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  1. #1
    Anavar Man's Avatar
    Anavar Man is offline Member
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    Myogenx Update At 20 Days

    Hey Bros,
    I thought that I would give you an update on my MyogenX journey. I'm 20 days in at 4 pills per day along side 50mgs. ED of proviron . I can honestly say that this so called "Herb" is the real deal. The feelings that I have now, are very much similar to how I feel after about 3 weeks of 600mgs. of propionate . The pumps in the gym are great and the endurance is rising like it does in a cycle. I'm up about 4 lbs. and my strength levels have increased slightly. I honestly believe that the proviron is not responsible for these effects. I think that the proviron is keeping me slightly dryer and harder but has really nothing to do with the pumps and weight gain.

    I don't really feel like sitting here mentioning all the little similarities that feel like a cycle. For those of you that have cycled, you know the feelings I'm speaking of after approx. 3 weeks. I refuse to believe that this is some type of "Placebo" related effect, I definitely think the test levels are on the rise. I hope someone else that is taking this product gets blood work done to see the results. I don't plan on getting any done.

    Side Affects:
    Slight increase in oily skin and acne on my shoulders, not to bad.
    Increase in testicular size.
    NOTE: I don't think that this product mixes to well with caffeine, I have been feeling extremely light headed and virtigoish feeling when consuming caffeine and this product. I woke up yesterday and had some egg whites and coffee and got ready for the gym. I popped a pill with my meal and thought nothing of it. I usually mix 3 scoops of Superpump 250 with water and down that on the way to the gym, which I did. When I got to the gym I was light headed as hell for the first hour, the feeling slowly subsided. I came home and took my afternoon pill with lunch and felt fine. Around 4:30pm I took another pill and went Christmas shopping. I made a cup of joe for the ride, within 20 minutes the major light headed feeling was back. All I can say is be careful with the caffeine it is not a fun feeling.
    I will continue to update.

  2. #2
    pigrond's Avatar
    pigrond is offline Member
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    where do find this product my pct is coming shortly might want to try it

  3. #3
    Anavar Man's Avatar
    Anavar Man is offline Member
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    The Protein factory

  4. #4
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    Virtio, that would explain my issues.. too much caffine...

    i'll try and stop the caffine to determine if that is what is causing my issues..

    glad it worked out with you.. I too am experiencing similar results..
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  5. #5
    Anavar Man's Avatar
    Anavar Man is offline Member
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    Good to here that someone else is experiencing similiar results...

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by pigrond
    where do find this product my pct is coming shortly might want to try it

  7. #7
    SS1476's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anavar Man
    Hey Bros,
    I thought that I would give you an update on my MyogenX journey. I'm 20 days in at 4 pills per day along side 50mgs. ED of proviron . I can honestly say that this so called "Herb" is the real deal. The feelings that I have now, are very much similar to how I feel after about 3 weeks of 600mgs. of propionate . The pumps in the gym are great and the endurance is rising like it does in a cycle. I'm up about 4 lbs. and my strength levels have increased slightly. I honestly believe that the proviron is not responsible for these effects. I think that the proviron is keeping me slightly dryer and harder but has really nothing to do with the pumps and weight gain.

    I don't really feel like sitting here mentioning all the little similarities that feel like a cycle. For those of you that have cycled, you know the feelings I'm speaking of after approx. 3 weeks. I refuse to believe that this is some type of "Placebo" related effect, I definitely think the test levels are on the rise. I hope someone else that is taking this product gets blood work done to see the results. I don't plan on getting any done.

    Side Affects:
    Slight increase in oily skin and acne on my shoulders, not to bad.
    Increase in testicular size.
    NOTE: I don't think that this product mixes to well with caffeine, I have been feeling extremely light headed and virtigoish feeling when consuming caffeine and this product. I woke up yesterday and had some egg whites and coffee and got ready for the gym. I popped a pill with my meal and thought nothing of it. I usually mix 3 scoops of Superpump 250 with water and down that on the way to the gym, which I did. When I got to the gym I was light headed as hell for the first hour, the feeling slowly subsided. I came home and took my afternoon pill with lunch and felt fine. Around 4:30pm I took another pill and went Christmas shopping. I made a cup of joe for the ride, within 20 minutes the major light headed feeling was back. All I can say is be careful with the caffeine it is not a fun feeling.
    I will continue to update.

