You read the title...It's beach time soon (Bikini season) and the woman has been cranky. 1 month left and although she is in almost perfect shape (5'6' 116) she wants to drop about 6 lbs primarily in her "hips, butt, and stomach." I just put her on a good clean diet consisting of 5-6 meals a day. I know she's desperate because she has never followed any diet plan. I have her doing am cardio 45 minutes each morning...5 days a week, of course on an empty stomach. I have her lifting weights 3 times a week with me. What excercises should I give her? Should I opt for the 3 hard sets of 10? or 4 medium/light sets of 12? She doesn't mind getting a little muscle and tone. She just wants a smaller frame. Help please! She's starting to get on my nerves.