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  1. #41
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Prime
    Well i assure you they are not ignorant.
    And in regaurds to the statement you followed on with, 20 lbs of bodyweight gained in a year (12 months) is VERY different to 30lbs of LBM gained in 8 months. I gained 25lbs my first year but it certianly wasnt all muscle. I would venture to say that it is impossible to gain 30lbs of muscle in 8 months.
    To everyone else reading this imagine 30lbs of steak. Do you really think someone can grow by that much in just 8 months?
    Reguardless of genetic's you are simply overexagerating in order to get you're point across in this thread.
    You have been called out here Pinnacle. Im saying what you have claimed is impossible. Sure i have only been in the sport 4 years so what would i know? But i do happen to know alot of lifetime competetive natural's who have been in this sport from 2 -20+ years, and with genetics ranging from plain average to the current world champ. None of these guys even in their first year of training could gain 30lbs of lbm, let alone in 8 months.
    well he could put on that amount of weight but when u THINK of LBM u think strictly muscle so yes that is VERY near impossible to do ... but there is going to be fat storage when bulking UNLESS u have ur diet down to exactly 5cal's of daily expenditure and water retention due to new muscle meaning new place to store GLYCOGEN which will be acompanied by 4grams of water to every gram of glycogen stored in the new found muscle tissue so YES it is possible to put on HIGH amounts of LBM as long as you take in a good % of that will be new glycogen storage/water/fat

  2. #42
    hardgainer12's Avatar
    hardgainer12 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by aspengc8
    I train using HST principles. Each bodypart gets hit 6x a week.
    6x a week? So u work the same muscles everyday?

  3. #43
    tjt is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by oldman
    I hit each muscle group once every 6 days and this has worked out great.. gives me enough time to recover from the prior workout.

    Works for me


    BUMP!! Works for me too

  4. #44
    sooners04's Avatar
    sooners04 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prime
    lmfao 31lbs of muscle in 8 months? Mate thats total BS! Even on gear i doubt many people bar ron coleman could gain that much muscle, even with muscle memory and being seriously underweight. Not possible.
    31lbs of bodyweight........ possible. If he's gone from being super lean to a giant fatty.
    If by some miracle you are telling the truth accurately and not massaging the statistics then this kid is the greatest genetic marvel of all time. Watch out all you IFBB pro guys this kids gonna be Mr olympia in another year or two!
    Dude that is one pound a week, that is NOT totally unheard of. With proper diet,training and hard work I would guess most people would be able to achieve that. I know people who put on 30lbs in 16 weeks on gear so that would equate to 60lbs in 32 weeks. 8 months=32 weeks

  5. #45
    Prime's Avatar
    Prime is offline Naturally perfect
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    Quote Originally Posted by sooners04
    Dude that is one pound a week, that is NOT totally unheard of.
    1) With proper diet,training and hard work I would guess most people would be able to achieve that.
    2) I know people who put on 30lbs in 16 weeks on gear so that would equate to 60lbs in 32 weeks. 8 months=32 weeks
    I have split up what you have said into two parts to answer you.

    1) No it is unheard of, people are not be able to gain a pound of muscle a week naturally. Most people will gain between 7-10lbs of lbm a year if diet, training and rest is in order. The first 6 months of training will provide the biggest growth phase a natural bodybuilder will ever enjoy, but even then a pound a week of muscle is IMPOSSIBLE!
    As i said before i know some of the top natural bodybuilders in the world, and even they CANNOT gain size like that.

    2) Just because someone has put on 30lbs in 16 weeks i highly doubt it's all muscle. After they come off and drop the water they will more likely be down to 20-25 pounds gained, and then most likely some of that will also be bodyfat, so lets say they gained 15-20lbs of lbm. Thats still a MASSIVE increace in bodysize. But if they were to stay on cycle another 16 weeks would their gains have doubled............................. no. THey may gain another few pounds here and there but they would not be 60lbs up after 32 weeks. Make a thread in the steroid forum. Ask all the guys who have run 32 week cycles. You may get one or two who have steadily increaced their dosages, run several compounds etc and gotten close but im talking a singular constant dose not something totally insaine. I'll bet none have gained 60lbs of weight, let alone 60lbs of lbm!

    If you choose to believe that gaining a pound of muscle a week naturally is possible then good for you. I however live in the real world and know this to be impossible.

  6. #46
    URMaster's Avatar
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    I am going back to my original training regiment of twice a week for each bodypart. I do approximately 9 sets for each body part, each training day. I train heavy with quick workouts. Usually a little over an hour each training day. I usually stick with one training regiment for two months then switch it up.

    Sun - Chest, Tri's and Shoulders
    Mon - Back, Bi's and Legs
    Tue - Off
    Wed - Off
    Thur - Same as Monday
    Fri - Same as Tuesday
    Sat - Off

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