Hey, names Brad. 19yr old student studying neutrition/body wellness.
181 lbs, 5'9, 8.9%bf
almost 4 years of good lifting with older builders that tought me right.
I have 2 cycles of ph under my belt (1-ad/M1T),i know ph's r basiclly steroids but I am not starting anything else but ph's till my early 20's

I am about to start my 3rd cycle and it will be M1T.

Pre 1 week-end of pct- 1000 mg silymarin ed(liver)
1500 mcg b-12 ed(combat lathargy/appt)

cycle 1 week-10 mg M1T ed
cycle 2-3 week- 20mg M1T ed

PCT-day 1-2 60mg tomax ed
3-12 40mg tomax ed
13-21 20mg tomax ed

Trib will be used and will also have hawthorn if bp increases

anything else guys? maybe 4-ad is the only thing i can think of but is not required for only a 3 week cycle.

I also heard taking milk thistle(silymarin) is basiclly useless while on the cycle. the most important is pre cycle and post cycle. true of false?

Thanks for ur help

i posted this earlier and for somereason it got deleted