    Thanks for the update and sharing the info.
    Are you going a month,or longer with this?

    Anyone else out there testing this out and
    willing to share their experience so far w/us?

    I can't say im not curious about it

  8. #8
    Anavar Man's Avatar
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    I must say that this light headed feeling is getting old real quick. I feel like crap the last 2 days. Anyone else getting this feeling?

  9. #9
    UberSteroids's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chad B
    Dude.. I know it sounds pretty unbelievable, but hey it's a new thing, everyone is testing it out, maybe it's jsut in his head, maybe he is just not tellin the truth, never know. So just calm down for now and watch other peoples logs, I'm only at 6th day of Myogen, not too much is happening, so will see what happens at 20th day and later.

  10. #10
    CSAR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chad B
    Maybe *edited
    Oh're ignorant in this thread as well. I see suspensions and banning in your future noob.

    AnavarMan - keep on updating your thread. I'm interested in your progress with Myogen X. I just ordered some myself, so I hope I can contribute to the body of knowledge/experience. Good luck!!

  11. #11
    CSAR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chad B
    There you go have been put on ignore mode...

    Don't believe all the hype...myogenX is like 600 mg of test...

    Yes myogenX may increase your natural test production, but there is no way it is like 600 mg of pure test. How can anybody take this log with weight when he says way farfetched statements like this?
    He said it "makes him feel like"... He didn't say it equals 600 mg of test.

    You've got issues dude - shittin' all over some guy's thread about his supplement experience. Chad B = Chicken Little, "The insulin is rising! The insulin is rising!"

    Did your parents have any children that lived?

  12. #12
    Anavar Man's Avatar
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    You hit it on the head CSAR. I didn't say it was equal to 600mgs. of Prop. I said it gave me a similar feeling to that. Chad B your a numb nut I think I have done enough cycles to give a educated answer of how I'm feeling. The pumped up tight feeling it's giving me is very much like that of a cycle, not some type of NO booster. I pray that your avatar is not a picture of you? If it is you need to shut the F up and go eat some protein. Those 12'' bi's of yours need some help.

  13. #13
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Hey Anavarman, are u in PCT?

  14. #14
    Anavar Man's Avatar
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    I finished about 4weeks ago. I was running proviron as a bridge to my next cycle and decided to add the MyogenX.

  15. #15
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Great idea! keep it up man, i got mine and so far its goin good too!

  16. #16
    UberSteroids's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anavar Man
    I pray that your avatar is not a picture of you? If it is you need to shut the F up and go eat some protein. Those 12'' bi's of yours need some help.
    Ahahaha! Oh boy!

  17. #17
    UberSteroids's Avatar
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    It's all about the attitude man. Just calm the F down.

  18. #18
    poundcake is offline Junior Member
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    need to grow up a little bit and quit bashing someone who is nice enough to share his experience with you

  19. #19
    WidowMaker's Avatar
    WidowMaker is offline Associate Member
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    Keep postin' Anavar Man! I'm very curious about the outcome of your cycle on this product.
    Damn these f#cktards around this place bashing a man's thread.

  20. #20
    CSAR's Avatar
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    Chad B, haven't you posted info saying that you're natural? If so, then what would you know about the feelings Anavar Man experienced during an AAS cycle compared with those he's experiencing now with Myogen X?

    Bottom line - you need to stop disrupting other AR members' threads with your unnecessary and unwanted posts. Posts #11 and #21 were totally out of line. You deserve any and all criticism after you rant like that.

  21. #21
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Chad cool off, if you never tried both 600mg of Test Prop a week and 4 pills of MygenX a day then you have no idea what they feel like.

    Keep us updated Anavarman!

  22. #22
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    agree with above. Keep this thread free of BS. I am very interested in reading ppls thoughts on this new supp. It actually sounds quite promising.

  23. #23
    goose is offline Banned
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    I just made an order for 4.

    Cost me 30$ just for shipping!!! Hope I dont get VAT!!!

    Looking forward to it,not to sure how to run it.

  24. #24
    spywizard's Avatar
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    In the Gym, if i could
    tried to clean this up a bit, it's a log of this person's experience..

    Keep up the good work man..
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