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  1. #1
    Big Broker 1's Avatar
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    2 months...can i do it?

    Ok Guys and Girls i will be going on my first trip to Punta Cana in DR. I am going in June which gives me two months to get down to my target weight/bodyfat. I am at 210 lbs and 15% bf i would like to go on my trip more like 190 lbs 9-10% bf. i will be doing 1hr of cardio ed plus my diet will be on check. i just wanted to know if you bro's think is it ok for me two drop 20pounds in two months or will i drop to much muscle. I dont want to get to skinny. I have been training for like 5 years but i have never droped 20 pounds in 2 months always in a longer time frame.What do u bro's think

  2. #2
    Big Broker 1's Avatar
    Big Broker 1 is offline Associate Member
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    I hope i posted this in the correct forum........

  3. #3
    Undecided09's Avatar
    Undecided09 is offline Senior Member
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    define what you mean by diet is in check? cause some people think their diet is in check and it really isnt, especially for a cutting cycle, also you didnt mention anything about weight training?

  4. #4
    Big Broker 1's Avatar
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    i will be training 5x a week and my diet was put together by a bb that i know. I dont have it in front of me now but i will post it exactly how it is this week. i know i can do it. am just scared of being skinny. i have always worked hard to get big but am at the point now that i want abs more than 18'' arms.

  5. #5
    Undecided09's Avatar
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    ok well if you want to be shredded up, your diet needs to be on point as you say and you need to incorporate some cardio...HOWEVER they doenst mean you can abandon weights, in fact I'm a firm believer that at worst, your cardio time should equal your weight training time, and to be honest probably more like 60:40 even for cutting...Because I feel that too much cardio will cut into your lean muscle tissue, like you are saying you are worrying about getting skinny...Then my advice would be to stick to that cutting diet you have, incorporate some cardio, but most importantly keep hitting the weights hard...Diet and cardio just brings out that dense muslce that is underneath fat, so what are u bringing out if you are dieting and doing cardio without weight training? YOu are just losing muslce actually, because too much cardio will cut into your muscle tissue...

  6. #6
    HUNTER1's Avatar
    HUNTER1 is offline Member
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    good luck bro, I'm also at that stage where I seek a more cutt physique with abs that huge arms/chest.

  7. #7
    Big Broker 1's Avatar
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    Thanks, and you are very right. Am a big beliver that the workout is the most important. It's no good to do alot of cardio every day and loose all your muscle..thats why am scared i have never done 1hr a day 5x a week of cardio plus my workout. But i dont know if 30 min will be to little..

  8. #8
    Undecided09's Avatar
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    Honestly, thats a case by case basis, but I mean no matter what everyone will tell you that regardless you should only be going 65-70 percent when doing your cardio regardless of how long you are going for...any more than that and you are cutting into your lean muslce tissue, not good...Also, I would say that 30-45 min is definately sufficient, I mean think about it, if you lift for an hour or more and cardio is 30 min thats about right, its 1/2 of the time you spend weight lifting....

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    you can drop 20 lbs in two months but it won't be easy

    muscle at rest burns fat, dont give up lifting

    cardio in the morning on an empty stomach

  10. #10
    Big Broker 1's Avatar
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    Thanks Gun...That is what am going to do..Cardio 6am and back at the gym at 8:30 for my workout...I am going to keep you guys posted...i think am going to start i new post with pics included and log...

  11. #11
    Steve80's Avatar
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    Its def possible. I lost 60 pounds over one summer, whicch is like 3 months. It was hard but I did it.

    Breakfast one slim fast bar with water
    Lunch one slim fast bar with water
    Dinner- healthy meal usually chicken and rice etc

    The trick is to take the smallest bites you can( so one bar will take you like 50-100 bites) and drink a huge glass of water with the bar. It will fill you up.

    Then run everyday. Once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and once at night.

    Also do light lifting with very high reps. Usually 5-10 sets per exercise with 50 to 100 reps per set.

    I know it sounds crazy but it works like you would not believe.

    EDIT- Being that you are 210 you may need to each 2 bars a meal.
    Last edited by Steve80; 03-27-2006 at 05:30 PM.

  12. #12
    SaintGJR7's Avatar
    SaintGJR7 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve80
    Its def possible. I lost 60 pounds over one summer, whicch is like 3 months. It was hard but I did it.

    Breakfast one slim fast bar with water
    Lunch one slim fast bar with water
    Dinner- healthy meal usually chicken and rice etc

    The trick is to take the smallest bites you can( so one bar will take you like 50-100 bites) and drink a huge glass of water with the bar. It will fill you up.

    Then run everyday. Once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and once at night.

    Also do light lifting with very high reps. Usually 5-10 sets per exercise with 50 to 100 reps per set.

    I know it sounds crazy but it works like you would not believe.

    EDIT- Being that you are 210 you may need to each 2 bars a meal.
    Not a flame mate, but im starting to think about how much muscle was involved in that 60 pounds, although good stuff for losing the weight and getting in shape.

  13. #13
    suckysucky's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Steve80]Its def possible. I lost 60 pounds over one summer, whicch is like 3 months. It was hard but I did it.

    Breakfast one slim fast bar with water
    Lunch one slim fast bar with water
    Dinner- healthy meal usually chicken and rice etc

    The trick is to take the smallest bites you can( so one bar will take you like 50-100 bites) and drink a huge glass of water with the bar. It will fill you up.

    Then run everyday. Once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and once at night.

    Also do light lifting with very high reps. Usually 5-10 sets per exercise with 50 to 100 reps per set.

    I know it sounds crazy but it works like you would not believe.

    EDIT- Being that you are 210 you may need to each 2 bars a meal.[/QUOTE
    u did that for the whole summer and still had enough energy to workout and run? I did "diets" like that, only for like 2 weeks at a time though and had absoletly no energy. That was when i use to wrestle and had to get back to my weight after football season. The hardest part is the first 4 or 5 days you are gonne be miserable then your stomach gets smaller and u dont neeed to eat as much and you get fuller quicker. Man i hated that sh't no wonder i only wrestled for 2 years. Football was the only thing that mattered anyway. ha

  14. #14
    Steve80's Avatar
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    Yeah it is really tough at first. After a while you get used to it, and you feel normal, not strving because your stomach shrinks.

    About the muscle, some I am sure was lost. However, I was a total fat ass prolly 30%+ body fat, with a huge gut. At the end of the summer I was toned had a 6 pack stomach and looked really good with 12% BF. My PE teacher said in 30 years teaching nobody has ever made a transformation like that. She said she never saw/heard of somebody reducing their BF that much in that time period and toning up so much.Nobody recognized me.

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