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Thread: SD cycle preview
02-22-2006, 09:42 PM #41
Wussup Drol headz.. Monday I did'nt have that much time to train, but I still had a decent back workout (1hr)... Felt very strong. Tuesday I had class and couldnt train just ate a lot and did push ups.. Today, I trained tri's/bi's and abs.. I have been eating a ton and feel a little bloated. I dont know if its b/c of the food I'm eating or the SD. Gained only a pound. Is anyone here doing cardio?? or just weights?
Keep postin and keep them #'s coming!!!
02-22-2006, 09:52 PM #42
dip,I think as far as strenght i think withing a couple of days, Personally i am going ape shit in the gym doing everything needed to gain that 10-15 already put on 5 10more to go. d-bo man you need to make some time to pump, skip a class if you have to, wake up early because this sd is the shit.
02-24-2006, 12:39 AM #43Junior Member
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DAY 4:
Man, I really feel it starting to kick in! Today I got on the scale and was up 2 lbs. from yesterday, total of 4lbs. in 4 days!!!
chest wrkt went really well this morning.......used more weight or more reps on every exercise (compared to mon chest wrkt)..........really killed my chest, pecs were really on swole..........had good energy and good focus throughout the entire wrkt.
another good wrkt this evening........used all super sets or drop sets for this triceps wrkt........great pump (even awhile after my wrkt) & veins are really starting to pop out (thats what I am looking for)!!!
Diet & supplementation is going well.......still no sign of any sides as of yet!
Got BIS/ABS/CALVES tomorrow & then a much needed weekend of rest.
Gotta Go Eat
02-24-2006, 12:43 AM #44Junior Member
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Originally Posted by THE_DOME
D-BO........Yeah bro, get that ass in the gym!!!
02-24-2006, 05:37 PM #45
ya man about 5lbs so far strength is going through the roof. i did infact start monday feeling really good and healthy.
02-24-2006, 07:58 PM #46
im about to hit the gym in 20 minutes.
def noticing strength gains in all categories.its pretty awesome!!!!
havent been able to weight myself on an empty stomach but i will when i get the chance.
i too feel bloated alot of the time.kinda sucks but im sure its temp...
tonight im going to hit bis,tris,4arms.
cant wait to see what i can do.
my diet is going well,as is the suppliments.
i just got my weight gainer in the mail today and going to be drinking some wg shakes for the rest of the cycle.hopefully helps me out a little.
well glad to hear everyones cycles are going smoothely.
now im going to go get my arms nice and swolen
02-24-2006, 10:26 PM #47
week one over for me
all workout pretty good all bodyparts were sore
i have been keeping up on protein, at about 300g per day.
almost dont want to take any days off but i have to i am sore all over.
as far as health i get headache right after i pop my sd but goes away no signs of sides, i have been taking nova ed along with all my vitamins.
next week is going to be big i am upping my dose to 30mg a day i am planning to remain buck ass wild in the gym like usuall.
other sd keep me posted daily pre and post workout if possible
02-25-2006, 07:41 PM #48
The Drol is going great.. Gained 5lbs so far.. Strength seems the same, but my endurance is what has improved the most. I spent 2 1/2 hours at the gym today and it seemed like only an 1hr!! My whole body is sore though.. I really have'nt noticed any sides yet except for the mild bloats.. Starting monday I'm upping SD to 20mg a day as well as 2 pills a day for all my other supps. That will be a total of 12 pills a day.. What im doing is taking Milk Thistle early in the morning prior to breakfast b/c I believe it's the most important sup. Then I spread out the others throughout the day. Is that what everyone else is doing? holla..
02-27-2006, 12:27 PM #49
just started my 2nd week.20mg a day of sd now.
i hit chest today and let me tell you this stuff works
benched 245 twice and then hit 225 about 5 times after that.
before sd i was maxing at 235 and only one time.
no sides yet besides some major bloating like always it kinda sucks balls.
diet is going good and im just waiting for my nolva
02-27-2006, 01:14 PM #50
Hey guys
Whats up...this tread is great....Good to hear about eveyones SD cycle....
I'm on my 12th day....i've already upped the dose to 20mg.....everything has been great so far....I'm 5'7 and 152lbs.....I've never been able to gain weight.....right now I'm at 157lbs.....I've been taking all the supplements that everyone recommends with SD cycle.
I haven't really noticed any strength gains but...I guess thats coming too....but i have been pushing my self at the gym.
The only problem that i've noticed has happened for the 1st time today....and that is BACK PAIN.....OMG!!!! i can't explain to you how much pain im's not the type of back pain that you can lift boxes and stuff....its a real weird back pain...the lower muscles are hurting like hell....
I was wonderin should i just take some back pain medicine for this like advil or something.....or should i just wait it out?? what do you guys think?? any professional advice?
