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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    congrats bro by coming in here and trying to be all high and mighty you were exposed as a liar and manipulator and by posting essentially unsubstantiated bs along with your own personal lies thrown in - your company and product and you were exposed as a the few customers you may have picked up if you stayed away and kept your mouth shut will prob never buy your sh*tty product.... Now thats good marketing einstein *lol*

    Happy holidays jimmy.. i wonder if i can get that girl out of your IVY, it would be a terrific holidays for me...LOL

  2. #42
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    happy holidays bro...yeah she something else huh??? That would be a helluva oliday gift huh ..her under the tree!!

  3. #43
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    Damn I HAD to post this. This is my first response to his "study" he posted. The regular words are my OP ..the bold are the facts as they cameto light after hours of lies and bullshit. Read on ..i must be a psychic ...or he is a typical scumbag supplement company representative/owner whatever...

    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    pretty meaningless as applied to humans IMO .....Sure is meaningless in humans ...and if he didnt edit it out(slimeball move) there was a statement included in the staudy that stated this. It is posted in one of my later posts

    As for the first sentence/paragraph well that is a statement obviously made by the supplement manufacturer ..what do you expect them to say. this one sure turned out to be true ..initially i though someone had just cut and pasted some bs ad from a supplement company ..little did i know i called it to a T
    Notice dosage and administration method omittedSpeculated dosage for testing in humans was suggested in real study before he edited it out (slimeball) You see study said this (the effective theoretical extract doasge at which one may expect any exhibited effects in human males - 50/mg /kg bodyweight !!! Note this dose and effects are speculative as no study results, peer evaluations, or comparable studies are available at this time.) you see not only couldnt he include it b/c it would show that it had no application to also showed that dosage they said at which you could expect any exhibited effects in human males was 50 times higher than the dose his product contains. ..and the national organization for drug control and research in cairo egypt has a yahoo webmail address..that makes sense ...Im sure the natonal organization for drug control relies on yahoo webmail *L* possibly edited????? *L*Nailed that one huh
    Here is a perfect example of applying an obscure study ...done on rats..... and implying we as humans will get the same benefits. Shameful.sure is shameful...hell IMO its criminal what he did above
    So i didnt post this to boast or it turns out EVERY point I made in my initial response proved to be true....but no we had to deal with more lies and bs from this clown ...hours worth (bloodwork posted...wait no it isnt etc..) reach same conclusion ..but at least all speculation is removed ...its Proven he is a liar ...his company has no credibility ...and his product doesnt work. And to take it a step further albeit uncessary ...even if it did what he said...which it was proven that the basis he tried to use ..testosterone prove effectiveness the levels he useless.
    *L* OK NOW IM DONE ...I just coulkdnt belive after all that ...changing studies/lies/we are different blah blah blah all came back to everything i said in the very first response. GOD I HATE SCAMMERS>>>THIS GUY IS WORSE THAN A STREET DRUG DEALER...AT LEAST STREET DRUGS DO WHAT IS CLAIMED!! Damn I wanna report this guy to the FDA - tell them the product is potentially harmful and not what they say it is. Im betting the chemical assays they require him to provide along with toxicity testing on every single ingredient might cost him more than the testing up front would have....but wait he didnt want test results..he wanted to rip people off..Just imagine the money he would lose in time and aggrivation alone. Possible fines (whew expensive lies there buddy). Dude if you push it i would love to report you to the FDA . Read this link( ) einstein many fda regs did u /are you breaking ??? even in this thread here alone? (re manufacturer claims) Not to mention proving label claims in event of report/complaint. fda employees (regulators)are present at work on a daily basis ....Now Get the Fvck out of here.
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 12-24-2008 at 09:02 PM.

  4. #44
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    Damn !!!

  5. #45
    RATTLEHEAD's Avatar
    RATTLEHEAD is offline Member
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    lol. pretty funny this was all over something as stupid as a "natural test boosting" product. Good stuff though, thanks jimmy.

  6. #46
    louiscypher's Avatar
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    Wow, what a thread! Uh I'm not a scientist or anything, but, I noticed when I took Trib that my libido was really high, isn't that a sign of high test levels? I just assumed it was doing its job lol.

  7. #47
    RATTLEHEAD's Avatar
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    that's really all it does. boosts libido.

  8. #48
    WOLFCRAFT's Avatar
    WOLFCRAFT is offline Senior Member
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    Damn Jimmy, you went above and beyond answering my question.
    Good work bro.

  9. #49
    SmokenDBOY is offline New Member
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    LOL people say its only on animals,not humans,half the steroids have diffrent effects on animals also,,and Surprise they arent ppl territs is awesome,i used to take it alone with nothing else. 100 percent works

  10. #50
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    same results with grass clippings from your front yard imo *L* ....whatever floats your boat.....

  11. #51
    jrmy is offline Junior Member
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    then why the increase in libido?

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by jrmy View Post
    then why the increase in libido?
    The increase in labido is not due to an increase in androgen production.

    Your labido is increased when taking Tbol alone, that compound supresses your endogenous T.

    The same can be said for ALL FORMS of Tribulas, no matter what % prodoiscin. Tongkat Ali, Long Jack and LJ100. All garbage.

  13. #53
    jrmy is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    The increase in labido is not due to an increase in androgen production.

    Your labido is increased when taking Tbol alone, that compound supresses your endogenous T.

    The same can be said for ALL FORMS of Tribulas, no matter what % prodoiscin. Tongkat Ali, Long Jack and LJ100. All garbage.
    im sorry,i still dont understand how that would increase libido.wouldnt that lower it??

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