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  1. #1
    Billy Boy's Avatar
    Billy Boy is offline Retired Moderator
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    Back Injury any ideas?

    Right guys this is the problem I was doing deadlift around a month ago now and I felt something go in my back

    The pain has never gone since and I keep getting these sharp twinges in my left side of my lower back and then like a deep twitching in left cheek of my ass it even hurts to tie my bloody shoe laces

    Still been training just nothing to heavy on the back but whilst training chest last night it went again even with a belt on.Tried hot and cold treatment and painkillers and gentle stretching but I just can,t shift it,and like I say its been a while now.

    Just wondering could I have a trapped nerve or something.Thinking along those line b,c of the twitching in the cheek.Even that bloody hurts!

    Any ideas would be helpful

    Cheers guys

  2. #2
    ptbyjason Guest
    Ok, is it your lower back that has the pain? Do you have pain radiating down the leg? There is a chance you either pinched a nerve at a site of entrapment in the spine, or you may have strained one of your erector spinae. Let me know about the pain, where it is and if it is shooting down the leg or not and I will try to help you out. Also does it hurt constantly, mostly in the morning, all day, or only while doing certain things? Is it a throbbing pain, or sharp? Just like any good cycle, I need more details in order to right up a good plan for your back.

  3. #3
    Billy Boy's Avatar
    Billy Boy is offline Retired Moderator
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    Cheers Jason

    It is a shooting sharp pain that stems on the left lower side of the spine and stems into the left buttock which then turns into a severe twitching and is painful

    The pain and timing of it is inconsistant.I feel it is a trapped nerve when I lean back and arch my back I get the feeling of severe compression in my lower spine which is very painful


  4. #4
    Sicilian30's Avatar
    Sicilian30 is offline Respected Member
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    Well Billy, i have had many back injuries. and it sounds like to me, you may have a buldgin disk or possibly a slipped SI joint. But if you are getting twitchin, something is hitting that nerve. The pain you describe sounds like muscle spasms, which could be causing the twitching, but it sure does sound like something on that nerve. You said you feel a compression on your spine? That sure does indicate a buldging disk to me.. but my advice is to go check it out. Buldgin disks can be easily repaired if that is what it is. Be careful, those can cause alot of problems in the future. I don't mean to scare ya.. but something is causing that muscle to twitch, hince a nerve. Course then again, I have had just simple muscle spasms, that will knock you down. I mean the spasms were worse than the damn disk. So check it out man.. don't play with that chit. Trust me..

  5. #5
    Billy Boy's Avatar
    Billy Boy is offline Retired Moderator
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    Thanks for your concern bro I went to see a physio guy on Sat and he said it was a "knotted muscle" got me to do some stretching and massaged the aera and it felt better.Done squats last night nothing heavy (85kg) and got a little pain but this morning it is a nagging ache.

    I may get it checked out by the end of the week just don,t want it to effect my training.If I really tighten the belt up I can carry on training so I may give it another couple of weeks see how bad the pain gets if it increases I,ll get it sorted.

    Thanks for the advice guys

  6. #6
    ptbyjason Guest
    Sorry man, I missed your reply. You really need to lay off for a week or two so your back can recover. You can do the exercises you were given and rest any exercises that put a lot of strain on your back.

  7. #7
    Billy Boy's Avatar
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    Thanks for the reply Jason - guess I,ll just have to take it easy and drop deadlift for a while


  8. #8
    Sicilian30's Avatar
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    Yeah what were you saying about them deadlifts billy? heee. look done went and sprained you back.!!!! ah ha.. just messin with ya, man glad to hear it isn't serious. I know what a back pain is all about. Man, that aint' nothing to play with. (double negative there but who cares).

  9. #9
    Billy Boy's Avatar
    Billy Boy is offline Retired Moderator
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    Hmmm still trying to get the back better but deadlifts are a good back excercise and once the back is better I,ll be doing them again.

    You,re right backache is a pain in the ass


  10. #10
    Sicilian30's Avatar
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    Yup been there done that Billy my boy!