02-27-2006, 03:39 PM #51
wussup Scorpion, I also noticed the back pain, but it was after working out my legs on Friday and doing some lunges.. It was'nt unbearable but it was a little uncomfortable.. I have been rubbing some icy-hot and that seems to make it feel better. I heard that SD does have that side effect though.. If its really bad just take some asprin.. I dont know what else to tell you bro.
When are you guys taking the SD?? i'm taking 10mg @ 11am and then my second 10mg @ 5pm since it has a 6hr half life..
02-27-2006, 05:54 PM #52Junior Member
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Is everybody jumping upto 20mg for their 2nd week or what? I think I am going to stay at 10mg (I am a little smaller than you guys and 10mg seemed to work really well the 1st week)!
02-27-2006, 06:58 PM #53
its a back pump if you just sit down for a few and try to relax it will go away
, mine got real bad while i was working out and sometimes almost did not make it to the car. but after driving home (about 20 min drive) the pump was all gone.
02-27-2006, 07:27 PM #54
well i just got my nolva so im ready.
i havent exp any back pains yet but i cant wait......
i am really happy with my strength gain.really happy.
well i gotta go eat so ill be back late
02-27-2006, 10:12 PM #55
hi i am very new to this kinda stuff. i have been doing my research and everything and i have learned a lot but still fresh so bear with me please. should i take cellucor p6 for my pct. i am thinking of taking superdrol and take milk thistle along with it. also how long would it take for the superdrol to wear off of my body cuz i am in the military and i ship out july 21st and i am thinking of running sd on april for a month. what else should i take other than the milk thistle? any help would be appreciated. thanks
02-27-2006, 10:20 PM #56
well for pct im running
milk thistle
hawthorne berry
no-flush niacin
im only on week 2 but man this stuff def works.
do some reading before you jump on a cycle though.
im also leaving for the military.
i leave in april though.
02-27-2006, 10:43 PM #57Junior Member
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Originally Posted by Scorpion25
Make sure you are getting alot of clean calories (you should be taking in atleast 300g of protein daily) and lots of water in everyday, remember OUTSIDE of the gym is where you grow!!!
GL w/ the rest of your cycle & PCT
02-27-2006, 10:57 PM #58Junior Member
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Originally Posted by D-Bo Dre
**You need to make sure that you are getting atleast 1000-1500mg of Milk Thistle daily, 2000mg of Flush-Free Niacin daily, 5-10g of Fish/Flax Oil daily!!
I am currently taking 6-8 pills of each!! (25 pills ED)
Just making sure & thats my .02
02-28-2006, 01:36 PM #59Originally Posted by diponyou
wussup diponyou. i just have a couple of questions man. do you think you'll be able to make the drug test if you are leaving on april bro. because that is like my biggest concern is to fail the test man. i was thinking of running sd on april and do my pct on may then i'll have like 2 months to flush the sd out of my system. i ship out at july 21st do you think it's enough time for me to do it? i do not want to fail the drug test when i go there you know because that's the last thing i need. thanks man
02-28-2006, 03:38 PM #60
on week two now i am upping to 30mg ed. i am up 6lbs from start i am 246. felling good having great pumps and geting hella strong
02-28-2006, 06:32 PM #61Originally Posted by III
Wussup bro.. Yea, I was taking just 1 supp dosage a day for the first week.. But keep in mind that I also began with 1 supp dosage a day a week prior to my first SD pill to get my body accustomed to it.. Now week 2, I upped it up and will continue with the supps until after PCT. I am getting 1000mg daily of Nicacin, but only 400mg daily of Milk Thistle.. I guess you right about the Milk thistle, I might up that up, because my liver is what worries me the most. As far as the other supps I think I’m just going to continue with my planned dosages. IMO (25pills ED) is a little much for the body to handle. It will most likely leave through urine anyway right!?!?
Also I am using a product by the name of Censor instead of Read Yeast Rice.. Its for cholesterol levels.. I don’t know if you’ve heard of it.. Anyways let me know what u think -gotta go eat..
02-28-2006, 06:39 PM #62Originally Posted by THE_DOME
I've also been having some really F'd up dreams lately.. Like bonning some girls at the gym while on the stairmaster.. It's not like I'm complaining but I dont know what the hell is going through my head sometimes.. Damn SD!!
02-28-2006, 07:38 PM #63
for those sluggish days i usually hit some ephedrine or caffine pill, it gets me a good little freak time in the gym
02-28-2006, 09:06 PM #64
does anyone know how long will sd stay in my system? i am planning on doing a cycle on april then pct on may but then i ship out for the navy at july 21st i am just wondering if i will be able to pass the drug test. should i just use phera-plex instead? any help would be much appreciated.
