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    McCain chooses Sarah Palin for VP

    John McCain has chosen Alaska Governor Sarah Palin (a 44 year-old female) as his running mate according to a senior campaign official. What are your thoughts on this?

  2. #2
    BgMc31's Avatar
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    Although I'm an Obama supporter, I think this is a great pick by McCain. It shores up the neoconservative base, it appeals to those white women that who were Clinton supporters and were on the fence about McCain and Obama, and it shows that the republican party is willing to show some diversification and not just the party of white men. But she is very inexperienced, has young children (including a 3mos old downs kid), and is currently under investigation for attempting to fire someone without just cause (I believe it was her brother-in-law).

  3. #3
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Although I'm an Obama supporter, I think this is a great pick by McCain. It shores up the neoconservative base, it appeals to those white women that who were Clinton supporters and were on the fence about McCain and Obama, and it shows that the republican party is willing to show some diversification and not just the party of white men. But she is very inexperienced, has young children (including a 3mos old downs kid), and is currently under investigation for attempting to fire someone without just cause (I believe it was her brother-in-law).
    Doubtful. The Hillary supports don't want a woman. They want Hillary. If you check out the comments on feminist blogs they consider the pick as an insult. They clearly see it as pandering for their votes. Also this under cuts McCain's attack on Obama being too young and inexperienced. Palin has been a governor for a year and a half and before that a mayor of a small town. She's two years younger than Obama and has less experience. With McCain's age and having cancer 3 times, his VP should be a serious pick, not a token. Political blogs are calling her Geraldine Quayle. (A token with no experience.)

    "She's embroiled in a Troopergate scandal of her own, with state investigators looking at serious allegations that Palin abused her office by pressuring the state Public Safety Commissioner to fire "an Alaska state trooper involved in a rough divorce from Palin's sister. (Abuse of power!) After the firing that got her administration into trouble, Palin replaced him with another guy who'd recently been hit with a credible sexual harassment accusation. Palin later admitted that she knew about the complaint in advance but denied that she knew of the letter of reprimand he'd received. He lasted two weeks on the job."

    "Republicans have been heavily touting Sarah Palin's reformist credentials, with her supposed opposition to Alaska's "Bridge to Nowhere" as Exhibit A. But how hard did she really fight the project? Not very, it seems. Here's what she told the Anchorage Daily News on October 22, 2006, during the race for the governor's seat (via Nexis):

    5. Would you continue state funding for the proposed Knik Arm and Gravina Island bridges?

    Her response:

    Yes. I would like to see Alaska's infrastructure projects built sooner rather than later. The window is now--while our congressional delegation is in a strong position to assist."

    Palin is pro life. She stated that women who are victims of rape and incest should be required to bring their pregnancies to term.
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  4. #4
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Leave it to the homie Carlos to set me straight! hahahahaha! No pun intended 'Los.

    Yo, you comin out to Vegas for the Olympia, brotha?

  5. #5
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    McCain's VP pick dissed the job only a month ago:

    In an interview just a month ago, she dissed the job, saying it didn't seem "productive."

    In fact, she said she didn't know what the vice president does.

    Larry Kudlow of CNBC's "Kudlow & Co." asked her about the possibility of becoming McCain's ticket mate.

    Palin replied: "As for that VP talk all the time, I'll tell you, I still can't answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day? I'm used to being very productive and working real hard in an administration. We want to make sure that that VP slot would be a fruitful type of position, especially for Alaskans and for the things that we're trying to accomplish up here for the rest of the U.S., before I can even start addressing that question."

    Palin On Iraq

    She "heard" about the surge

    Alaska Business Monthly: We've lost a lot of Alaska's military members to the war in Iraq. How do you feel about sending more troops into battle, as President Bush is suggesting?

    Palin: I've been so focused on state government, I haven't really focused much on the war in Iraq. I heard on the news about the new deployments, and while I support our president, Condoleezza Rice and the administration, I want to know that we have an exit plan in place; I want assurances that we are doing all we can to keep our troops safe. Every life lost is such a tragedy. I am very, very proud of the troops we have in Alaska, those fighting overseas for our freedoms, and the families here who are making so many sacrifices.
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Yo, you comin out to Vegas for the Olympia, brotha?
    Still debating if I'll go. I started contest prep. I have two shows coming up.
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  7. #7
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    I heard this on the radio today.

