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    Tock's Avatar
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    Republican sex scandal -- Elected Republican admits Rape

    huh . . . seems that the heterosexual Republicans have been busy, too . . .

    And, these are the people who want to tell us what's moral?


    Michigan Young Republican pleads guilty in sex case
    Posted by Jim Nichols July 24, 2007 17:26PM
    Categories: Breaking News, Crime

    The former head of the Michigan Federation of Young Republicans admitted today that he sexually abused a colleague during a national convention here last summer.

    Michael Flory, a 32-year-old attorney from Jackson, Mich., pleaded guilty to sexual battery on the day he was to stand trial for rape.

    The teary-eyed college student he overpowered in a downtown hotel room gasped and dabbed her eyes as Flory replied to Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Judge Peter Corrigan's question, "Are you indeed guilty?"

    "Sure - yeah," Flory said.

    Corrigan set sentencing for Sept. 13. Flory faces a sentence that ranges from probation to five years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

    Flory is also a licensed insurance broker; Corrigan warned him that the guilty plea places both professional licenses in jeopardy of revocation.

    Assistant County Prosecutor Carol Skutnik said Flory's lawyers, Henry Hilow and Bill McGinty, surprised her with a plea offer as trial witnesses from several states were arriving to testify.

    The plea bargain, she said, doesn't include any suggestion of leniency, and the state will seek incarceration. She also said she hopes to present evidence of several "other incidents of sexual misconduct" in which Flory took advantage of vulnerable young women.

    The victim, who is 22, declined to speak after Flory's guilty plea.

    She and some supporters lamented when the incident became public last winter that Flory and his followers within the Republican organization had been smearing her reputation in retaliation for accusing Flory of rape. Skutnik said she found that to be true.

    "People were using every opportunity to try to trash her, on Web sites or whatever," the prosecutor said. "He's been running around telling everybody what a piece of trash she is, so she was very happy to see him plead guilty."

    The defense can say little until sentencing, Hilow said.

    "He would just like to put this in the past for everybody," the defense attorney said.

    Flory gained some notoriety at age 18 when he gave a televised speech to the Republican National Convention in the Houston Astrodome in 1992. The Michigan Young Republicans' Web site once hailed him as "one of the rising stars of GOP politics in America" and declared that "Mike has earned a great name for himself."

    Flory, the victim and other members of Michigan's delegation to the national Young Republicans convention were partying in the Warehouse District last July 6, police and prosecutors said. The victim became so intoxicated that she headed back to her hotel room. Flory escorted her.

    But when she lay down to sleep, he "violently forced several sex acts upon her," Skutnik said.

  2. #2
    RA's Avatar
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    I love it get these obscure Republicans that no one has ever heard of before...

  3. #3
    brewerpi's Avatar
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    What does a person's political affiliation matter? Rape is rape.
    The former Governor of Oregon had sex with a 14 year old girl, which is rape in the eyes of the law, but since the truth didn't come out for several years he wasn't prosecuted. He is a Democrat, does that have anything to do with how you feel about his crime?

  4. #4
    Tock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    I love it get these obscure Republicans that no one has ever heard of before...
    Obscure? The head of the Michigan Federation of Young Republicans? There are lots of Republicans in Michigan who know about him.

    What's particularly repugnant about this lying creep is that he raped this girl, and then got a bunch of other people to denounce her.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by brewerpi
    What does a person's political affiliation matter? Rape is rape.
    The former Governor of Oregon had sex with a 14 year old girl, which is rape in the eyes of the law, but since the truth didn't come out for several years he wasn't prosecuted. He is a Democrat, does that have anything to do with how you feel about his crime?

    What makes the news of Republican sex-scandal more relevant than Democratic sex-scandal, is the fact that for the past decade or two, Conservative Republicans have claimed "the moral high road" by declaring that godless Democrats are decidedly less moral than Republicans. But as we've seen time and time again, that while lots of gays and lesbians are living happy, productive and law-abiding lives as Democrats, the roster of Republican leaders are chuck-full of heterosexual rapists, adulterers, child molesters, they look for gay sex around public toilets, and pay for sex from hot gay bodybuilders. And there's probably lots more we don't hear about.

    Yes, rape is rape, and anytime it happens, it's a terrible tradedy. Whoever is guilty of such a thing deserves time in prison, and lots of it. But hypocrisy, especially on the scale perpetrated by the Republican Religious Right, is a bad thing also, and deserves to be exposed whenever and where-ever it rears its ugly head.

    That's about it . . .

  6. #6
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    they are all full of crap...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tock
    What makes the news of Republican sex-scandal more relevant than Democratic sex-scandal, is the fact that for the past decade or two, Conservative Republicans have claimed "the moral high road" by declaring that godless Democrats are decidedly less moral than Republicans. But as we've seen time and time again, that while lots of gays and lesbians are living happy, productive and law-abiding lives as Democrats, the roster of Republican leaders are chuck-full of heterosexual rapists, adulterers, child molesters, they look for gay sex around public toilets, and pay for sex from hot gay bodybuilders. And there's probably lots more we don't hear about.

    Yes, rape is rape, and anytime it happens, it's a terrible tradedy. Whoever is guilty of such a thing deserves time in prison, and lots of it. But hypocrisy, especially on the scale perpetrated by the Republican Religious Right, is a bad thing also, and deserves to be exposed whenever and where-ever it rears its ugly head.

    That's about it . . .

    I don't think there is a dime's worth of difference between the two parties. Sure plenty of Republicans who claimed that moral high ground you speak of have been caught with hookers or having gay liaisons.
    The Democrats who claim their own moral high ground when it comes to civil rights for gays gave us the Don't Ask Don't tell Policy and President Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage Act (which defines marriage as between a man and a woman) The Democrats also stake out high ground when it comes to civil rights, and yet the senior Democrat in the US Senate was once a member of the KKK.
    Both sides take money from special interests and both sides will screw their "friends" if it's politically expedient.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by brewerpi
    Both sides take money from special interests and both sides will screw their "friends" if it's politically expedient.
    Ain't that the truth...


  8. #8
    Tock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brewerpi
    Both sides take money from special interests and both sides will screw their "friends" if it's politically expedient.
    Truer words were never written.

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