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  1. #1
    StangGT is offline New Member
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    Mar 2004

    Looking for new routine, hows this look?

    Goals- To increase all overall body muscle mass, drastically increase bench press while improving all other lifts. The eventually reducing body fat.

    Current Stats- 6’3” 230lbs, size 36 waist, little bit of a gut but I’m not fat I would guess my bf would be around 20%

    How does this workout routine look, please feel free to critique this workout. Thanks.

    DAY 1
    Squat/Leg Press

    DAY 2

    DAY 3
    Flat Bench
    Incline Bench
    DB press

    DAY 4
    Pull Downs
    DB Row
    T-Bar Row
    Reverse Grip Bench Prs

    DAY 5

    DAY 6

    Military Press or DB prs

    DAY 7

  2. #2
    SpinalTap is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2004
    its ok to work each muscle group more than once a week isnt it?

  3. #3
    JuiceHead25's Avatar
    JuiceHead25 is offline New Member
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    I would say work each muscle only once a week but because your grow when you rest! Not while your working out so just make sure to hit that muscle hard once per week and make sure your diet is right.
    If you are looking for more overall size you MUST do deadlifts..its a great mass builder. Also if you are wanting to up your bench bress weight really hit ur tris hard and make them stronger.
    For your shoulders..PRESS PRESS PRESS. Doing M press at the beginning, db lateral raises, upright rows, and then a couple of strict db military press at the end to really blitz your shoulders. That has really helped my overall shoulder size and strength not to mention up my bench press max. Try it out and see how you like it!
    Also for your back try doing bent-over bb rows. Its another great mass bulider for the back.
    Good luck bro! Keep me updated on your progress!

  4. #4
    jon77 is offline Banned
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    Feb 2006
    If you want to improve overall mass,Juicehead was right. Got to do deadlifts! That's an incredible exercise that works wonders for some lucky individuals.Also if I may point out,do your extensions and curls as warm up sets,before going and doing your squats. Extensions and curls are isolation movements,and likewise not mass builders. Stick with barbell presses and rows. If you have good form,heavy bb rows will beef you up as well,just like deads.

  5. #5
    crash187ct's Avatar
    crash187ct is offline Senior Member
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    your workout is all screwed up man. you need more time to rest. 3-4x per week max. and its better to work out body parts that complement each other instead of 1 day where you do chest, do chest and triceps. then on another day do biceps and back, and legs. add abs and calfs to 2 of those days.

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