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  1. #1
    ward065's Avatar
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    How often do you guys train each bodypart?

    Right now i am training every body part every 13 days. I am off now and have found that this is optimal to maintain gains-

    many of you may say this is not enough frequency. However, i am performing 7 different workouts in my split- and there is a fair amount of overlapping, for example legs get trained twice in that period, although one time is much more involved than the other.

    I also train everything until i'm absolutely wiped out. I usually lift for 3 hours .....more than a lot of people. And i find when 4 sets per exercise to failure is optimal......when i am done training that bodypart, afterwards my body begs for mercy- usually in the form of having annoying muscle twitching and spaszms afterwards!!!

    I am wondering if anyone else does a similar routine...... I follow the same routine while on, however, difference is everything is repeated every 10 days versus 13- i take 3 more days off now then while on. I firmly believe that if you absolutely annihilate a specific bodypart, it doesn't need to be annihilated again for over a week.

    For the people who say this can't work.....ive added well over 100lbs to my bench and squat in one year (With the help of gear too, but nonetheless...)
    Last edited by ward065; 02-12-2006 at 05:11 PM.

  2. #2
    novastepp's Avatar
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    I train each body part once a week.

  3. #3
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ward065
    I also train everything until i'm absolutely wiped out. I usually lift for 3 hours .....

    I annihilate the muscle group I'm working in 45 minutes or less.With minimal sets too.Each muscle group gets hit every 6th day.

    God bless ya..glad your split is working out well for you.I train for hypertrophy,not strength,so that type training is useless to me as a BBer


  4. #4
    pelly789's Avatar
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    I train each body part once a week.
    same here i do a 4 day split hitting each body part once a week

  5. #5
    ward065's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    I annihilate the muscle group I'm working in 45 minutes or less.With minimal sets too.Each muscle group gets hit every 6th day.

    God bless ya..glad your split is working out well for you.I train for hypertrophy,not strength,so that type training is useless to me as a BBer

    Pinn... I train for hypertrophy too.

    Here are some pics of me..... spaced out 5 months..... second one is a few weeks ago, first one, is in september. i think the results (for muscle hypertrophy) - well the proof is in the pudding......

    i know of one person who follows this type of a training method...... no one else. But it has worked for me.

    i give myself about 4 minutes between working sets so i can totally bomb the exercise again. This strategy has worked really well....remember, the targeted muscle is absolutely crying after! I have found minimal sets to not be very useful, because it doesn't totally wipe out the targeted area. At least 4 working sets per exercise, and i warm up plenty too.
    Last edited by ward065; 02-16-2006 at 11:34 PM.

  6. #6
    novastepp's Avatar
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    i dont see a dramatic difference...

  7. #7
    ward065's Avatar
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    let me get the picture in higher resolution. that one is crappy 256 color vga...

    i think it would be more evident with this image....i re did the comparison and got it in a higher res.

    i think definition and vascularity have both improved from the first picture- look at my shoulders/ biceps....

    anyway though i know it's working because i am lifting quite a bit more than before. The diff is not *huge* but i think it's quite noticable. This belongs on the post pics forum though more than in this forum- but the pics are to help prove my point.

    Nonetheless i was talking about bombarding a muscle relatively infrequently, and i was saying not too many people do it, but i am pretty sure its worked well for me

    Alas, i have in the past tried more conventional training for awhile and found it wasn't working out very well.
    Last edited by ward065; 02-16-2006 at 11:33 PM.

  8. #8
    xUNFORGIV3Nx's Avatar
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    i can see more definition & thickness.......


  9. #9
    Johns329's Avatar
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    Yo Momma!
    Working each body part twice a week has been workin pretty well for me.

  10. #10
    ward065's Avatar
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    let me take you through a sample back workout..... remember this is performed every 13 days right now.......every 10 days on.

    First, i warm up with barbell rows and perform 4 warm up sets.

