I have heard differing ideas about Glutamine use, and I'm wondering if anyone has the real definite answer.

I know a huge guy who takes creatine, glutamine, BCAA's, WMS post workout (within 15 minutes of his WO). Then, about 20 minutes later, he has a whey protein isolate shake.

I also know a huge guy who says that the peptides in Glutamine powder compete for the peptides in whey protein powder, so he drinks a whey protein isolate shake PWO, and uses glutamine powder at other times of day.

So, my question is, where does Glutamine really fit in?

For example, when I wake up, the first thing I do is drink a whey protein shake to battle the catabolic effects of sleep, so...should I also take a teaspoon of glutamine at this time, or should I wait a bit? And if I wait, how long should I wait after the whey shake...20 minutes?

There's plenty of time during the day that glutamine can be added to the diet, but the biggest controversy that has me confused is when it is used post workout...versus whey protein.

And now, I think someone mentioned that creatine and glutamine are not as effective together, and that also has me confused, because after my WO, I have been taking Creatine & Glutamine together. ???