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  1. #1
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Campaigning for ISIS in the West

    I just watched this on 60 Minutes and was a little disturbed by how aggressive some Muslims have become in their efforts. On the one hand, I understand their major issue, Great Brittan and the Axis put the Jews in Palestine, displacing 750k Palestinians, and the USA continues to fund Isreal which is a threat to the locals. But on the other hand, they are getting very aggressive and it's a little scary. I look around in my neighborhood, and in the gym this evening, I'd say 25% are possibly either muslim or from the middle east. (Let's not dance around where the geographic boundries lie that define the middle east, had that discussion and tired of it). Each person seems like they are trying to mainstream, but the concentration of this group is increasing. There is also a temple down the street from where I live with high walls and this huge flag. This community doesn't seem interested in mainstreaming, but I could be wrong. UK was complaining of the increased population of muslims more than a decade ago, and it seems after a critical mass was reached, some are now appearing to send a message that they want to over throw the government?

    The problem is both sides are willing to fight to the death. The UK cannot undo the placement of the jews, and the USA seems unwilling to stop funding isreal. This is a classic stalemate, and will probably continue for generations. And of course, the muslims are unwilling to compromise as well.

    If you haven't seen this video, it's an eye opener.
    Last edited by Times Roman; 11-04-2014 at 11:37 PM.

  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Back from Afghanistan
    fawk. the video won't embed, so you will have to follow the link

  3. #3
    treant is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah I understand there is a dilemma.. But I think its important to remember that Muslims are just as different to each other as Christians are.. And, being an American.. I think you are american anyways.. you know how different christians within your country can be!

    So we have to be careful not to see 'muslims' as one entity.. because it isn't. Every individual person is an individual person with their own thoughts beliefs and dreams..

    Seeing more 'colour' in one area and being like "oh god we are losing our country" is a bit extreme.. I am not saying thats your opinion, but that opinion is out there.. and hey, just think how the natives felt when the europeans came.. So.. you know.. can't really bitch TOO much about that eh?

  4. #4
    treant is offline Junior Member
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    I'm sure there are some Muslims in every country who DO want to overthrow the government and implement some sort of Islamic Sharia based state.. But let's not throw that out of proportion to all the other risks out there..

    Like there are groups that want to do all sorts of nasty things within society and they are already actively doing it.. like crashing the financial system and then giving a trillion dollars to the pricks that did it..

    So who is actually more frightening? Some muslims who likely will never have the firm support of their compadre's or the juggernaught that we already KNOW is ****ing us?

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