    I immediately jump to my heaviest set- 260lbs- and perform reps to failure. I rest for a couple minutes, drop to 240lbs, and do another set to absolute failure

    Then, i will do two extremely grueling sets- I will do a set at 230lbs and do 5 regular reps- THEN i pump out as many static and slow reps as i possibly can while maintaining perfect form, holding the bar as long as i can near my abdominal area. I do the same with 220, but this time every rep is a static and incredibly painful rep.

    Next i'll proceed to wide grip pulldowns.....i will do a few warm ups, then do: 215xfailure, 240xfailure, then i will perform 225xfailure with static, very slow reps and the same with 210...a set can take close to a minute.

    Next, i'll do seated rows.....4 working sets, and two of them will be of the static and very slow movement variety.

    Next it's onto straight bar pulldowns, for 4 sets.

    Next it's deadlifts or rack deadlifts, 4 warm up sets and then 4 working sets- i will use more weight with racks.

    Finally i do one arm rows, i do 2 warm up sets per arm and then 150lbs, 140lbs, then do two extremely taxing sets at 135 and 130 where i hold the dumbell next to my lats- as long as i can for each rep, moving down VERY slowly until i nearly puke...

  11. #11
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ward065
    i give myself about 4 minutes between working sets so i can totally bomb the exercise again. This strategy has worked really well....remember, the targeted muscle is absolutely crying after! I have found minimal sets to not be very useful, because it doesn't totally wipe out the targeted area. At least 4 working sets per exercise, and i warm up plenty too. aren't talking to some college kid need for the cheap sales pitch.....if it works for you...GREAT!

    Train with me for 45 minutes and I'm certain you'd be singing a different tune.That is if you could make it the whole 45 minutes

    Minimal sets..just because you don't understand HIT training/or how to do it,doesn't mean its not effective.I'm a little over 240 at 5' 8"(10% BF) ..I'd say HIT works

  12. #12
    oldman's Avatar
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    I hit each muscle group once every 6 days and this has worked out great.. gives me enough time to recover from the prior workout.

    Works for me


  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    I'm a little over 240 at 5' 8"(10% BF) ..I'd say HIT works
    We have a monster in the house.. Oh Sh!t 240?? Pinn ... dam!!


  14. #14
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    yeah, well i'd say my style is un-conventional but the point is it has worked. I think i see a clear difference in 5 months, though im not sure how much of a difference others see with a totally un-biased opinion

    45 minutes sounds awful fast though, have you posted your routine anywhere here pinn so i could look at it?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by ward065
    yeah, well i'd say my style is un-conventional but the point is it has worked. I think i see a clear difference in 5 months, though im not sure how much of a difference others see with a totally un-biased opinion

    45 minutes sounds awful fast though, have you posted your routine anywhere here pinn so i could look at it?

    If it works for you stick with it! Plain and simple..

    Now I KNOW Pinn's workout is must harder than mine but I rarely see more then 45-50 minutes in a session. I don't waste anytime, 4 sets of everything with 30 second rest between sets (except Deads and Squats) and about 2 minutes between exercises. I am totally wasted when I crawl to the door.

    I am no spring chicken like Pinn is either though.


  16. #16
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    yeah the problem with me is to get a really great pump and lift between sets, i have to take a few minutes to both physically and mentally prepare for the next set.

    For example, doing the back workout i posted with 30 seconds rest between segts, it would be impossible for me to focus on the muscle as much per set as i currently am. Remember, that's 24 working sets i do for back.

    i'd also find that working chest without stretching, and doing sets so close to one another could lead to an injury i would not want. I would rather take my time with my workout, provided i have the time.
    Last edited by ward065; 02-12-2006 at 06:42 PM.

  17. #17
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    I agree with what you are saying.. I don't sit and time myself but I know I don't spend much time milling around.. On bench I knock out my set.. Stand up.. walk one time around the free weight area and sit back down.. grab the weights... few deep breathes and the next set begain.. I cool down really fast so if I waited 2-3 minutes between it would lose momentum..

    thats just me though..

