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  1. #1
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
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    Best Weight Gainer Ever

    I am tired of reading about garbage weight gainers that are full of sugar or some other 100 glycemic index carbohydrate like maltodextrin. I want to introduce the best weight gainer ever.

    First off it is 820 calories per serving with 66g protein 102g carbohydrates and 18g fat. That makes the macros a 35/45/20 split which is pretty close to perfect for bulking.

    The protein is 80% whey and 20% casein. Both are high-quality proteins, but whey is known as a "fast protein" because it's quickly broken down into amino acids and absorbed into the bloodstream. That makes it a very good protein to consume after your workout. Casein, on the other hand, is digested more slowly. So it's ideal for providing your body with a steady supply of smaller amounts of protein for a longer period of time — like between meals or while you sleep.

    The carbohydrates in this weight gainer are very low on the glycemic index scale. The GI is 32. That is low compared to maltodextrin 100 or dextrose 100. Low glycemic foods control the release of glucose into our bloodstreams at a steady and sustained rate, keeping our body’s metabolic processes and energy levels balanced. This is good for not getting fat. I am not a fan of high GI carbs even for post work out.

    The fats are not the best kind but this weight gainer happens to also come in
    a fat free formula as well.

    Anybody else have any comments on this ideal weight gainer?

  2. #2
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Setting aside the idea that I think all weightgainers are just stupid marketing ploys to get people to buy a product instead of eat...

    The low GI is a catchall term that is pretty misleading. GI deals with specific serving sizes, which are never listed, or followed. But the mass media has done a good job of recognizing that some low GI foods are better, so you may be able to ride that coattail.

    I would personally try to make it a 50%-50% whey-casein mix. THAT is optimum for PWO.

    You also say that the carbs are low GI but what is their source?

    18g of fat is still a lot in a serving, but realistically I've seen much worse. The fat-free may be a better option, but I don't know what kind of trade-off there are when using the fat-free opposed to the "regular"

    are you actually going to create this? or did you find it?

  3. #3
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
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    This has been around from the beginning of bodybuilding.

  4. #4
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Gotcha, sounds like a decent find.

  5. #5
    Narkissos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    This has been around from the beginning of bodybuilding.
    That it has.

    Still it isn't applicable for all trainees.

    I would reckon that it wouldn't be for most trainees... but that would be an overstatement on my part.

  6. #6
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Sounds pretty good to me, what company makes a PWO mix with a carb source that has a GI of 32 I wonder....LOL

  7. #7
    nyjetsfan86's Avatar
    nyjetsfan86 is offline Anabolic Member
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    i disagree.....the best weight gainer ever is food

  8. #8
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
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    I was just informed that this weight gainer is now available at nearly every single grocery store on the planet!

  9. #9
    Lifenutrition is offline New Member
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    So does King Supers sell it? I want it now!

  10. #10
    run_n_fool is offline Associate Member
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    I'm pretty dumb, are we talking about milk here?

  11. #11
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  12. #12
    Deltasaurus's Avatar
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    LOL Milk does duh body good LOL

  13. #13
    Narkissos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    I was just informed that this weight gainer is now available at nearly every single grocery store on the planet!
    Great thread.

  14. #14
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    Setting aside the idea that I think all weightgainers are just stupid marketing ploys to get people to buy a product instead of eat...
    Sums up the point of this thread...

  15. #15
    run_n_fool is offline Associate Member
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    Ok pretty sure we're talking about milk here, but to get 820 cal per serving you'd need to be drinking 8 cups or so per serving. Or are you talking about dehydrated or powdered milk? I think condensed milk has added sugars so it'd skew the marcos . . .

  16. #16
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by run_n_fool View Post

    Ok pretty sure we're talking about milk here, but to get 820 cal per serving you'd need to be drinking 8 cups or so per serving. Or are you talking about dehydrated or powdered milk? I think condensed milk has added sugars so it'd skew the marcos . . .
    2 quarts of 1% milk. Pretty easy to drink 4 glasses of milk a day. Down them with your regular meals.

    I do understand that people have allergies, but milk for bulking, is a much better option than the weight gainers.

  17. #17
    run_n_fool is offline Associate Member
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    Cool, just wanted to be sure we were talking about the same thing. It is not really 1 serving, but rather 8 (assuming a 1 cup serving). The serving size is the thing that threw me.

  18. #18
    xnotoriousx's Avatar
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    what about skim milk?

  19. #19
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
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    Skim is the best, the macros above are for 1%.

  20. #20
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    Word to da herd. I got on this morning to look for some info on what to order and where so I could gain a little faster and this has completed the task for me. I am going back to bed no thanks.

  21. #21
    Nooomoto's Avatar
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    What about milk AND weight gainers?

  22. #22
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    What about milk AND weight gainers?
    I haven't seen a weight gainer that uses low gylcemic index carbs. Look on the label and you will likely see maltodextrin or dextrose. Might as well have a milk shake if you are gonna have that.

