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Thread: training

  1. #1
    suprman09's Avatar
    suprman09 is offline Associate Member
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    Hello. I am just getting back into things and was wondering what some of you guys think. I used to work out 5 days a week.
    Day 1- chest
    2- shoulders
    5- biceps and tricpes

    About how many exercieses should be done for each muscle group? I know it may vary from each muscle. Any advice would be great. Thanks.

  2. #2
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
    FullMoonHowlingWolf is offline Senior Member
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    First off, how many years of experience do you have lifting? How long was your layoff? How old are you? What are your goals? Please fill out your profile, as this will help others answer your questions.

    Shoulders should not follow chest. Your muscles need optimal time to heal before they can be trained again.

    Here is an example for a five day training cycle:

    Day 1 - Chest
    Day 2 - Back
    Day 3 - Legs
    Day 4 - Shoulders & Tri's
    Day 5 - Biceps
    Day 6 - Rest
    Day 7 - Rest
    Day 8 - Repeat cycle

  3. #3
    suprman09's Avatar
    suprman09 is offline Associate Member
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    I have been lifting on and off for 3 years. The last time was about 6 months ago. I am 20, 5'11", 195. Looking to lose about 10 pounds and put on some muscle mass. Have some clen and m1t on hand, but waiting for the right time to use it. Any advice on how many exercies to do for each muscle group?

  4. #4
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
    FullMoonHowlingWolf is offline Senior Member
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    So you are going to try to lose 10 lbs first and then put on some muscle mass? If that’s correct, you can start doing empty stomach AM cardio for approximately 30-60 minutes maximum. This will really help you lose some weight quickly without jeopardizing too much muscle. You can add the ECA stack to this AM cardio and you'll see great results if your diet is good.

    As far as the number of sets goes, I would suggest starting slow since it's been six months since you last lifted. Work your way up to the following:
    For chest and back 10-12 sets each, shoulders 7-10 sets, biceps and triceps 6-8 sets each, and for legs 12-15 sets.

  5. #5
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    To find the proper trainnig split you would have to provide your age, bodyweight/fat, training experience...

    The split you put in your original post looks like somthing someone might do if they were prioritzing chest and shoulder strength and needed plenty of rest per muscle group due to a great amount of limit strength putting stress on his system... an all-around advanced lifter looking to focus on shoulders and chest.

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