    Apparantly she is the Governor of Alaska, used to be a former Beauty Queen pagent, has 3 or 5 kids, cant remember which, is staunch anti-abortion and apparantly has less political experience than Obama.

    I dont know nowhere near as much about American politics as you guys do, but that kinda seems like a bad choice for McCain. Was he hoping to try and take some of the Hillary support away from Obama?

  8. #8
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    You guys go ahead and vote for one of the two establishment candidates that were picked for you by the corporate media...

    I'll vote for Bob Barr, someone who believes in REAL American principals...and not a neo-conservative or a Socialist in disguise. Socialism is all the rage these days it would seem...

  9. #9
    Coop77's Avatar
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    Hottest VP candidate ever.

  10. #10
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    Q: "How are your qualifications on foreign policy?" - Journalist

    A: "I believe I am very qualified cause Alaska is right next to Russia." - Sarah Palin

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    You guys go ahead and vote for one of the two establishment candidates that were picked for you by the corporate media...

    I'll vote for Bob Barr, someone who believes in REAL American principals...and not a neo-conservative or a Socialist in disguise. Socialism is all the rage these days it would seem...
    why be that guy bro? Id vote for Barr too if the media let him be a candidate but they didnt so we are FORCE again to pick the lesser of the two evils. We should at least do it right this time, it comes down to Obama and McCain period, we cannot have another 4 years of Bush policies that have screwed us beyond all belief. And it would be refreshing to me to have a candidate in office that actually knows what is is like to not be brought up with a silver spoon in his mouth. Bob Barr is the man, no doubt, but I cant waste my vote bro, we cant have McCain in office

  12. #12
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    Even Locals Are Blasting Palin Pick

    An editorial in the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner:

    She has never publicly demonstrated the kind of interest, much less expertise, in federal issues and foreign affairs that should mark a candidate for the second-highest office in the land. Republicans rightfully have criticized the Democratic nominee, Sen. Barack Obama, for his lack of experience, but Palin is a neophyte in comparison; how will Republicans reconcile the criticism of Obama with the obligatory cheering for Palin?...Most people would acknowledge that, regardless of her charm and good intentions, Palin is not ready for the top job. McCain seems to have put his political interests ahead of the nation's when he created the possibility that she might fill it. It's clear that McCain picked Palin for reasons of image, not substance.

    The Anchorage Daily News samples some state politician reaction:

    "She's not prepared to be governor. How can she be prepared to be vice president or president? said [State Senate President Lyda Green, a Republican from Palin's hometown of Wasilla]. "Look at what she's done to this state. What would she do to the nation?"

    The News-Miner again, in round-up local reaction story:

    Lately her reputation within the state has been bit by allegations of mixing political and family business, and by mistreating one of the state's premier marine mammals. Palin's catch-phrase of "openness and transparency" has been tarnished by revelations that staff members tried to have Palin's former brother-in-law fired from his job as an Alaska state trooper. Also, the governor of the only state with polar bears has adamantly opposed listing the animals as a threatened species, despite strong evidence that global warming has devastated their sea ice environment off Alaska's coast. Dermot Cole, a longtime columnist for Alaska's second largest newspaper, the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, called McCain's choice of Palin "reckless" and questioned her credentials. "Sarah Palin's chief qualification for being elected governor was that she was not Frank Murkowski," Cole said of her enormously unpopular predecessor, who lost favor with Alaskans in part because of unpopular budget cuts. "She was not elected because she was a conservative. She was not elected because of her grasp of issues or because of her track record as the mayor of Wasilla."
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  13. #13
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    I hope McCain wasn't dumb enough to select her in an attempt to "seduce" America into picking him.

    McCain is what, 72 now? Theres a good chance the guy will croak within 10 years time, now I have nothing against a woman being President, but would you want THIS WOMAN to be President? Your President and leader of the Free World? I wonder if she's thought about this, she has five kids, pretty big family, and she's prepared to just put them to one side for times in National Security and Duty?

    I hope instead of seeing an attractive woman, America see's what it would be like for the next ten years under someone like her.

    Sorry, I dont know much about Obamas pick, maybe comparing the two will make up the minds of the people.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    I hope McCain wasn't dumb enough to select her in an attempt to "seduce" America into picking him.

