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  1. #1
    clemont51 is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Testosterone C causes elderly man to run amuck.

    I am 74 years old and in splendid physical condition. (I'll get around to posting pictures). About 6 months ago I started Test C at 125mg every two week, Tamoxifin 20 daily. (my pre-T injection level was 550 on a scale of 200-900.
    I take 50 mg daily of DHEA plus the usual antioxidents.) That increased my level
    to 850 same scale. About eight weeks ago I upped dosage to 125mg weekly. Strange things happening! In live in a smallish town and had been feeding on the
    visiting nurses at the local hospital. That program was stopped and with it the inflow of decent females.) I did a saliva test and it read 554 pg/ml on a scale
    of 44-148, age dependant.

    During this period I was tapping nice but dumpy looking ladies in their sixties!
    Accepted nobbers from a diverse group, frumpy realtors, a spiritualist, etc. I would not want to be seen in public with most!
    Meantime I spent about $250 joining singles sites. A frentic effort insued, to
    contact and email anything and everything withing a 100 miles that looked
    decent. No chubba bubbas. Many prospects, most over my one hour drive limit.

    Have gone back to the twice monthly 125mg schedule. We have a family history
    of old age sexual activity. Grandfather, and Anglican Priest, sired my father at
    76! Yes, I look just like the old varmit!

  2. #2
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA and many other places
    Have FUN!

  3. #3
    rebekka59's Avatar
    rebekka59 is offline Female Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    OMG you are awesome!

  4. #4
    clemont51 is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Thank you ladies for your kind comments. I live in a most beautiful Arizona mtn town of 20,000. It's an hour and half from
    Scottsdale/Phoenix. Hence, opportunites are limited. Though 74 folks think I'm early sixties. Perhaps I start chasing female
    mountain goats! (Went to WalMart this am and was, as usual, battered by images of lard-assians!

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