    You sound like you are hitting it hard!! good job!
    Last edited by oldman; 02-12-2006 at 06:51 PM.

  18. #18
    ward065's Avatar
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    well i know i must be hitting it hard, because i blasted my back on thursday and it's still quite sore today ...However i should point out that i am sore for longer for sure off cycle versus on after the tarteted workout. Hence that is why i take a few more rest days off in the routine. thanks though

  19. #19
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ward065
    For example, doing the back workout i posted with 30 seconds rest between segts, it would be impossible for me to focus on the muscle as much per set as i currently am. Remember, that's 24 working sets i do for back.

    Years from now you'll look back and say "Those assholes were right". I'd be much bigger now if I would have listened to then.But I chose to be a hard head an over train.

    No flame,but the improvements(you've made) could have been made running a simple Tesy cycle and training 4 days a week(doing a bullshit training routine).And you'd be MUCH bigger than you are now...that much I know for certain.I have a natural trainee(20 yrs old) that has made better improvements than you in 5 mos.DRUG FREE>>>>>>>>>>>>

  20. #20
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    i am older than that, but how would you recommend that i change the routine? not so many sets? In a shorter amount of time, but what do i keep, what do i eliminate?

    If it helps me achieve my goals faster, i'd do it

    For instance please tell me the routine that your 20-yr old trainee was/is on. I don't see how it would hurt if i tried it. Psychologically though it may take a little time to adapt.

    I sent you a pm with a little more detail
    Last edited by ward065; 02-12-2006 at 10:04 PM.

  21. #21
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    Pinn ,again as i said i am willing to change up the workout routine and give something else a try

    I was reading some posts of yours and someone suggested the following routine, and you said you liked it

    Day 1- Chest/ Tris
    Day 2- Back/Calves
    Day 3- OFF
    Day 4- Legs/Bi's
    Day 5- OFF
    Day 6- Shoulders
    Day 7- OFF

    The questions i have are, how many sets per muscle group should i optimally be doing....and how many exercises per muscle group should i be doing, Which ones should i include and which ones should i stay away from? Do i do things like train traps with shoulders etc.

    As i said i am willing to give things a try. Since my goal is to grow more, point me in the right direction with this, could i get closer towards my goals (my goals are to be as big as you!) by following the routine for example that I layed out above? Is this a similar routine that you have your client doing?

    Thanks for your help, I really do appreciate it
    you are very knowledgable so i am going to listen with an open mind
    Last edited by ward065; 02-12-2006 at 10:22 PM.

  22. #22
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    If i were to change my workout routine i would like to train as follows. This is the modification that i would like to make the most. If it helps me achieve hypertrophy at a greater rate i'll do it and change my routine. It is similar in some respects with some of my current routines- i feel for instance better when i train chest with biceps, so i would really prefer that (push/pull). I considered different aspects before laying out the routine below

    Day 1 - Legs and triceps
    Day 2 - Back and Calves
    Day 3 - off
    Day 4- Chest and biceps
    Day 5 - off
    Day 6- Shoulders (including traps) and forearms
    Day 7- off

    What do you think of this split pinn.....this is one i came up with myself.

    I'll attach a sample workout...actually i will attach two... so you can tell me what you think

    I am not sure how many exercises are really best for back day (ive been doing 6) so i hope to hear your opinion on this too


    Flat barbell bench / flat dumbell bench (alternate week to week) - 3 work sets
    Incline barbell bench/ incline dumbell bench - 3 work sets
    Isolation move: Flies (cable or dumbells) or cable crossovers. - 3 work sets
    Weighted dips - 3 work sets

    Seated preacher curl (barbell/dumbell) - 3 work sets
    Standing barbell curl or seated dumbell curls - 3 work sets
    High pulley cable curls or seated hammer curls - 3 work sets

