Hey whats up guys, a little bit of backround real quick...

I'm 20 years and have been training for about 3 years. I have gained about 40lbs from 135-175lbs. When I started my chest was like a V, pointy in the center and sloping down to each side, I didnt have any lats whatsoever and NO shoulders at all either...my arms werent big either

since ive been working out my chest has flattened out and now looks like a pretty nice size chest for someone of my size, my arms arent huge but for my body everyone says their pretty big. My legs have always been pretty built from playing soccer and several other sports for 15 years, of which i do not participate any more. My main problem is my shoulders and my lats. My shoulders on occasion look half decent but my lats NEVER grow at all. Ive tried tons of different workouts and nothing has seemed to help with my lats....This is my current workout which ive been doing for about 6 weeks and i dont know if its helping at all either....let me know if anyone has a killer lat workout that will make my back into more of a V shape instead of straight down like a pencil. With my lats the way they are I look totally out of proportion bc everything else is almost equivalent.

Lat Pulldows (front) 1 warmup set 3 working sets, heavy for 6reps
Wide grip Bent over rows- 3 sets all heavy for 6 reps
One-arm rows- 3 sets all heavy for 6 reps
seated rows- 3 sets all heavy for 6 reps
Lat Pulldowns (rear) 3 sets all heavy for 6 reps