    McCain is what, 72 now? Theres a good chance the guy will croak within 10 years time, now I have nothing against a woman being President, but would you want THIS WOMAN to be President? Your President and leader of the Free World? I wonder if she's thought about this, she has five kids, pretty big family, and she's prepared to just put them to one side for times in National Security and Duty?

    I hope instead of seeing an attractive woman, America see's what it would be like for the next ten years under someone like her.

    Sorry, I dont know much about Obamas pick, maybe comparing the two will make up the minds of the people.
    You will get the SAME result with either candidates.

    McCain voted to give telecom criminals immunity, Obama voted to give telecom criminals immunty!

    McCain voted for the Patriot Act, Obama voted for the Patriot Act!

    McCain believes in "neutralizing" the Iranian threat, Obama believes in "neutralizing" the Iranian threat!

    McCain believes in pre-emptive warfare, Obama believes in pre-emptive warfare!

    McCain believes in BIG GOVERNMENT, Obama believes in BIG GOVERNMENT!

    Does not matter which candidate you choose...You will get more of the same with either one. Neither candidate respects the Constitution of the United States, and I suspect that many of the people voting for them don't respect the Constitution of the United States either.

  15. #15
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    Godfather, prehaps another way of looking at things is judging it on which VP you would like most in charge. McCain is old and there is a very good chance he could die during his term in office, that would leave Sarah McCain in charge. I don't know much about Obamas choice, but Sarah McCain would not fill me with confidence if I was an American citizen. I have done some research on her and nothing there much lights my fire.

    Or prehaps you should vote for who is less likely to piss you off more. The fact remains, you only have two options for who you want in charge. Again, I dont know much about Bob Barr, but voting for him is a complete waste and will only assuage your conscience.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coop77 View Post

    Hottest VP candidate ever.

    I'd hit it!!!

  17. #17
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    Obama running as a candidate for change and picks Biden for his VP haha.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Although I'm an Obama supporter, I think this is a great pick by McCain. It shores up the neoconservative base, it appeals to those white women that who were Clinton supporters and were on the fence about McCain and Obama
    Surprise? First Two National Polls Find Palin Gains LESS Support from Women

    NEW YORK The first national polls on John McCain's pick of Sarah Palin yesterday came out today from Rasmussen and Gallup -- and contrary to what the GOP probably hoped, she scored less well with women than men.

    Here's a finding from Gallup: Among Democratic women -- including those who may be disappointed that Hillary Clinton did not win the Democratic nomination -- 9% say Palin makes them more likely to support McCain, 15% less likely.

    From Rasmussen: Some 38% of men said they were more likely to vote for McCain now, but only 32% of women. By a narrow 41% to 35% margin, men said she was not ready to be president -- but women soundly rejected her, 48% to 25%.

    Only 9% of Obama supporters said they might be more likely to vote for McCain.

    Overall, voters expressed a favorable impression of her by a 53/26 margin, but there was a severe gender gap on this: Men embraced her at 58% to 23%, while for women it was 48/30.

    And by a 29/44 margin, men and women together, they do not believe that she is ready to be President.

    As for voters not affiliated with either major party, 37% are more likely to vote for McCain and 28% less likely to do so.

    Gallup is now out with its own initial poll. It also shows women with a slightly less favorable view of Palin. An excerpt from USA Today:

    There is wide uncertainty about whether she's qualified to be president. In the poll, taken Friday, 39% say she is ready to serve as president if needed, 33% say she isn't and 29% have no opinion.

    That's the lowest vote of confidence in a running mate since the elder George Bush chose then-Indiana senator Dan Quayle to join his ticket in 1988. In comparison, Delaware Sen. Joe Biden was seen as qualified by 57%-18% after Democrat Barack Obama chose him as a running mate last week.....

    Among all those surveyed, 35% call Obama's speech at Invesco Field at Mile High Stadium Thursday night excellent, 23% good, 15% "just OK," 3% poor and 4% "terrible." Sixteen percent say they didn't see it and 14% have no opinion. That's higher than the ratings for acceptance speeches by President Bush and Democrat John Kerry in 2004, by Bush and Democrat Al Gore in 2000 and by Republican Bob Dole in 1996.

    Asked about the Democratic convention's impact, 43% say it makes them more likely to vote for Obama, 29% less likely. Nineteen percent say it won't make a difference.
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    I am not sure about her political stance, but any women that can have 5 kids and be in that good of shape at her age gets my vote.

