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  1. #1
    BrysZ's Avatar
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    Options to steriods for us old guys...

    Being 44 years old and going to the gym religiously for years I am finally forced to admit that I believe my age has put limits on my production and success.

    I joined this forum in the attempt to relieve my frustration toward achieving my goals in the gym with steriods . Even though I have not given up this strategy I am looking for advice regarding supplementing my diet with over the counter products. I thought this could be a good source for information since I am sure many of you have tried many products.

    I am going to start a bulking phase real soon for about 12-16 weeks and the then I am going (somehow) to cut down to shreds by spring. I am hoping to gain some advice regarding supplements to gain mass and also to cut down in the spring.

    Thank you for your help!!!

  2. #2
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    Welcome! I am not clear...are you already on steroids ? and want to get off? with supplements?

  3. #3
    Dont wanna be old's Avatar
    Dont wanna be old is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Bulk= Eat well ,train hard, rest and repeat
    Cuttting= Eat very well , train and cardio , rest and repeat .

  4. #4
    BrysZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    Welcome! I am not clear...are you already on steroids? and want to get off? with supplements?
    No I have never used steriods . Wondering what good supplements you have used for guys over forty who have found it hard to reach their goals.

  5. #5
    BrysZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dont wanna be old View Post

    Bulk= Eat well ,train hard, rest and repeat
    Cuttting= Eat very well , train and cardio , rest and repeat .
    I have been religiously following that regiment for years just simply looking for some good advice regarding some good supplements to help me overcome this forty-something road block.

  6. #6
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    are you open to TRT? at 40 you might really benefit from it...or do you prefer to stay away for now....

  7. #7
    Dont wanna be old's Avatar
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    Creatine and a few NOS products , just not sure if gains are permanent .

  8. #8
    Natureboy71's Avatar
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    Supplements like you find that the store like "test boosters" ect are all crap. None of that stuff will do anything but empty your wallet. You already seem to know your diet so I assume you already use Whey after workout and so on. Maybe Creatine.

    Perhaps get your natural test levels checked. If you are low, any gains in the gym will be very difficult.

  9. #9
    spicyer's Avatar
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    Without knowing all your stats a couple of quick thoughts are l-glutamine and bcaa's, buy these in bulk and take 5-10 gms 4 times per day, whey protein - buy the purest isolate you can find and supplement around your regular diet using a scoop or two here and there, calcium or micellar casein - use this before you go to bed and it forms a gel in your stomach releasing protein for a few hours while you sleep. Good Luck!

  10. #10
    lifeforce0019's Avatar
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    At your next annual physical (or sooner) ask you Dr. to include testosterone levels et al. in your blood work. You may be low normal opening the door for HRT.

  11. #11
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    like the new avy

  12. #12
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    I'd just stick with the basics....

    protein powder
    Arganine (for NOS)
    dhea (optional - you may want to research first)

    You can try Gamma O. We discussed this in another thread the other day. it's a little expensive (about $60 for a half gallon), and you do one or two table spoons a day. Can't guarantee anything. I (think) I experienced marginal results. It is for bulking. you may consider giving it a try.

    Mate, it may be time to bite the bullet. I'm, well, shiit, 49 in three weeks, and now on low dose test, and a few other aas.

  13. #13
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post

    protein powder
    Arganine (for NOS)
    dhea (optional - you may want to research first)
    these.. and Casiene protien shake prior to going to bed every night as well as adding Zinc and Magnesium prior to going to bed every night as well.. it helps recovery and it is cheap.. you can get the generic stuff on ebay.. months supply is like 10 bucks

  14. #14
    lucyluciano is offline New Member
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    if you want to have some fun and bust thru your plateaus, I agree, there are not any supplements out there that even come close to hormonal options. I myself am 48 have tried many supps and oral steroid injectables yet...that's what I am researching here.

    I'd recommend TRT as mentioned earlier or if you'd rather not pin yourself try a halo clone (H-drol etc) at 50/75/75/75/75/100mgs with shutdown and liver support. It's very mild, great sense of well being, will lean you out or recomp, good pumps and strength increases. Kicks in around week 2 with a long half life. Very mild and safe for us older guys.

