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  1. #1
    MMH is offline New Member
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    Oct 2008

    Cycle Advice What to use ?????

    Looking for some advice on starting a cycle again,Ive been training on and off for 20 odd years and i ran my first one around 18 months ago at 44 which was Sus 250 and Deca once a week but i stopped after 8 weeks after advice on the forum(horrible cycle etc) and did pct and have continued training 2/3 times a week since then in a kind of going through the motions way but have got serious with the diet and workouts again in the last 3 or 4 months.I was asked to get some AAS for some younger guys at the gym and decided to get some for myself at the same time and am now thinking of running a cycle,i have at hand

    Test E

    Just wondered if anyone had any thoughts or similair experience and could post up some advice etc

  2. #2
    glover's Avatar
    glover is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2004
    What was so horrible about test and dec?

    What are your goals, stats, and how much product do you have?

  3. #3
    MMH is offline New Member
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    Oct 2008
    Was just advised on the forum it was a bad 1st cycle and should get off ,do pct and do another with test e only,anyway ive got to hand 20ml test enanthate 300,100 x 10mg dianabol and 50x 50mg anavar plus 50 x 20mg clomid and 30 x 10mg nolva.

    Height 5,6"
    Weight 175lb
    Bf ???

    Train at least 3 days a week with weights and throw in some boxing and cardio
    Not to bothered about getting huge but would like some strength and lean muscle gains
    diet is pretty good but i seem to fire the weight on if im not careful and was round the 220lb mark 4 or 5 years ago
    Last edited by MMH; 03-18-2010 at 05:34 PM.

  4. #4
    glover's Avatar
    glover is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2004
    Ok, The test and Anavar are most likey to meet your lean gain goals, however diet is the key to that. You probably know that since you used to be 50lbs heavier.

    You could actually get 2 cycles out of what you have.

    One possible cycle:

    1-10 weeks of test 300 mgs/week
    1-7 weeks of Anavar 50mgs/day
    13-14 Clomid 40 mgs/day
    14-16 Clomid 20 mgs/day and Nolva 10mgs/day

    Another possibility:

    1-10 weeks of test 300 mgs/week
    1-5 weeks of Dianabol 30mgs/day
    13-14 Clomid 40 mgs/day
    14-16 Clomid 20 mgs/day and Nolva 10mgs/day

    I would research your stuff next time and get a cycle you want to run instead of getting gear and trying to figure a cycle with it.

    I like Prop/NPP/Var for lean gains. I use Hcg through out cycle and pct with Nolva. Good Luck

  5. #5
    MMH is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Thanks for that Glover I'm always willing to listen lol,I did research my cycle before i got anything and had seen similair cycles put up quite a few thinking was to kickstart with the Dbol until the long ester of the test came through and then tail it off with the Anavar to lean up in the last stage and then run pct it just happened that i was asked if i could get some gear for someone else and got mine at the same time.I def agree on diet being the most important aspect of any training regime as the saying goes"You are what you eat"

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