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  1. #1
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    How often do you stretch your muscles?

    just wondering how often you guys stretch your muscles?

    personally, i do a couple warm up sets for a muscle, then stretch, and at the end of my workout, i stretch them again. i hold each stretch for about 10 seconds or more.

    once in a while, i'll stretch sometime in the day if a muscle is sore, or sometimes at night right before i go to bed to loosen up the muscle and try to help increase the blood flow for recuperation during my sleep.

    so, if i missed a point where any of you feel stretching is important and should be included, lets hear it.

  2. #2
    Timm1704's Avatar
    Timm1704 is offline Anabolic Member
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    from my research ive learned that the optimum time to stretch for flexibility is 30 seconds on a static stretch. 10 seconds is good for warm ups though. i used to stretch every muscle group each night before bed, 30 seconds each stretch, and then again in the day some time. i have not stretched properly for likely over a year. i know i should, and, ive started wrestling again, so am gonna have to step it up soon. anybody got any stretching routines that improved their flexibility?

  3. #3
    Myka's Avatar
    Myka is offline Made Of Sugar
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    I stretch PWO...and sometimes during the day if a muscle is sore

  4. #4
    soccer#3's Avatar
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    after every set.. if im playin soccer then i warm up do a light stretch then stretch thoroughly once im done playin

  5. #5
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timm1704
    from my research ive learned that the optimum time to stretch for flexibility is 30 seconds on a static stretch. 10 seconds is good for warm ups though. i used to stretch every muscle group each night before bed, 30 seconds each stretch, and then again in the day some time. i have not stretched properly for likely over a year. i know i should, and, ive started wrestling again, so am gonna have to step it up soon. anybody got any stretching routines that improved their flexibility?
    right, i know studies show that 30 seconds is supposed to be optimum, but i typically do 10-15secs for each muscle, and my flexibility is great. i used to spend the 30 secs as suggested, but after cutting down and not noticing any difference, i figure why bother, right?

    in response to someone elses comment in regards to stretching in between every set, i had tried this for a while at one point, and it actually hindered my gains. i think it's because every time you stretch, you hinder the muscles ability to contract, thereby taking strength away from the muscles. i had read from two different sources at one point during researching it that those results will tend to be consistent with most people, so i'd advise against stretching between every single set.

  6. #6
    KrooC's Avatar
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    just before workouts and when sore.... before bed isa good idea tho

  7. #7
    jagzman04's Avatar
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    I only stretch before I workout that muscle...say Im doing biceps, I'll stretch them out for a few minutes...then workout.

  8. #8
    Timm1704's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    right, i know studies show that 30 seconds is supposed to be optimum, but i typically do 10-15secs for each muscle, and my flexibility is great. i used to spend the 30 secs as suggested, but after cutting down and not noticing any difference, i figure why bother, right?

    in response to someone elses comment in regards to stretching in between every set, i had tried this for a while at one point, and it actually hindered my gains. i think it's because every time you stretch, you hinder the muscles ability to contract, thereby taking strength away from the muscles. i had read from two different sources at one point during researching it that those results will tend to be consistent with most people, so i'd advise against stretching between every single set.
    yeah if you are seeing the same results from stretching for 15 seconds then it must be sufficient. i will start experimenting with different routines and see how i fare. im not bad when it comes to flexibility, probably average, but, i cant souch my toes for instance, so lower body is definately something to work on

  9. #9
    Katelette81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timm1704
    from my research ive learned that the optimum time to stretch for flexibility is 30 seconds on a static stretch. 10 seconds is good for warm ups though. i used to stretch every muscle group each night before bed, 30 seconds each stretch, and then again in the day some time. i have not stretched properly for likely over a year. i know i should, and, ive started wrestling again, so am gonna have to step it up soon. anybody got any stretching routines that improved their flexibility?
    When I used to figure skate we had 2 hours of off ice training/day. One year the instructor for this made us stretch like madness and I've never been as flexible since. It was basically done post work out, we hit all the major muscle groups regardless of whether we worked them or not and held them for about 30 seconds. And every day we were pushed to stretch more/harder and challenge ourself instead of just doing the minimum.

    Personally, I'm going to start stretching at night, setting aside 30 mins or so and see where my flexibility is in a month.. it's not bad right now but I'm only doing bare minimum and I'm starting to notice it during my workouts.. added pain and uncomfortableness... I'll update you and let you guys know if it's helping.. if you 're interested..

  10. #10
    Timm1704's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katelette81
    When I used to figure skate we had 2 hours of off ice training/day. One year the instructor for this made us stretch like madness and I've never been as flexible since. It was basically done post work out, we hit all the major muscle groups regardless of whether we worked them or not and held them for about 30 seconds. And every day we were pushed to stretch more/harder and challenge ourself instead of just doing the minimum.

    Personally, I'm going to start stretching at night, setting aside 30 mins or so and see where my flexibility is in a month.. it's not bad right now but I'm only doing bare minimum and I'm starting to notice it during my workouts.. added pain and uncomfortableness... I'll update you and let you guys know if it's helping.. if you 're interested..
    definately keep us informed please sugar. i will start a similar thing tonight actually

  11. #11
    1buffsob's Avatar
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    Some women find it a turn on when you can do the splits. Others do not. They automatically jump to the conclusion you're a stripper.