  15. #15
    BrysZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucyluciano View Post
    if you want to have some fun and bust thru your plateaus, I agree, there are not any supplements out there that even come close to hormonal options. I myself am 48 have tried many supps and oral steroid injectables yet...that's what I am researching here.

    I'd recommend TRT as mentioned earlier or if you'd rather not pin yourself try a halo clone (H-drol etc) at 50/75/75/75/75/100mgs with shutdown and liver support. It's very mild, great sense of well being, will lean you out or recomp, good pumps and strength increases. Kicks in around week 2 with a long half life. Very mild and safe for us older guys.
    Thanks everyone for the replies...interested in this "halo clone" sorry but I have no idea what this refers to...could you explian? Thank you!

  16. #16
    THEROCMANCOMETH is offline New Member
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    Pay close attention to what Natureboy said.If your natural test levels are low you can eat clean and work your self to death and still see little to no gains.Having BW done is well worth the time and money.Best of luck to you.

  17. #17
    kaju's Avatar
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    There are no supplements out there to do what you want. It is just a matter of nature. go to the doc and see if he will give you trt. If not go to the black market. I do not recommend that of course but sometimes there is no other choice but except the inevitable.

    I went to the doc and he would not give me trt. I went to the black market and have been like a teenager ever since.

  18. #18
    BrysZ's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone for the advice and your time. I have an appointment to meet with my fmaily doctor in two weeks. He didn't sound too optimistic that I have Low-T and I think he is going to be tough to get test out of him. Oh well I will at least get my bloodwork done and move from there. If test is good then I have nothing to blame except my work ethic and diet...oh man can't imagine how to improve on that! I am suspect that I still am not eating enough and I overtrain but I am learning tons on this site and I am becoming quite addicted to reading the posts...thanks again!!!!

  19. #19
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    i've seen very few posts on here from men in their 40's with natty test levels optimal enough to build muscle(maybe one in the high 400's).....maintain at 37 i was struggling to burn fat and definately had plateaued with any strength gains...
    keep us posted bro

  20. #20
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrysZ View Post
    Thanks everyone for the advice and your time. I have an appointment to meet with my fmaily doctor in two weeks. He didn't sound too optimistic that I have Low-T and I think he is going to be tough to get test out of him. Oh well I will at least get my bloodwork done and move from there. If test is good then I have nothing to blame except my work ethic and diet...oh man can't imagine how to improve on that! I am suspect that I still am not eating enough and I overtrain but I am learning tons on this site and I am becoming quite addicted to reading the posts...thanks again!!!!
    I complained of low sex drive to my dr a cpl yrs ago. he tested my test and said it was 'in range'. I also independently got it tested trying to get into a testosterone study and even though i drank booze every night for a week before i got bloodwork done (I heard/read that it would lower ur test levels) I came out too high to meet the study criteria.

    I'm 43 and started using test cyp like 3 weeks ago, a lot more than what TRT would be prescribed but for a 260lb guy not a whole lot for a cycle, 500mg test cyp/wk. A cpl days ago I turned into a mad horndog, it's like I"m a 17 yo kid wanting to have sex 24/7. I've had sex with my wife more in the past 2 days than I have in the past 2 months lol. 4 times today!

    I'm not advising you to cycle, I'm just providing some personal info as an over 40 guy who is lovin life right now lol

  21. #21
    cro's Avatar
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    test e/equipose

  22. #22
    clemont51 is offline Banned
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    If you fitness center has a spin cycling class, or cycles in it's cardio section, look
    for one that a younger lady has been riding intently. When no one is looking wipe that seat. Retire to a secure area and sniff the wiping rag. Within 30 minutes T levels will radically escalate. (Yes, this is good science) It would be embarassing to be caught, hence, consider Test Cyn. 125mg every two weeks as starter.

  23. #23
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clemont51 View Post
    If you fitness center has a spin cycling class, or cycles in it's cardio section, look
    for one that a younger lady has been riding intently. When no one is looking wipe that seat. Retire to a secure area and sniff the wiping rag. Within 30 minutes T levels will radically escalate. (Yes, this is good science) It would be embarassing to be caught, hence, consider Test Cyn. 125mg every two weeks as starter.
    embarassing to get caught? not to say?

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