on Arab states or Turkey to 'help' the US or Israel in any attack against Iran, including flyover privilidges...

    History shows that counting on any Arab/Muslim country to do the right thing is just not going to happen, You want examples...
    How many arab countries helped Kuait when attacked by Iraq, How many arab countries helped Lebanon when occupied by Syria, and this list goes on and on. It was the Devil worshiping Evil western world to save the day. Your welcome for that by the way

    Now you want to talk about the Arab agenda for Jews....
    Starting with the Grand mufti of Palestine who became a top general of Hitler, in return for the elimination of the jews, to todays Ahmenajad who is proudly and openly pursuing Hitlers agenda. There is no excuse or spin you can put on this.
    Last edited by singern; 01-11-2007 at 09:36 AM.

  37. #37
    eliteforce is offline Member
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    Actually they pretty much all helped Kuwait when Iraq invaded, US forces launched their ground offensive alongside Syrian troops, Syrians went in on the first day of the ground assault, so did Egyptian, and Saudi. Arab personnel were at the front in case of high casualties western politians didn't want it to look like allies were doing all the dying-but then casualties were light.

    also Lebanon was never attacked by Syria, Syrian troops went into Lebanon in 1975 at the request of it's (at that time) Christian dominated govt (the pre1975 Lebanon regime was mostly Christian and it was backed by Syria and the west, particularly France) the US and France also encouraged Syria to go in at the time. After the Israeli invasion of 1982 (which left the country in ruins and killed 20,000; including up to 2000 massacred Palestinians at the Sabra and Chatila refugee camps) and the failed 1983 US,French,Italian peacekeeping mission which ended in attacks on the peacekeepers, Syria continued to stay in the Bekaa valley; again in 1990 France and the US backed the peace accords that called for the militias to be disbanded and the Lebanese Army re-activated-Syria was tapped to go into Beirut and enforce it, and rebuild the Leb. Army with western backing-what followed was unprecedented reconstruction, until they were asked to leave last year, which they immediately did.

    This grand mufti thing has been dragged out so many times, the real story who-knows and who-cares, but top general is an obvious exaggeration, I have also heard stories that hundreds of thousands of Jews were denied entry to the US because the Zionists insisted they go to Palestine and sabotaged their emigration, when that didn't happen, they wound up dead-I think such demagogy is pointless, none of it justifies the fact that Israel is a racist aphartied state, like some 5 year old Palestinian has to pay the price of this grand mufti a hundred years ago.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by eliteforce
    Actually they pretty much all helped Kuwait when Iraq invaded, US forces launched their ground offensive alongside Syrian troops, Syrians went in on the first day of the ground assault, so did Egyptian, and Saudi. Arab personnel were at the front in case of high casualties western politians didn't want it to look like allies were doing all the dying-but then casualties were light.

    also Lebanon was never attacked by Syria, Syrian troops went into Lebanon in 1975 at the request of it's (at that time) Christian dominated govt (the pre1975 Lebanon regime was mostly Christian and it was backed by Syria and the west, particularly France) the US and France also encouraged Syria to go in at the time. After the Israeli invasion of 1982 (which left the country in ruins and killed 20,000; including up to 2000 massacred Palestinians at the Sabra and Chatila refugee camps) and the failed 1983 US,French,Italian peacekeeping mission which ended in attacks on the peacekeepers, Syria continued to stay in the Bekaa valley; again in 1990 France and the US backed the peace accords that called for the militias to be disbanded and the Lebanese Army re-activated-Syria was tapped to go into Beirut and enforce it, and rebuild the Leb. Army with western backing-what followed was unprecedented reconstruction, until they were asked to leave last year, which they immediately did.

    This grand mufti thing has been dragged out so many times, the real story who-knows and who-cares, but top general is an obvious exaggeration, I have also heard stories that hundreds of thousands of Jews were denied entry to the US because the Zionists insisted they go to Palestine and sabotaged their emigration, when that didn't happen, they wound up dead-I think such demagogy is pointless, none of it justifies the fact that Israel is a racist aphartied state, like some 5 year old Palestinian has to pay the price of this grand mufti a hundred years ago.

    Oh please...You cannot continue to spin history to fit an agenda based on hatful denial and obvious objectives. Israelis want to live in peace, and I believe most Palestinians do as well, in a two state solution.

    The real question is why wont the Radical movements and tyrannical regimes allow this to happen.......You know the answer to this as well as I do, and because the simple truth that this has been going on millennia before the state of Israel was officially created, dont need a diploma to understand that not one of them gives a flying squirrel about the palestinians they claim to be fighting for.

    If the terrorists would stop tomorrow there will be peace.
    If Israel stops tomorrow there will be no more Jews.
    Last edited by singern; 01-12-2007 at 07:16 PM.

  39. #39
    eliteforce is offline Member
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    I don't have a problem with a 2 state solution; Your the one that brought up this business with the mufti-that a Palestinian was one of Hitlers "Top Generals" and that he negotiated with Hitler "The elimination of Jews" your basically saying that it was the Palestinians that were responsible for the extermination camps, it was a joint German-Palestinian extermination project. Palestinians were "Top Generals" in the Nazi regime! gimme a fkn break, I'm not even gonna bother researching the mufti story we can just assume it's bullshit.

    ..and then I'm the one that is "spining history to fit an agenda based on hatful denial"!

  40. #40
    zodiac666's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    If the terrorists would stop tomorrow there will be peace.
    If Israel stops tomorrow there will be no more Jews.
    very well put, even the people against israel wouldnt disagree with that

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