  11. #11
    Billy Boy's Avatar
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    Hey got it checked out today and nothing to severe ended up being a trapped nerve and torn virtabrae muscles .
    Doc said take it easy carry on training if I want just take it easy and have a bit of physio couple times a week.Sorted happy I can carry on training!!!!

    Just got precribed an anti inflamation cream and pills

    Thanks for the advice Jason Scillian


  12. #12
    Sicilian30's Avatar
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    Creme? I got some good Lodine I can trade ya for some gear Billy? Well, hope it get's better man. You don't realize how important your back is till you injure it.

  13. #13
    $uperman's Avatar
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    I know just where your coming from pal , Im only 19 now but i had back surgery at 17yrs old. I got into a bad car wreck and noticed pain in my back and leg after i got out of my wheel chair. I tried to tough it out for a while but it got too painful. I got it checked and it ended up being a ruptured disk in the L-5 S-1 regien. Now i really have to watch what i do lifting wise......

  14. #14
    dumbells101's Avatar
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    Pulled/strained muscles cause inflamation. When you have inflamation you may have pinched nerves. If with rest and time it does not get better you may have a mis-alignment and some drs. don't see that. I'd visit a GOOD chiropractor and hear what they have to say. If you already have x-rays...then get them from your doctor and bring them.

  15. #15
    Tobey is offline Retired IRON CHEF Mod
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    I know exactly how you feel.

    Hey Billy,
    You know that sharp ass pain that ran down your back all the way down to your ass? Sounds like to me that you have met my ex-wife. You may not have actually met her, she can cause that pain just by looking at ya. Man she's scary. I feel for you bro, she has been a pain in my ass for somtime now! LOL

    But seriously, I would suggest a massage therapist but it appears that you have already been down that route. Good Luck. Hope that you do not have any more problems with it.
    Last edited by Tobey; 10-03-2001 at 09:57 PM.

  16. #16
    Billy Boy's Avatar
    Billy Boy is offline Retired Moderator
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    Hey Tobey

    Sounds like most of my ex-girlfriends but thats the past and there is nothing we can do about it,apart from get up brush the dust off and move on I,m a pro at that!!

    Back feels really good had physio yesterday PM and it feels ready to train a bit harder.Nerve still goes ten to the dozen but I can live with that ........deadlifts tonight.........maybe not!!

    Cheers bro


  17. #17
    john47's Avatar
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    pain in the ass?

    damn i just got over the pain about 3 weeks ago myself ... it started when i tried doing heavy squats about 2 years ago and keeps getting worse . everything you said sounds too familiar . it would feel better for a day or two on leg day but it just got worse to the point that my foot would just go numb . now i dont do squats at all and had to stop running . an mri showed a herniated L5-s1 disc impinging on the nerves of my leg ... prior to this all the doctors and chiropractors acted kinda like it was no big deal but now the chiropracters wont touch it and the doctors are saying surgery or else the nerve damage could get worse and maybe lose feeling in my leg permanently . the only thing thats helped is rest for my back . i honestly hope its something else ... take care

  18. #18
    Billy Boy's Avatar
    Billy Boy is offline Retired Moderator
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    Hi John47

    Thats bad news bro,mine seems to be a lot better I,m having physio on it and it feels a lot better.Weights are now up to par again although I am relying on a belt a lot more but as long as I can keep training I,m happy.

    I really hope you get you,re back sorted out nothing worse than that

  19. #19
    Tobey is offline Retired IRON CHEF Mod
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    John 47

    Hey John 47,
    You may want to get a second opion, but do not delay it for long. My father just got over back surgury for basically the same thing and he did wait to long. With the nerve being pinched it may not be getting addiquete blood flow to it and that can possibly lead to unrepairable damage. My father came real close to losing the ability to walk although it has been almost 2 years since his surgury and all seems well now. There are alot of possible affects of surgury that are not at all peasent for men to face concerning lower back surgury. I'm not sure if you are having the same problem but PLEASE do not wait to long. The results could be for life. Good Luck, PM me if you have any questions.

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