    Shoulders, Traps and Forearms

    Seated or standing barbell or seated dumbell press (alternate week to week)- 4 work sets
    Standing hammer-grip front raises: 3 sets
    Standing dumbell or cable lateral raises: 3-4 sets
    Bent over dumbell or cable lateral raises: 3-4 sets
    Dumbell shrugs: 3 sets
    Barbell shrugs: 3 sets
    Reverse preacher curls or wrist curls- 3 sets

    Below i attached another workout split you like, so you can see the one i posted is somewhat similar, but incorporates more push/pull type moves.
    Mon : Chest/tri's
    Tues : Back/bi's/forearms
    Wednes : OFF
    Thurs. : Quads/hams
    Fri : OFF
    Sat : delts/calves
    Sun : OFF
    Last edited by ward065; 02-12-2006 at 10:54 PM.

  23. #23
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ward065

    Day 1- Chest/ Tris
    Day 2- Back/Calves
    Day 3- OFF
    Day 4- Legs/Bi's
    Day 5- OFF
    Day 6- Shoulders
    Day 7- OFF

    The questions i have are, how many sets per muscle group should i optimally be doing....and how many exercises per muscle group should i be doing, Which ones should i include and which ones should i stay away from?
    This is the split my 20 yr old trainee is usingSlightly different though ..on back/calve/hamstring days he trains AM/PM

    Monday : Chest....3 exercises=9 sets

    Tuesday : AM Back....4 exercises=12 sets/PM calves..3 exercise..9 sets.Hamstring... 2 exercises..6 sets

    Wednesday : OFF(actually lite recovery)

    Thursday : Delts/Tri's ..delts...4 exercises...8 sets.Tris..3 exercises..9 sets

    Friday : OFF(cardio)

    Saturday : Quads/Bi's......Quads ..3 excercises ..9 sets..Bi's...3 exercises..8 sets

    Sunday : OFF(no cardio)

    Sets are in the 6-8 reps range,accept for quads/calves which are 18-22 rep range.Sets are done til failure,no rest pause,forced reps ect.

    This training split is ran for 8 weeks,then I switch him to a 4 week HIT program.

    In 8 mos he has put on 31 pounds of lean muscle..NATURALLY!!!!

  24. #24
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    that's pretty good for 8 months, (well i put on about 18lbs of muscle in a year, but most was not natural!) though i don't know his height&weight

    so i see not too many exercises and not too many sets per each exercise.

    i still need to consider what to change, certainly i think i'll train more frequently BUT I'll decrease the sets to 2-3 and won't exceed 4 exercises per bodypart- mentally it may take time to adjust though. I guess i need to figure out which ones to keep and which ones to scrap. This is probably where i need some help on

    Here's another split i like- this one's a 5 day split, so i could do it while on while recovery is shorter. I won't include abs. I actually think i may like a 5 day split over a 4 day split- While off, i think i would add in another rest day. One change is biceps are trained with triceps (Still doing the push/pull method which i like). Now my challenge is to determine which split i will want to follow...

    1 more thing, Do you ever have your client do a set with very slow, static reps or do you always just do slow and controlled are the reps performed? This is an important question b/c if the reps are performed sloppy, one would be wasting their time- i am sure you dont do this! (In my gym guys curl around way too much weight, and arent working their biceps at all for instance) I am going to bed now so ill be around tomorrow

    i dont want to train am and pm, so maybe 5 days would be better to spread it out a bit more.

    anyway this is the second sample routine

    1) Arms (Every other workout alternate forearms and neck)
    2) Legs (Quads, hams)
    3) Off
    4) Shoulders/ Traps
    5) Back
    6) Chest/ calves
    7) Off
    Last edited by ward065; 02-13-2006 at 12:03 AM.

  25. #25
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ward065
    that's pretty good for 8 months, (well i put on about 18lbs of muscle in a year, but most was not natural!) though i don't know his height&weight
    He started at 172-8% BF

    The other day he was at 205-9% BF

    He's 5' - 10"..20 yrs old.......NATURAL..all this in 8 mos.