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    Those polls are as reliable as the weatherman...

  21. #21
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    No matter who you vote for, all the president's and all their agendas have already been chosen ahead of time for you, at the Bohemian Grove ever since Dwight D. Eisenhower.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Those polls are as reliable as the weatherman...
    You say weatherman, coincidence...? =

    Last edited by Voice of Reason; 08-31-2008 at 03:42 AM.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coop77 View Post

    Hottest VP candidate ever.
    She's hot, is she really 44? or is she on some GH?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Voice of Reason View Post
    No matter who you vote for, all the president's and all their agendas have already been chosen ahead of time for you, at the Bohemian Grove ever since Dwight D. Eisenhower.

    Very true and for people who do not believe this just do some research. There are some conspiracy theories that are very plausible.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E View Post
    Surprise? First Two National Polls Find Palin Gains LESS Support from Women

    NEW YORK The first national polls on John McCain's pick of Sarah Palin yesterday came out today from Rasmussen and Gallup -- and contrary to what the GOP probably hoped, she scored less well with women than men.

    Here's a finding from Gallup: Among Democratic women -- including those who may be disappointed that Hillary Clinton did not win the Democratic nomination -- 9% say Palin makes them more likely to support McCain, 15% less likely.

    From Rasmussen: Some 38% of men said they were more likely to vote for McCain now, but only 32% of women. By a narrow 41% to 35% margin, men said she was not ready to be president -- but women soundly rejected her, 48% to 25%.

    Only 9% of Obama supporters said they might be more likely to vote for McCain.

    Overall, voters expressed a favorable impression of her by a 53/26 margin, but there was a severe gender gap on this: Men embraced her at 58% to 23%, while for women it was 48/30.

    And by a 29/44 margin, men and women together, they do not believe that she is ready to be President.

    As for voters not affiliated with either major party, 37% are more likely to vote for McCain and 28% less likely to do so.

    Gallup is now out with its own initial poll. It also shows women with a slightly less favorable view of Palin. An excerpt from USA Today:

    There is wide uncertainty about whether she's qualified to be president. In the poll, taken Friday, 39% say she is ready to serve as president if needed, 33% say she isn't and 29% have no opinion.

    That's the lowest vote of confidence in a running mate since the elder George Bush chose then-Indiana senator Dan Quayle to join his ticket in 1988. In comparison, Delaware Sen. Joe Biden was seen as qualified by 57%-18% after Democrat Barack Obama chose him as a running mate last week.....

    Among all those surveyed, 35% call Obama's speech at Invesco Field at Mile High Stadium Thursday night excellent, 23% good, 15% "just OK," 3% poor and 4% "terrible." Sixteen percent say they didn't see it and 14% have no opinion. That's higher than the ratings for acceptance speeches by President Bush and Democrat John Kerry in 2004, by Bush and Democrat Al Gore in 2000 and by Republican Bob Dole in 1996.

    Asked about the Democratic convention's impact, 43% say it makes them more likely to vote for Obama, 29% less likely. Nineteen percent say it won't make a difference.

    Well Carlos, its sure funny how you are so quick to jump into this thread when you got the one locked about me asking you what you thought about Obama's choice in Biden. I sent you a pm asking what you thought like you said I should, but for some odd reason I have yet to receive a reply...

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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Godfather how do you rectify Bob Barr's extreme support of the impeachment of Bill Clinton and the Libertarian platform that bs like that has no barring on the real issues that were plaguing Americans then.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coop77 View Post

    Theres also a video of her shooting a M-16 at a range. I bet that has the democrats crapping their pants. She's also a lifetime NRA member

  29. #29
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    So much for abstinence-only education

    The 17-year-old daughter of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is pregnant, Palin said on Monday in an announcement intended to knock down rumors by liberal bloggers that Palin faked her own pregnancy to cover up for her child.

    Bristol Palin, one of Alaska Gov. Palin's five children with her husband, Todd, is about five months pregnant and is going to keep the child and marry the father, the Palins said in a statement released by the campaign of Republican presidential candidate John McCain.
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    The Palin Meltdown in Slo-Mo
    By Greg Sargent - September 1, 2008, 6:20PM

    On the same day that the Republicans were forced to dramatically cut back their convention activities, the Palin Meltdown unfolded with extraordinary speed. It's worth pondering the totality of what happened today, in a mere half day...

