50 yrs, all natural, 5'10, 210 and have put on a good deal of muscle mass the last 6 months. I'm actually about 15% BF right now, but that's almost a badge of honor, cause I'm one of those guys who burns 2000 calories just reading his email. I can probably cut down to 3000 calories a day and lose the bf, but im hoping to still gain mass.

I'm reading about a first time cycle being Test only. My concern is both the bloat, and, surprisingly, about getting too big, too quick. Dealing with bloat would probably mean adding other gear to the mix, which I'm reading isn't good for the first timer. And, my company HAS tested someone for steroids in the past, and lately, Ive had a few people ask me if my gains were all natural.

See, if Im to gain.. what .. 15 pounds in a couple of months, if i read correctly, I worry that might cause a red flag and get me tested? Im actually having trouble picturing what id look like, at 225. Would I look THAT different? Would it be THAT noticeable, say, in a long sleeved, baggy shirt ?