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  1. #1
    GQ-Bouncer's Avatar
    GQ-Bouncer is offline Anabolic Member
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    look beyond what you see

    getting sick during workouts

    I do superset routines

    7 sets of 10 reps at a moderate wieght, no rest inbetween

    today, i just finished doing Chest/Back - Bicept/Tricept - Abs/Deadlifts

    I felt like fvckin puking, my heart was racing x1000 miles a second, whats wrong with me? what do i have to do not to feel like $hit?

    (btw, i'm on no supps & am off cycle)

    Thanks in advance for anyone who helps

  2. #2
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Its a combination of high lactate and low glycogen that can produce training-induced nasuea. I know what you mean - going through a killer workout and then keeping yourself from puking for the next 20-30 mikes sucks... I have yet to puke PWO - I'm affraid it might waste some good nutrients in the stomach

    You can try Alka Seltzer to attempt to buffer lactic acid levels in the blood. Get the asprin-free kind... or use Baking Soda (just make sure it completely dissolves before drinking it!). Bicarbonate loading is one of the cheapest supplements out there - and has been used for a long time. The IOC actually tried to ban it once.

    Also - restoring muscle glycogen quicky can help with the nausea... suing sport drinks with simple sugars...

  3. #3
    GQ-Bouncer's Avatar
    GQ-Bouncer is offline Anabolic Member
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    thanks brutha,

    so a gatorade an hour before a workout?

  4. #4
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Well... its kinda goal dependent. The sugars have other metabolic consequences to them - such as elevating insulin (which if too high, can counter GH production during training). Also - too many calories prior to training can put the blood in your stomach - not in your muscles... and that will also limit your training intensity. But using dilluted Gatorade during your workout should help keep you strong and the nauseated feeling low without any considerable spike in insulin. Usually I don't feel really nautious until after the intense training session is complete... then a standard PWO drink with simple carbs and whey helps to settle me a little... but even then - last week it took me about 20-30 mikes to really settle...

    By using Bicarbonate as an option with either asprin-free alka seltzer tabs or pure baking soda - you can try and limit the nausea created by the increase in lactate... calorie free.

    Make sure you are adequately hydrated with some basic H2O too... start pounding water many hours prior to the session.... I am sure you have discovered - water alone, after the training and when you already feel sick, doesn't help much...

    You can also try the herbal remedies for nausea... I don't have much experience with those... but would like to hear some...

  5. #5
    xUNFORGIV3Nx's Avatar
    xUNFORGIV3Nx is offline New Member
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    Could it possibly be overtraining?..Im new around here but i know a friend of mine felt like that when he was overtraining.


  6. #6
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by xUNFORGIV3Nx
    Could it possibly be overtraining?..Im new around here but i know a friend of mine felt like that when he was overtraining.

    No - you get this when you push with a lot of volume and intensity with short (or no) rest intervals. Its especially evident when working large muscle groups together - like Quad/Hams/Glutes... its not uncommon to throw up... it is not common in your average health spa - but for someone really pushing the pedal to the medal with heavy loads, it's a familiar feeling...

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    I do superset routines

    7 sets of 10 reps at a moderate wieght, no rest inbetween

    today, i just finished doing Chest/Back - Bicept/Tricept - Abs/Deadlifts
    ... sounds like overtraining to me, Chest/Bi's/Tri's and some back in one day?

    Too much brother, save some so you get a better taxation of your muscle groups.. Given there is 7 days in a week this gives you lots of time to recover your muscle fiber tear and workout other muscle groups more efficiently..

    just my .02$

  8. #8
    smmrsm2000 is offline New Member
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    but why was his heart racing so fast? is it because he thought he was gonna puke?

  9. #9
    BeerBaron's Avatar
    BeerBaron is offline Senior Member
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    good advice warrior, I used to suffer from the same problem, specially on leg day. I found eating carbs before working out helped big time.

  10. #10
    novastepp's Avatar
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    in a dilapidated apt.
    i puked today (leg day)
    after my last set i sat down to overcome the light headedness, and i got that watery taste...
    took off running...(very funny (like something up my ass running style))
    (what you're thinking here is what happened next)
    and so i ate more in PPWO to make up for the "losses"

  11. #11
    GQ-Bouncer's Avatar
    GQ-Bouncer is offline Anabolic Member
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    look beyond what you see
    Thanks alot Warrior, and everyone else
    I felt like a complete piece of $hit, i'm glad i came here and read these posts

    The feeling wasnt as though i'd finished a run, where at the end you spend 2-5 minutes just concerning yourself with breathing and "getting air in the lungs", it was of like, total weakness

    I'm cleaning up my diet quite a bit to help gym performance, i'll keep at it and hope for improvements

    thanks again guys

  12. #12
    GQ-Bouncer's Avatar
    GQ-Bouncer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Once again I would like to thank everyone who posted on this topic. (most especially warrior)

    Today i finished a 10x10 Squat/Deadlift with 1 min rest inbetween, it was certainly very strenous but managable, i didnt feel sick/exhausted/fatigued at all. (very hard workout though)

    Just to let you know, everything worked out.

    Thanks alot for the advice guys,
    much respect.

  13. #13
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    No problem! I know that 10X10 of Squats was a beeeatch...

    One thing I forgot to mention to is cold water... it sems to get me nauseated as well. Must upset the internals by forcing them to generate some energy to warm the water up for absorbtion while training. Probably better to sustain from any cold water 60 minutes prior to an intense workout - and switch to room temperature water only...

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