Hey Bros,
I thought that I would give you an update on my MyogenX journey. I'm 20 days in at 4 pills per day along side 50mgs. ED of proviron . I can honestly say that this so called "Herb" is the real deal. The feelings that I have now, are very much similar to how I feel after about 3 weeks of 600mgs. of propionate . The pumps in the gym are great and the endurance is rising like it does in a cycle. I'm up about 4 lbs. and my strength levels have increased slightly. I honestly believe that the proviron is not responsible for these effects. I think that the proviron is keeping me slightly dryer and harder but has really nothing to do with the pumps and weight gain.

I don't really feel like sitting here mentioning all the little similarities that feel like a cycle. For those of you that have cycled, you know the feelings I'm speaking of after approx. 3 weeks. I refuse to believe that this is some type of "Placebo" related effect, I definitely think the test levels are on the rise. I hope someone else that is taking this product gets blood work done to see the results. I don't plan on getting any done.

Side Affects:
Slight increase in oily skin and acne on my shoulders, not to bad.
Increase in testicular size.
NOTE: I don't think that this product mixes to well with caffeine, I have been feeling extremely light headed and virtigoish feeling when consuming caffeine and this product. I woke up yesterday and had some egg whites and coffee and got ready for the gym. I popped a pill with my meal and thought nothing of it. I usually mix 3 scoops of Superpump 250 with water and down that on the way to the gym, which I did. When I got to the gym I was light headed as hell for the first hour, the feeling slowly subsided. I came home and took my afternoon pill with lunch and felt fine. Around 4:30pm I took another pill and went Christmas shopping. I made a cup of joe for the ride, within 20 minutes the major light headed feeling was back. All I can say is be careful with the caffeine it is not a fun feeling.
I will continue to update.