  23. #23
    Aaron-the-pitbull is offline Junior Member
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    Wait, im super confused with this post.

    Is this a protein shake you've found in stores? if so it sounds super sweet, can you pm the name of this shake you're talking about?

    Or am i just being a dumbass and not understanding this post?

  24. #24
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron-the-pitbull View Post
    Wait, im super confused with this post.

    Is this a protein shake you've found in stores? if so it sounds super sweet, can you pm the name of this shake you're talking about?

    Or am i just being a dumbass and not understanding this post?
    Got Milk?

  25. #25
    CBGB's Avatar
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    Does a body good.

  26. #26
    mick86's Avatar
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    lol interesting thread approach though I caught on from the begining as I have heard such things said about milk by others in the past.

    This is what I drink, seems it may only be available in Australia

    Saniaruim So Good Fat Free (99.9% fat free soy milk) (macros on this linked page)

    It's low GI, very low in fat, as far as milk goes it's fairly low in sodium, reasonably high in protein. It's also low in calories when consumed in moderate amounts. I've been using it while dieting however it would also be good while bulking if consumed in larger amounts.

    Btw I'm not allergic to regular milk but the macros for this stuff seemed better then any regular milk alternative I could find.
    Last edited by mick86; 03-25-2009 at 07:06 PM.

  27. #27
    RATTLEHEAD's Avatar
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    I wouldn't recommend drinking soy milk. it's not a good idea for guys.

  28. #28
    CBGB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RATTLEHEAD View Post
    I wouldn't recommend drinking soy milk. it's not a good idea for guys.
    Why, If you dont mind?

  29. #29
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RATTLEHEAD View Post
    I wouldn't recommend drinking soy milk. it's not a good idea for guys.

    I take it you haven't see any of Nark's posts on this subject?

  30. #30
    RATTLEHEAD's Avatar
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    I was reading an article about a study on soy milk. it said that soy contains estrogenic compounds. but it said that further studies were needed on the effect of soy protein on men, and if it raises estrogen levels. Mens Health also had an article about it too a few months ago. they concluded that men should avoid soy products. All their studies are conducted by universities as well, unlike other fitness magazines that spew unbacked claims from front to back. unless your lactose intolerant, why would a guy drink soy milk anyways?
    Last edited by RATTLEHEAD; 03-25-2009 at 11:25 PM.

  31. #31
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Yeah I know what you mean.
    I personally don't drink soy, mainly because I've never had a problem with regular milk.

    I just think the whole soy and estrogen and men thing is a bit overrated.

  32. #32
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    MHP Probolic-SR gives 'female looking pec syndrome' ???

    !!! Myth About Soy, Soy Protein Promotes Muscle Loss?????

    Scary thought about "Soy Milk"

    Google "An Argument for the Viability of Soy as a primary protein source"
    Its Nark's article.

  33. #33
    PittBoy's Avatar
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    Cambodian breast milk is where it's at!!!

    Seriously though......Milk is good stuff!! A lot of the old muscle heads would

    do the milk and squat routine.

    Couple links about Milk and Squats

  34. #34
    RATTLEHEAD's Avatar
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    Yea, I guess what the whole soy milk controversy really boils down to is "the jury is out until further evidence is compiled". I think it's probably over rated too though. I just find soy products feminine and inferior (this is in no way meant to sound sexist haha), so I wouldn't bother with it.

  35. #35
    mick86's Avatar
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    hmm interesting issue raised about the soy milk. I quickly browsed through some of the linked articles and I also suspect that the problems associated with soy are being exaggerated in the face of little current evidence...that being said I'm a bit paranoid about anything that could raise estrogen or lower testosterone so never the less I think I may monitor my intake and limit it (although I sort of already do anyway).

    If more evidence emerges putting it in a bad light I may hunt around for a regular milk alternative. I only switched to soy around a month back as it seemed to have very good macros and the change in taste was interesting.

  36. #36
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
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    I think it was proved that the main study that showed elevated estrogen levels caused by soy was flawed. The data suggested that one of the subjects was coming off a cycle.

    There was a big article in Muscle and Fitness about it.

    Layne Norton just finished a study at his university on muscle growth with whey, egg, soy and wheat protein. Soy and wheat proteins did nothing to promote muscle synthesis in rats. Whey was best and slightly better than egg.

    My problem with soy milk is that it is a processed food. Milk isn't. Milk has been around from the beginning of body building and it is known to be effective.
    Last edited by FallenWyvern; 03-26-2009 at 08:32 PM.

  37. #37
    RATTLEHEAD's Avatar
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    no offense, but muscle and fitness is the worst magazine out. don't bother with it. i've found many of their suggestions to be wrong, out dated, and it pisses me off that 80% of the magazine is supplement advertising. also, i don't like simple studies like this tested on rats. there are human studies with exact same purpose. Although the results from what i read with the human studies showed the same results. They concluded that eggs were the most beneficial form of protein though..

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