  26. #26
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    damn that's good......personally im about the same height.... in a year ive gone from 173 at about 12% bf to 189 at probably around 9% bf where i am at now

    Still though i know those are good gains, i made but if i was spending all that time in the gym and could have gotten more with less, well that makes me dissapointed a little, but i still am far ahead where i was a yr ago.

    Changing a routine isn't bad, if i really find it isn't working then i will change something- but right now i am thinking optimistically

    i will start i think a training journal here like narkissos has when i get around to it. I do have to go to bed now though. Thanks pinn for the advice and any other advice you may have as i actually begin implementing this routine. It really is greatly appreciated

    Hell, my goal in 5 years is to experience extreme hypertrophy- at least about 50 pounds more muscle than i have now (around 240lbs at my height). That would be at least 10 lbs/ year....i think that is more than do-able
    Last edited by ward065; 02-13-2006 at 12:21 AM.

  27. #27
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    I combed through very fast but i am kind of surprised not to see more full body workouts. I work full body 3x a week. So as simple logic would have it, muscles get hit 3 times a week. I do all 4-5 compounds with 2 isolated movements.

  28. #28
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    Well I’m just doing a good old 3 day week at the moment hitting 1 B/P every 7days.
    As a natty I love conventional training i'v used HIT and loved it but felt it overtrained me natural so dropped it…..

    Don’t get me wrong the method and tactics of HIT are spot on it just diden't work for me in the long run.

    It got to the point where my joints (Medial epicondyle) hurt so much I couldn’t even shoulder press…

  29. #29
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    I been trying this out for now.

    Here is an example of a weeks workout

    Mon: (4x5)
    back squats
    BB bent over rows
    DB shoulder press
    DB chest press
    BB curls
    rev grip cable pull downs

    Wed: (4x8)
    stand BB m-press
    pull up
    Incline DB press
    Hammer curls

    fri: (3x15)
    BB bent over rows
    BB upright rows
    Decline DB press
    seated DB curls
    smith incline (i know smiths suck, lol)

    This will change week by week by changings up how many sets and reps are done on certain days. Also exersices are mixed up, some days squats, other hack squats. Some days regular deads, other days sumo.

    What do you guys think ?

    5'6 172lbs.

  30. #30
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    I use a 4 day split, training my whole body once per week. Right now:

    Sunday- OFF
    Monday- Chest/Delts
    Tuesday- Back/traps/calves
    Wednesday- OFF
    Thursday- Arms
    Friday- Quads/hams/calves

    I am not really familiar with HIT training, but lately I have been reducing the volume of training and lifting a little heavier...not like a power lifter or anything, but more intense than I used to lift for sure. I have to look up the HIT training and see what it is about...

  31. #31
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    3x's / week......minimal sets..HEAVY

  32. #32
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    Best gains i ever made where on the HIT training.

    Train only twice a week, 4 days apart.

    Bench press 2 sets
    military press 2 sets
    bent rows 2 sets
    chin ups 2 sets
    deadlifts 2 sets
    squats 2 sets
    add some bb curls for good mesures and thats it

    the workout took me around 40 minutes to perform and everything was done to high intensity with around 3-5 minutes rest between sets.

    Start weight 204 at 5 feet 10 and after 6 months without steroids i was 225 pounds.

    Sorry i do not have any pictures of before and after but people here who know HIT will tell you it works, and you rest a lot too so muscles recupration is optimum.

  33. #33
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    Check out the ironman using it right now and i just got done with chest/shoulder/tricep/calfs....all my lifts went up about 5-10 lbs from last week...