    * The news that Palin once backed the Bridge to Nowhere went national.

    * It emerged that Palin has links to the bizarro Alaska Independence Party, which harbors the goal of seceding from the union that McCain and Palin seek to lead.

    * The news broke that as governor, Palin relied on an earmark system she now opposes. Taken along with the Bridge to Nowhere stuff, this threatens to undercut her reformist image, something that was key to her selection as McCain's Veep candidate.

    * The news broke that Palin's 17-year-old daughter became pregnant out of wedlock at a time when the conservative base had finally started rallying behind McCain's candidacy.

    * Barely moments after McCain advisers put out word that McCain had known of Bristol Palin's pregnancy, the Anchorage Daily News revealed that Palin's own spokesperson hadn't known about it only two days ago.

    * A senior McCain adviser at the Republican convention was forced into the rather embarrassing position of arguing that McCain had known about the pregnancy "last week" -- without saying what day last week he knew about it.

    * It came out that Republican lawyers are up in Alaska vetting Palin -- now, more than 72 hours after it was announced that she'd been picked.

    * Palin lawyered up in relation to the trooper-gate probe in Alaska -- a move that ensures far more serious attention to the story from the major news orgs.
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    The 17-year-old daughter of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is pregnant.

    SO WHAT.

  33. #33
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    It's a big deal when Repubs. run on family values and Palin is only for abstinence education. Maybe if her daughter received proper sex education and the use of condoms she wouldn't be pregnant! Yeah, that abstinence education obviously works!
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  34. #34
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    If this was Michelle and Barack Obama's 17 year old daughter think of the reaction. "Another Black teenage unwed mother!" It would be all over the news questioning the Obama's family values and if they're like the rest of us.

    Palin's back ground sounds like McCain found her on the set of Jerry Springer.
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  35. #35
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    The Palin Meltdown in Slo-Mo
    By Greg Sargent - September 1, 2008, 6:20PM

    On the same day that the Republicans were forced to dramatically cut back their convention activities, the Palin Meltdown unfolded with extraordinary speed. It's worth pondering the totality of what happened today, in a mere half day...

    * The news that Palin once backed the Bridge to Nowhere went national.

    * It emerged that Palin has links to the bizarro Alaska Independence Party, which harbors the goal of seceding from the union that McCain and Palin seek to lead.

    * The news broke that as governor, Palin relied on an earmark system she now opposes. Taken along with the Bridge to Nowhere stuff, this threatens to undercut her reformist image, something that was key to her selection as McCain's Veep candidate.

    * The news broke that Palin's 17-year-old daughter became pregnant out of wedlock at a time when the conservative base had finally started rallying behind McCain's candidacy.

    * Barely moments after McCain advisers put out word that McCain had known of Bristol Palin's pregnancy, the Anchorage Daily News revealed that Palin's own spokesperson hadn't known about it only two days ago.

    * A senior McCain adviser at the Republican convention was forced into the rather embarrassing position of arguing that McCain had known about the pregnancy "last week" -- without saying what day last week he knew about it.

    * It came out that Republican lawyers are up in Alaska vetting Palin -- now, more than 72 hours after it was announced that she'd been picked.

    * Palin lawyered up in relation to the trooper-gate probe in Alaska -- a move that ensures far more serious attention to the story from the major news orgs.
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  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeputyLoneWolf View Post
    Theres also a video of her shooting a M-16 at a range. I bet that has the democrats crapping their pants. She's also a lifetime NRA member
    Why would the Dems crap in their pants because the broad can fire a M-16? Is this something Dems should be scared of? Is so, why?

  37. #37
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    I am sure there are plenty of girls that have had sex education classes and have gotten pegnant, anyone that steps up and tries to make this some kind of an issue is a fool and will only hurt Obama.

  38. #38
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    Seriously, who was not getting laid by seventeen? Leave the poor girl alone.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Why would the Dems crap in their pants because the broad can fire a M-16? Is this something Dems should be scared of? Is so, why?

    Because they are so anti gun. Why don't you try thinking for a change?

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by j4ever41 View Post
    I am sure there are plenty of girls that have had sex education classes and have gotten pegnant, anyone that steps up and tries to make this some kind of an issue is a fool and will only hurt Obama.
    Exactly. Ahem Carlos...

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