Ok this is the problem that I have. I have really started to search like crazy about m1t because it is cheap as fuk and will be illegal on the 19 and when it’s illegal the prices will just sky rocket. I have been criticizing m1t for a while because a friend of mine tried it and said it was worthless but now I am starting to question him. This was the cycle I was thinking about doing:
wk1-4 25mgs of d-bol ED
wk1-10 400mgs of test enan.(200mgs on mon. 200mgs on thur.)
wk1-10 400mgs of deca .(same as test 200mgs twice a week)
wk1-10 10mgs of nolvadex ED
wk1-12 500 i.u's of hcg a week
I have heard from some people that m1t was like "super DBol " I was thinking about substituting Dbol with m1t? Will I get better results? What do yall think? All the help needed this is very important to me.