    I need to start stretching again


  12. #12
    Tank75 is offline Associate Member
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    Flexibility is important not only for athletic training, but just for longevity in life. I always stress flexibility to my kids (I'm a coach) because if they cannot get into the proper bone alignment or sport-specific position, they will never get the desired results from any exercise they do... as computer geeks always say "G.I.G.O.... Garbage in Garbage out." You need to be able to get into the proper positions for a squat in order to reap the real benefits that a squat can provide.

    And just for general well being, I think that stretching can aleviate a lot of tension that people carry around in their body from the stresses of everyday life. Giving yourself the gift of a few minutes to rest, stretch, relax, and reflect about everything in your world is a gift worth giving to yourself.

    Just my thoughts...

  13. #13
    Hampton is offline New Member
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    I started stretching more after my workouts and I noticed a huge increase in my flexibility. I'm still relatively tight in the hamstrings, but I do a routine that has worked tremendously!!!

  14. #14
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
    FullMoonHowlingWolf is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    just wondering how often you guys stretch your muscles?

    personally, i do a couple warm up sets for a muscle, then stretch, and at the end of my workout, i stretch them again. i hold each stretch for about 10 seconds or more.

    once in a while, i'll stretch sometime in the day if a muscle is sore, or sometimes at night right before i go to bed to loosen up the muscle and try to help increase the blood flow for recuperation during my sleep.

    so, if i missed a point where any of you feel stretching is important and should be included, lets hear it.
    This is an excellent topic for discussion and good of you to bring up. I stretch 3 times a day, in the morning during a hot shower, 10-12 minutes in the sauna pre-workout and post work about 10-12 minutes in the steam room. I've never injured myself during a workout following my pre and post workout stretching. I hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds, as I've been taught to do by many chiropractors, physical therapists, yoga instructors, and personal trainers. Stretching is key, but when we are young, we don't feel the need to do it as long or as often. In time most learn the benefits that stretching brings.

  15. #15
    spound's Avatar
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    I stretch DURING every workout...I stretch the specific muscle group I just GOT DONE training. For instance, if I am doing chest and shoulders, I will stretch my chest after all my chest exercises, and then shoulders after shoulder exercises. I also stretch all leg muscles after every cardio session.

  16. #16
    Hampton is offline New Member
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    Here is the one I do...

    Stand in a straddle position. While keeping your knees slightly bent and toes pointed outward, bend for from the WAIST bringing your hands towards the floor. Keep your back flat. Stretch until you feel tension in your hamstrings. Hold 15-20 seconds and repeat twice.

    Same as above however, slowly bend from the waist bringing your chest to your left leg. Hold 15-20 seconds.

    Same as above, however slowly bend from the waist bringing your chest to your right leg. Hold 15-20 seconds.

    Sit up tall in a butterfly position. Press your knees toward the floor with your elbows. Stretch until you feel tension in the groin. Hold stretch for 15 seconds. Repeat twice.

    Lie on your back. Slowly pull one knee to the chest while keeping the other leg slightly bent. Pull until you feel a good stretch. Hold 15 seconds and repeat twice.

    LYING HAMSTRING STRETCH - (this stretch really isolates the hamstring)
    While lying on your back, slowly raise one leg to a 90 degree angle while keeping the other leg slightly bent. Your raised leg should be as straight as possible. To intensify the stretch, flex your toes toward your head. You will feel a stretch in your calves. Hold stretch for 15-20 seconds and repeat twice.
    *You may want to use a towel to intensify the stretch as well*

    Sit in a straddled position (V-sit). Bend forward from the hips, keeping your back as straight as possible. Your parter will apply pressure slowly placing their hands on your lower-mid back. Bend as far as possible holding the stretch for 15-20 seconds. Repeat twice.

    Lie on your back with both knees pulled to your chest. Your partner places their hands on the bottom of your feet and applies pressure downward towards your chest. Perform for 20 seconds and repeat.

    Lie on the floor. While the left leg is straight, your partner will take your leg and raise it to a 90 degree angle keeping your raised leg as straight as possible. Stretch for 20 seconds. Relax...then raise leg again while you push against your parter. Relax and stretch again for 20 seconds. You will get a good stretch in the hamstring. Repeat with the other leg.

    Lie on the floor with the soles of your feet together. Partner applies pressure to your knees downward. Stretch and repeat twice. You will feel the stretch in your groin area.

  17. #17
    theforce3169's Avatar
    theforce3169 is offline Junior Member
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    Stretching is very important, but just like my core muscles, I don't do it as much as I should. Furthermore, I get frustrated because I don't see much improvement in my flexibility, and, I still feel stiff anyway.
    It's difficult for me to keep my resolve and continue to stretch, but, I know that if I don't the stiffness would get worse.......
    I would love to see this topic grow, and more people discuss stretching. I feel as though I am not doing it properly, so I am interested in hearing from those who glean benefits from it

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