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  1. #1
    Evil Predator's Avatar
    Evil Predator is offline Senior Member
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    How can I make my lagging chest grow??

    My chest is my problem muscle, it doesnt seem to be progressing in either strength or size. Week after week my weight/reps arent improving, im pushing hard.

    Ive tried Doing triceps on chest day w/ close grip presses, dumbells, barbells, more sets, less sets, different excercises. Damn, im killing the muscle, but it seems to be making gains much slower than even my biceps and triceps. I went from 335 x 5 to 340 x 5 in two months. Im not impressed.

    What else can i do? Train chest twice a week?

    I mix it up, incline, decline, flat, bb's, db's, db flies, cable flies. What can i add? What should I take out?

  2. #2
    tranzit is offline Senior Member
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    Here is my chest workout see if this helps you.

    1 warm up set with the flat bar nice and slow 20-30 reps med weight.

    3 sets flat dumbell press's heavy 12-15 reps
    3 sets incline dumbell press heavy 12-15 reps
    3 sets decline dumbell presses 12-15 reps
    3 sets dumbell flys 12-15 reps
    3 sets incline on the hammer stregth to failure not to heavy on this. You should be able to do 25 or so per set
    3 sets of flys on a machine.. again to failure and again 25 or so. Your breaks will be a little longer on these burnout sets. Its not a huge deal just go get some water come back and hit it.. no hurry here.

    This is what i use i ad other things at times but it works well for me. Give it a shot. Just make sure you have a potent protien drink ready to slam right afterwards. *On the flys try to get as much extention as you can REALLY stretch them out*

    Give this a try and let me know how it worked for you.

  3. #3
    TADOLFI's Avatar
    TADOLFI is offline Member
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    I had a problem with my chest for a while and what worked for me, believe it or not, was to work shoulders harder.
    I did bump up the intensity on triceps, but I added two more exercises for shoulders and within three months I started making gains again.

    Another thing I notice is that the better I feel my grip is - the more I can do for weight. So lately I've been working on forearms to see if it gives me a little more on bench.

    As far as mixing...I work chest at least twice a week and I usually do it as an upper (incline) and lower (decline) on separate days - but I include flat work in both alternating between straight bar and dumbell presses.
    Like regular bench press with incline and then do dumbell presses when I do decline. Then the next week I'll do dumbell presses with incline and staright bar presses with decline. (Hope all that makes sense)

    Recovery is a big factor for me as far as gains in this area. If I feel any soreness or just feel something is "not right" I won't work chest that day.

    Hope that helps.
    Good Luck

  4. #4
    pelly789's Avatar
    pelly789 is offline Member
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    you can also try moving your grip around when you bench im not sure if you have a closer grip like most do to push the max weight they can you can try doing wide grip bench presses with a little lighter weight that may help

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