Environmental toxins bring in a lot of diseases – bronchitis, asthma, nausea and breathing difficulties to name a few. Recently the researchers have come up with a list of new diseases, for which environmental toxins act as catalysts. Parkinson’s disease is one among them and it is one of the prevalent diseases in the world, especially in the USA. It is estimated that one million Americans suffer from Parkinson’s disease.

Pesticides from farms and some genetic factors have been identified as catalysts of Parkinson’s disease so far. But a recent study conducted in the USA added another factor to this list – high manganese emissions from steel factories.

The study says that heavy metals and dangerous pollutants can damage the brain, leading to degenerative diseases like Parkinson’s. Copper emissions from factories have also been identified as factors which enhance the possibility of developing Parkinson’s disease. If you think that these chemical emulsions affect only those who work in such factories, you are wrong. It can adversely affect the health and brain power of those residing in the area too.

Those who are affected by the disease resort to various medical streams in search of effective treatment and parkinson's ayurvedic treatmentseems to be one of the well-recognised methods.