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  1. #1
    juice4life's Avatar
    juice4life is offline Associate Member
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    Did I overtrain guys?

    I did legs on Monday night and usually do them towards the end of the week, but I'm trying to switch up my routine. I didn't do them last week at all because I wanted to give them a good rest before I changed up my training schedule. Well, I went really hard on them on Monday(I mean really hard). I was completely spent when I was done and felt kind of nauseus and drained. Well I got home, had my post workout shake and meal and then layed down for about 10 minutes on the floor. I got up and felt very sick and had a really bad headache, and very week. Almost like I had the flu or something. I had tons of heat radiating off my body, but I felt really cold in the shower so I had to take a really hot one. Well I went to sleep and had a very restless night. I woke up a few times feeling like I got hit by a mac truck. Well Tuesday morning I woke up and felt like I had a hangover( I haven't had one before but people have described them to me). By that evening my headache was almost completely gone and I felt pretty good. I worked out my chest, but by about an hour later I felt the same! I had the same sleep pattern last night and woke up today feeling the same except my legs are super sore from I'm guessing DOMS. I can hardly walk and I haven't ever felt like this before because of working out. Sorry for the long post but could I have overtrained in just that amount of time. I'm feeling better as the day goes by but it's still not good.

  2. #2
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    a van down by the river!
    yes, you overtrained. i did this when i was 16yold, i almost yacked in the gym and felt like shite for a few days after, so sore i couldnt move

  3. #3
    juice4life's Avatar
    juice4life is offline Associate Member
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    I'm starting to think now it's the flu or a virus or something. Did you feel week and had a slight temperature too?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    parked in yo momma
    training puts a lot of stress on your body so your immune system drops to about nothing when your in the gym. and when youre in a gym with lots of other people...pretty easy to catch somethin you dont want.

    only thing to cambat this is fruits and veggies and anything high in antioxidants...cuz when youre sick working out sucks. unless its test flu, then it feels great!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    F_ucken Two Bitches
    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    yes, you overtrained. i did this when i was 16yold, i almost yacked in the gym and felt like shite for a few days after, so sore i couldnt move
    i loved that feeling

  6. #6
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    from what you explained, it definitely seems like you overtrained. by the end of my leg workouts, i typically get a headache and feel like crap, but i take a little nap, relax for the rest of the night, and though my legs will usually be a little sore the next day when i walk around on them, it's bearable.

    saying as you didn't seem to overdo it that much, i'd say skip one or two workout days and go back to your routine. try to get lots of sleep and relax in that time.

  7. #7
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    a van down by the river!
    feeling sick after a high volume routine when you arent used to it is normal. take your time and add more volume in wk to wk and not alll at once.give your body a chance to get used to it

  8. #8
    need2bhuge is offline Junior Member
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    High lactic acid build up in the muscles can cause you to feel very sick. Lactic acid is what builds up and gives you the burn and in part causes your muscles to fatigue. If you do not stretch well after an exercise then there is a chance that the lactic acid may have trouble exiting your muscles. I would gradually work into a high volume workout like you did and try to avoid this situation again. It very well could be a real sickness too. A high intensity workout can lower your immune system like they said above and your body can be more suseptable to viruses. Eitherway, try strecthing and get some good meals in you. Hopefully your symptoms will subside.

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