02-28-2006, 09:13 PM #65
well the life of sd in your system is six hours, but as far as detection time not sure man
02-28-2006, 09:14 PM #66Originally Posted by THE_DOME
so you're saying that one dose of sd will last about six hours? if that's true then i should be good then
02-28-2006, 10:50 PM #67
What you should do Ic, is ask what is being tested on the drug test and then research the chemicals found in superdrol. That’s your answer. There are many different test ran for different types of drugs or chemicals. Urine drug testing is the most common form of drug testing. Toxins are stored in the fat cells of the body. In order to release these toxins into the bloodstream, the fat cells must be burned. In the blood the toxins are filtered out by the kidneys and sent to the bladder.
If they are testing for anabolic steroids , I believe that there are many cleansers available. As far as, reliability I am not certain.
02-28-2006, 11:31 PM #68Junior Member
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Originally Posted by D-Bo Dre
GL w/ the rest of your cycle, keep me posted on the gains!!!
02-28-2006, 11:43 PM #69Junior Member
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Day 8 & 9
What up DrolHeadz,
Just started week 2 & everything is going well, I am still running 10mg ED but will bump it up to 20mg starting next week. Still no sign of hardly any sides. I have experienced some weird dreams and it seems like I am sweating during my sleep a bit as well. No cramping in the back, no lack of energy, etc.....
Day 8 (Mon.)
Day 9 (Tues.)
Everything is going extremely well in the gym and strength is going thru the roof, I am getting very good pumps throughout my entire workouts and it is lasting a good time after the workouts as well. I am starting to lose alot of water weight and am looking very hard w/ veins popping out diet has continued to be good (taking in around 3000 calories, 300g of protein & 300g of carbs (rice&oatmeal) daily w/ very little fat). I have gained a total of 6lbs!!!
Keep the results coming......gotta go eat!!!
03-01-2006, 01:42 PM #70
HEY guys
III thanks for all the I mentioned before i'm a hard gainer....I would have never taken this route if it was easy for me to gain weight....but your right about gaining....well....being at work and all it's so hard to keep a clean diet....or to eat on time....
Today the back pain (pump) feels a little better.....I haven't noticed any sexual all....cuz i'm having same great sex as always....but i;ve noticed another problem....I don't know if its cuz of the back's just that i'm getting irritated easily....people get on my nerves in a minute....i'm being really this normal.....??
I mean its no big deal i'll just suck it up for another few weeks and it'll be all good....I was just wondering.
03-01-2006, 02:07 PM #71Member
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Can you guys comment on sides, more specifically acne?
I get no acne in regular life, but when I used test I got bad acne... How are you guys doing with acne (And throw in how you did with acne on other steroid cycles for comparison)
EDIT: Additionally, SD is only in your system for six hours? Does that mean it only helps growth for 6 hours? Makes no sense... You grow when you sleep, not when youre awake which is when the 6 hours are going by...Last edited by chris2wire; 03-01-2006 at 02:11 PM.
03-01-2006, 02:19 PM #72
I;ve never done any other steriods ....and SD is the very 1st thing i've ever used....soon as i started using it...I noticed a few pimples pop-up on the side of my arm...2 on my chest...and 1or 2 on my back....but thats it nothing else.....
03-01-2006, 03:35 PM #73
i am on day 8 no sides but i take nova ed
03-01-2006, 03:54 PM #74
dome your taking nova while on sd also???????
never herd of that....
any ways...
i really dont think you have anything to worry about lc1987 as far as drug test goes.
ill be done with my cycle 1 month before i leave so im sure 1 month is long enough for anything to get out.and thats assuming they test for that.
03-01-2006, 03:56 PM #75Originally Posted by THE_DOME
03-01-2006, 03:58 PM #76
as far as everything else goes.i love this stuff
im gettting compliments from everybody at my work tellin me i look bigger.and my strenght gains are incredible.
my diet is going good and workouts are doing good also.
no signs of sides besides i cant sleep very well and im always tired .
im hopeing for next week to bench 265
03-01-2006, 06:42 PM #77
my mentality is i want to prevent sides, not attack them after they happen, i have liquid nova i take just a little.
03-01-2006, 09:40 PM #78Junior Member
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Day 10
Back (AM)
Legs/Calves (PM)
Another 2lbs today, this sh!t is off the hook. I am encountering crazy pumps & vascularity is insane! Strength is improving every workout!
This morning I woke up w/ a sore throat & a stuffy nose, feels like first signs of a cold. I went straight to the store and got some Airborne and will take that the next two days. I think probably b/c I have been sweating during my sleep and I slept w/ the fan on the last 2 nights. Still felt great during my workouts!!! Other than that no signs of any other sides.
Muscles are starting to look really dense!
Chris...........I haven't experienced any acne whatsoever during my cycle!
03-01-2006, 10:22 PM #79Originally Posted by III
how many cals/pro/carbs are you getting a day
03-02-2006, 12:17 PM #80Junior Member
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Originally Posted by THE_DOME
300g protein (chicken, tuna, protein)
300g carbs (oats, rice, sweet potatoes)Last edited by III; 03-02-2006 at 12:21 PM.
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