  34. #34
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    every 4-5 days for me.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    This is the split my 20 yr old trainee is usingSlightly different though ..on back/calve/hamstring days he trains AM/PM

    In 8 mos he has put on 31 pounds of lean muscle..NATURALLY!!!!
    lmfao 31lbs of muscle in 8 months? Mate thats total BS! Even on gear i doubt many people bar ron coleman could gain that much muscle, even with muscle memory and being seriously underweight. Not possible.
    31lbs of bodyweight........ possible. If he's gone from being super lean to a giant fatty.
    If by some miracle you are telling the truth accurately and not massaging the statistics then this kid is the greatest genetic marvel of all time. Watch out all you IFBB pro guys this kids gonna be Mr olympia in another year or two!

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prime
    lmfao 31lbs of muscle in 8 months? Mate thats total BS! Even on gear i doubt many people bar ron coleman could gain that much muscle, even with muscle memory and being seriously underweight. Not possible.
    31lbs of bodyweight........ possible. If he's gone from being super lean to a giant fatty.
    If by some miracle you are telling the truth accurately and not massaging the statistics then this kid is the greatest genetic marvel of all time. Watch out all you IFBB pro guys this kids gonna be Mr olympia in another year or two!
    BS?Surely you jest....true,he does have very good genetics.That certainly comes into play..will he be the next great marvel?I doubt it...the first 4 mos is when he really took off,now it's plateaued greatly.I'm not offended at all by your comments,since they seem rather ignorant in nature.Quite a few other natural young trainee's at my gym that have put on upwards of 20 pounds or more their first year training.It's not uncommon by any means if the genetics are there.Then there are others that can't put on 10 pounds in a year no matter what they do.But to call BS on something like this is's genetics,bottom line....

    Good evening......

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigJames
    I use a 4 day split, training my whole body once per week. Right now:

    Sunday- OFF
    Monday- Chest/Delts
    Tuesday- Back/traps/calves
    Wednesday- OFF
    Thursday- Arms
    Friday- Quads/hams/calves

    I am not really familiar with HIT training, but lately I have been reducing the volume of training and lifting a little heavier...not like a power lifter or anything, but more intense than I used to lift for sure. I have to look up the HIT training and see what it is about...
    I tried that this week and today is Thursday (supposed to be arm day) but My biceps are still sore from back on Tuesday so Im gonna hit arms tmr. I gotta change my routine again. Main goal is to hit arms fresh and no overlapping but Im still searchin.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    BS?Surely you jest....true,he does have very good genetics.That certainly comes into play..will he be the next great marvel?I doubt it...the first 4 mos is when he really took off,now it's plateaued greatly.I'm not offended at all by your comments,since they seem rather ignorant in nature.Quite a few other natural young trainee's at my gym that have put on upwards of 20 pounds or more their first year training.It's not uncommon by any means if the genetics are there.Then there are others that can't put on 10 pounds in a year no matter what they do.But to call BS on something like this is's genetics,bottom line....

    Good evening......
    Well i assure you they are not ignorant.
    And in regaurds to the statement you followed on with, 20 lbs of bodyweight gained in a year (12 months) is VERY different to 30lbs of LBM gained in 8 months. I gained 25lbs my first year but it certianly wasnt all muscle. I would venture to say that it is impossible to gain 30lbs of muscle in 8 months.
    To everyone else reading this imagine 30lbs of steak. Do you really think someone can grow by that much in just 8 months?
    Reguardless of genetic's you are simply overexagerating in order to get you're point across in this thread.
    You have been called out here Pinnacle. Im saying what you have claimed is impossible. Sure i have only been in the sport 4 years so what would i know? But i do happen to know alot of lifetime competetive natural's who have been in this sport from 2 -20+ years, and with genetics ranging from plain average to the current world champ. None of these guys even in their first year of training could gain 30lbs of lbm, let alone in 8 months.

  39. #39
    aspengc8 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I train using HST principles. Each bodypart gets hit 6x a week.

  40. #40
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    i train body part 2x a week but i only hit it w/ 1 excercise

    tai's UBER training log :D

    first post.

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