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Thread: Obama and the NAACP
07-27-2009, 10:24 PM #41
07-27-2009, 10:27 PM #42
07-28-2009, 12:36 AM #43
Thats absurd. Quotas AUTOMATICALLY preclude a certain number of X persons of a particular "race" from being hired, even if the person competing for that job has BETTER qualifications than the person of the "correct" race for that position, since a quota has to be filled.
Additionally, it is NOT the governments intended role to make people more "equal." The government in the United States is designed to create a fair playing field, not to artificially create 'equality.' It is the 'framework' model of government. Meaning as long as there is an equal and fair playing field, everything else is up to individuals and the private sector.
Furthermore, do you not believe that Constitutionally speaking, employers have the RIGHT to discriminate in their hiring practices based on whatever criteria they deem appropriate. Abercrombie&Fitch only hire good looking people to work in the front of the store. The Casinos only hire fit women to work the floors. So if an employer chooses to hire only a certain "race" to work at their store, is it not their RIGHT to do so? I think this rightly falls under property rights. The employer reserves the right to have whoever he chooses on his property, and to employ whoever he chooses, based on whatever criteria he chooses. It is an infringement of rights by the government to FORCE a business to hire X amount of certain types of people.
07-28-2009, 11:22 AM #44
Constitutionally speaking you are right, companies should be able to discriminate if they choose to, and many do. It's their right as owners. Just like certain clubs, religious groups, etc., openly discriminate. But if it's government's responsibility to offer a level playing field, how do you suggest they do this without imposing mandates on hiring criteria. People will automatically discriminate based on shared/common criteria.
never said it wasnt... i was pointing out that if blacks continue to claim they are descendents of slaves (which i have no problem), this encourages the notion of racism due to slavery... so in a way, this is a never ending circle around the bush...
No doubt that blacks have their own unique culture here in the USA, but that is not influenced at all by having their ancestors being from africa, so why continue to want to be refered as 'african americans' when the only thing in common is the color of your skin. That seems kinda racist there also.
and wouldnt it be almost insulting to the true african-americans to not know any of the history nor the heritage of the african people? Its almost being a poser in a nation of immigrants...
oh and if u r using the term 'black' loosely when u are talking about barack, that is incorrect... His roots dont trace back to the slave trade, his roots go back to the eastern parts of africa which were NOT included in the slave trade.. The Congo region was the main main part of the slaves being brought over...
07-28-2009, 12:40 PM #46
1st, you are partially right about the Congo being where the majority of slaves came from but slaves were brought from many parts of Africa. But yes, Barack leniage isn't from slaves but he is still a descendant of Africa as all blacks are although they may have direct ties to the Carribean, central or S. America. So saying we are African-American is not untrue. The labels bestowed on us is in response to the previous labels placed on us. Many feel that we aren't black, because our skin (for the most part) isn't black but brown in color and the fact that we come in just about every color shows we aren't necessarily 'black'. The term Negroe is simply a Spanish word describing the color of a race of people, thereby referring to us as Black. Since all blacks can trace their leniage to Africa, whether slave or not, it's not much of stretch to refer to ourselves as African-American. My question is why is this such a big deal when Europeans do it all the time? When I see Italians claim Italian heritage, I don't think its an insult to true Italian Americans who are 1st generation immigrants. Here's a perfect example, there are more Puerto Ricans living/born in the NY area than on the island itself, should those people not refer to themselves as Puerto Ricans?
european descendents still try to live by thier roots in america, so in that aspect for them to call them selves "italian american' isnt much of a stretch... just specifies that they are trying to keep those roots active...
Very few of us know of true African culture, unlike Italians, Hispanics, Poles, etc., we have no language or other cultural mores that are uniquely African
Since all blacks can trace their leniage to Africa, whether slave or not, it's not much of stretch to refer to ourselves as African-American.Last edited by Lemonada8; 07-28-2009 at 03:21 PM.
07-28-2009, 03:27 PM #48
Do I have a justified lawsuit against the "man" seeing as how there isn't an option on paperwork and applications for me to chose "German-American"?
If these Blacks get "African-American" then goddamnit I better get my "German-American" option too.***No source checks!!!***
07-28-2009, 04:12 PM #49
I disagree, the term black to me and many other 'black' people, it refers to an African leniage not necessarily a slave leniage.
Man will always seperate himself based on shared experiences. Look at the Serbs vs Croats, Irish Catholics vs Irish Protestants, all the many warring tribes in Africa and the middle east. What is truly an American? Is the culture in New York (lets say Staton Island) the same as the culture in Compton California or Portland Oregon. No...
07-28-2009, 08:01 PM #50
what a thread!!!
07-28-2009, 09:14 PM #52
07-28-2009, 10:00 PM #54
07-29-2009, 03:07 PM #55
then dont come down here to miami kratos....english is second...
if you are born in the united states you are an AMERICAN...there should only be one flag flown here...and that old glory...
and affirmitive action is the biggest bunch of bullshit....
just my 2 cents....
07-29-2009, 06:08 PM #56
07-29-2009, 07:07 PM #57
I speak pretty decent spanish. Took 3 semesters of spanish in college. Spoke to housekeepers and maintence with no problems when I worked in hotel industry. Speaking spanish or the fact people retain their native language is not a problem for me. It's the expectation that America provides for people's unwillingness to participate.
But, I don't respect the fact that many hispanics choose to partition themselves through language. I'm sorry that's just how I feel. If I moved to Italy or China, I'd be expected to learn the language to be a part of the nation. Language barriers are not a good thing for America.
Everone talks about inclusion in goverment and politics, how about making an effort to include yourself?
I don't think they should forget or loose their culture, and by all means they can call themselves xxxx-american. Why should I care what people call themselves? A secretary can call herself an administrative assistant, a janitor can call himself a custodial artist.
The bottom line is being here to participate in being American or don't come here at all. When in Rome...
07-29-2009, 07:33 PM #59
Obama sucks and I can't wait till the next election cycle so we can vote him out of office. He's the worst president since Carter. the only thing good about Carter is he gave us Reagan. Thank god next year is the mid term election so at least we can vote out most of his staff...
08-04-2009, 11:12 AM #60
Ron Paul for PRES!!!
08-05-2009, 11:20 AM #61
08-05-2009, 05:38 PM #62
08-05-2009, 05:46 PM #63
BgMc, this is what I mean about voting these days. People vote against the person they like least, not the guy they like more. If EVERYONE actually bothered to vote these lying reptiles wouldn't constantly get into power.
Theres a good chance Obama could be voted off. And then 4 years from then everyone will be bitching about how they want the Republican booted off and the Democrat choice in. And then you're back to square one. Again. For the next 200 years.
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